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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. First look:

    1. Erm. It appears to be impossible to shoot Drivers and Gunners in some vehicles.

    edit: it appears as if the hitboxes of many of the unarmored vechiles is bugged. shooting the gunner on a US ARMY HMMWV kills the driver.

    can anyone confirm. It seems to affect Armored vehicles for me as well.

    1. Place yourself in editor

    2. Put an allied Car. For example a CDF UAZ with Dhskm

    3. Try to kill the gunner


  2. First look:

    1. Erm. It appears to be impossible to shoot Drivers and Gunners in some vehicles.

    edit: it appears as if the hitboxes of many of the unarmored vechiles is bugged. shooting the gunner on a US ARMY HMMWV kills the driver.

    2. Though hardly conclusive I found an AI (without specfic waypoints) hiding in a house.

    3. Has the BIS first aid module changed somewhat? It seemed to me that some slightly different animations were playing


  3. If you've got both-- why not try both? My finger is on the AMD.

    ATI cards are pretty decent these days; nvidia cards are unquestionably the industry standard and still deliver better and more stable drivers. Make no mistake. this is the arrogance of a longtime nvidia owner (who has owned and done troubleshooting on both ATI and nvidia cards speaking that is speaking.

    Provided there are no other snags or bottlenecks in your other hardware. An AMD @ 3.8ghz + a 6870 w/2gb RAM should deliver EXCELLENT performance in Arma2. Who am I kidding. It will provide BUURNING performance :)


  4. My gut reaction would say that the intel i7 chipset is technically superior to the AMD one. However in practical terms it gets a little more muddled.

    It was my belief that the i5 was the cheaper version of the i7; for approximate the same price you should be able to get a high end AMD BLACK edition quad core which should deliver a hefty chip.

    Its worth noting that since you are stuck with a ATi Graphics card-- AMD now owns ATI; which may be convenient when installing drivers and etc.

    My advice in short. For a cheaper 'mid' end PC; get AMD.


  5. You disappoint me Ollie1983. You ignore the obvious problem. The paper thin armour of Russian vehicles would crumble the very moment it started to rain-- not to mention upon trying to cross any river!

    And please. The myths of T34s clever construction principles, soviet expertise at combine armored-infantry operations, and the numbers deployed* reek of soviet fanboi'ism of the worst RUSSIA STRONG variety. I mean you are ignoring the obvious. Soviet Union was not the US. The PTA standard proves this in every way.


    *I went to an museum once where they had a surviving T34 on display. Yeah. you got that. ONE t34. There weren't hundreds of them. pretty much renders the numbers argument moot yeah. Sorry anecdotal at best cuz I didn't think to youtube it, but you'll have to take my word for it.

  6. Myke;1912859']Can some of the Admins please replace Unuldor's "Private First Class" with "Forum Hero"' date=' please?[/quote']

    Either that or make him into a named character for the next DLC/release/whatnot! I believe a Force Recon teamleader was suggested.


  7. SP? Certainly. The prefered way is to put them into your MPmissions folder and then start them as a local LAN game. In this way you can customize how many of the AI you wish to bring with you.

    Well actually the REALLY prefered way is with a bunch of mates in an online or LAN environment. All you need are two or three people and 20 minutes per mission. :)

    There are more LITE missions in the works; its just that I've been lazy and enjoying just 'playing' arma2 online.



  8. Another solution, is create a little EXE/MSI (that automatically finds the source download, the users installation folder, automatically detects their profile name, edits the config accordingly,) to download the update automatically. With this solution, utilities how addonsync and SixUpdate lose their meaning, everything would be simpler.

    Best Regards

    I think that the SixUpdate carries an impressive number of features, but suffers because it tries to do everything. As D3lta notes a single small-application relevant only for a specific mod-- particularly for the larger more elaborate mods -- would be great.

    Give us a simple UPDATE (preferably in green non-panicky letters) button, a SERVER BROWSER (that only shows mod-relevant servers), and perhaps a CONFIG and EXIT dialog and you are set.

    Distribute this with the mod; sit back and profit.


  9. yeah, remind me world deadliest sniper story/tactic/equipment - 90% kills with ironsight, 24% made my SMG.

    YOU're weapon, not iron, you handling in hand.

    BE deadly[not realy on hardware] !!

    Sniping during World War 2 didn't happen at thousands of meters. Think something in the nature of 150 to 300 meters-- with very odd shots out to 500+.

    According to interviews with the best (and surviving) german snipers they had about a 50% accuracy record. ie: Approximately every second shot proved deadly... and still they spent an inordinate amount of time setting up that shot-- and this was for the very best.

    Certainly there technology (and methodology) has improved since those days-- but this doesn't change the facts. And there are still some rather romantic views about sniping.

    On topic:

    Certainly having a grasslayer is better than having none at all?


  10. 1. T-Tanks are build for infantryy support and not for tank fights for that matterRussiaia has kornet at-14 and other stuff.f.

    2. And size is every thing in terms of tanks bigger tank means more space for armor, bigger gun more dmg/range.

    1. The idea that tanks can be replaced are a common, largerly abandoned belief, that originated from the time when the first wire-launched rocket systems proved workable. In the big picture about as relevant as the prevailent Airforce belief that they can win wars by themselves.

    2. Size means greater profile and signature. Greater fuel expenditure. Impossible logistical and administrative problems-- try moving a tank which is built wider than the railwaylines (insert reference about horses arses). etc etc

    The keys to armored warfare-- aside from technological parity or better still superiority and all the administrative bits (fuel, spare parts, ammunition, trained crew, food) seems to be INITIATIVE and having LOTS OF TANKS concentrated in an aggressive formation.


  11. 1. Yes. Its automatic. You don't need any commandline arguments-- unless you want to limit the number of cores used.

    2. Steam will update with the latest version automagicaly. If you apply the regular patch, this MAY disrupt future Autoupdates by steam-- but it shouldn't.

    3. Unlikely.

    4. Don't know. I run it on high. (1gig of video ram *shrug*)

    5. BIS engine has been used and updated since 2001. Its also being used for the next helicopter sim from this studio. Make of that what you will.


  12. I've seen this referenced in other parts of the forum, particularly the beta threads, and I think it comes down to how 1.59 handles clutter and vegetation.

    DirectX software tends to have shitty mouse interface and Arma2 has a less than perfect GPU-CPU handling scheme.

    A fix that MAY work is tweaking your prerendered frames. Either in your Arma2 configs or your driver setup. (if you've got nvidia)


  13. Yes and no.

    I've noticed that mouse input seems different in 1.59-- its pretty hard to put a finger on whats wrong. It really feels like the mouse is loosing ehh packets or even the sensitivity somewhat changing depending on the complexity of the scene.

    I've been gaming since forever and have done a lot of Quake DM/TDM, where mouse movement is excellent, so I'm pretty sensitive to this stuff. Also drivers are up-to-date, I've got a Logitech G9 mouse, and a kickin' CPU/GPU. Its not the hardware.


  14. Just curious. I have another game MP that will not work. Yet ArmaII stuff works.

    Ahh, there is more to it if you are trying to set up a Arma2 server. Apparently one must find a secluded place in the forest, with good view of a waxing moon, there upon a rock aligned with the nameless star; you must sacrifice a goat* whilst chanting the true words!

    "Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!"

    Only if you do this with regularity with true conviction shall your Arma2 experience be complete and bugfree.



    * Incidentally the goat must be a virgin as one unfortunate Welsh server admins discovered; the elder gods do not appreciate sloppy seconds.

  15. I've got a feeling that the blooming (retracting-expainding) reticule of the R6 and Ghost Recon (obviously pre GR:AW and Rb6:Vegas) would make for a brilliant gameplay. Well done crosshairs do more for gameplay than poorly implemented Ironsights.

    As it stands Arma2's ironsight system as a total package (models, animations, effect) are tolerable though hardly ideal. Unsurprisingly Sentrystudios Infiltration (on the UT engine) did a much better job. Well on most of the weapons.

    A good ironsight system must:

    - have natural and crip animations

    - have weapon models with actually easy-to-use ironsights. M16/m203 (poor) vs FN FAL (excellent)

    - be implemented in such a way that they are actually used!



    I still play Rogue Spear quite frequently.

  16. Ollie1983 has pretty much provided proof that the Soviet Union essentially didn't exist or measured as a military threat. I mean get real man. Modern day military equipment are all ranked by the universal manufacturers PTA* standard. Anything that doesn't measure up is obviously subpar.

    You want real conclusive proof. Look at Afghanistan. I mean the Soviet efforts in the nation left the nation in a right mess, and their invulnerable tanks obviously didn't give them victory. Here is evidence. Just look at how America and the coalition forces are dominating Afghanistan today. NOT AT ALL like how the Soviets bungled the effort a few decades back. I mean it all comes down to logic.

    Look we're trying to be academic and sensible about the issue. Don't go dragging books into the equation. Youtube, History Channel, or it didn't happen.

    - k

    * (manufacturers) Proximity to America; ranked 0(worst) to 1(best)

    edit: Incidentally the thread has veered far of course. Hard to keep a straight face with all this englightened discussion going on.

    edit2: Also try reading the entire post.
