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Everything posted by Richey79

  1. Richey79

    best place to download baf

    I think Bohemia are missing a trick here. I'm all for supporting Sprocket, but also ended up using GamersGate for BAF after hearing how long it was taking for people to DL from the Sprocket servers (at such heady speeds as 4kb/s). GamersGate DLd it within ten minutes @ the maximum rate my connection allows. Edit: The file you download for BAF has a rather unclear name, such as just 'click to install' (I'm not on the right PC to check). Do a search for 'GamersGate' and you should find it - iirc that's what the parent folder is called.
  2. I had exactly that when I first installed the Sprocket version of OA on top of already installed Metaboli version of A2. I think the only way to solve it was to reinstall - I think you only need to reinstall OA. Fixes the problem completely.
  3. Richey79

    DCS: A-10C Warthog

    Be warned that DCS' recent games have been at least as demanding as Operation Arrowhead system-wise.
  4. Richey79

    ARMA2 and Kinect

    The tech looks interesting in MS' adverts, but those who've actually had hands on tend to report that it's rather laggy. Look at the games being developed for it: MS seem to want to position it as a Wii with better graphics. Don't get me wrong, it'll be nice to be able to control your media from the sofa with gestures, but I don't think it's going to be responsive enough to be able to truly change the nature of a game like A2. Probably fine for tracking head turning if you're sat close enough, though. PS Move, on the other hand, is very responsive and a good piece of kit - having tried a mate's setup. It has the potential to be used with more serious games. Of course, you have to be prepared that you'll look like you're waving Ann Summers' latest product around your living room. Before accusations of bias, I own neither console, but do own and love TIR5 to bits. Would replace it tomorrow if it broke. Edit: Turns out Molyneaux' demos were BS, as are most Molyneaux projects.
  5. Richey79

    Imitation black hole.

    Nice link, 4 IN 1, I'm a big fan of Brian Cox's TV stuff and missed that when it was on. Amazing that Einstein came up with such ideas about the nature of time and space, working when he was. Must have seemed like total fantasy to most people. He had a great way with words, too. "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours - that's relativity."
  6. A real quality AI is about making the player feel they are facing something that might have a human mind guiding its actions. On this score, a successful illusion is the best you can hope for. Even a game like Chessmaster - that is clearly very well designed and has a relatively easy time, since the AI only have to act within the constraints of a fixed set of squares - fails pretty badly on this score. Try playing against an AI 'character' who is supposed to be rated 1400: amateur level. The AI will make some virtually-random moves in the early stages of the game, trade pieces aimlessly in the mid-game and then act like a mathematical genius with killer-instinct once there are only six significant pieces and pawns left on the board. It's got to be the toughest thing to get right in a game, and a good AI tends not to get you as much publicity as DX11 graphics. I don't tend to use it often, but I remember playing A2 with the SLX mod installed. Somehow, I'd got it running so that both friendly and enemy units appeared on the map. You could watch as the enemy units became alerted and then sent out radio commands for backup before pursuing where they thought we had last been. I was pretty impressed and just lay down and watched how the AI's actions unfolded.
  7. Imagine the lag between the driver and potentially four or more shooters in 'net based MP games. That would be my definition of cluster-loving.
  8. Reminds me of the days of trying to land this fella... I don't like gratuitous swearing in games. I feel that it detracts from the realism when overused, and it tends to be employed in a Hollywood macho way. See DICE's recent efforts for a text-book example of ridiculous comedy-swearing. Usually, the more poorly-implemented and over-the-top the in-game swearing, the more stringent the forum's swear-filter. If in-game swearing was anything like the way people swear irl, it might even add to the game.
  9. A lot of groups will be stoked for the in-game replay functionality. I'm looking forward to the properly implemented xm8s (even if they are virtually fictional) and the new map. Would be quite nice to see the PMCs classed as 'independent', rather than BLUFOR, IMO.
  10. Richey79

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74123

    Probably fixed, too. An impotent whinge aimed at ATI:
  11. Richey79

    Picdrop.net anyone?

    I agree. If the whole application is based on code that MS don't fully support, then there's no point in spending that amount of effort or compromise on the problem. With IE9 they seem to have made a conscious effort to make it look more 'Firefoxy'. There's even more screen estate than with FF, but that takes away a certain amount of ease of control from the user, and feels a bit condescending, tbh. Worst thing about IE is that it still tries to force you to use Bing. I know these things are fairly easily customised, but it feels like MS' coersion from the old days still rearing its ugly head. It's not awful like it used to be, and the 64 bit version seems to run pretty smoothly, but it's still always playing catch-up. Can't remember the last time I had only one internet browser installed on a machine, anyway (apart from at work).
  12. Richey79

    Picdrop.net anyone?

    I haven't followed the benefits of HTML5 too closely, but IE9 is supposed to support it - should be coming 'soon' (precise date unannounced). Picdrop doesn't work with IE9 beta, which is available now.
  13. Richey79

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Shares in EA apparently went down 6% in the wake of the crushingly average reviews the game has so far garnered. However, don't think, 'great, they'll have to come up with original ideas and quality content in future' too quickly. The same analysts say that shares in EA went up 15% in the period leading up to the release, as hype was built up for the game (and most of this movement was apparently attributed to this game). I guess the suits are looking for that perfect point at which the compromise between investment/risk and profitability. They may not be particularly upset by a bevy of 7/10 reviews, particularly if they managed to pick the right release window. - Does it piss anyone else off royally that they can't do global releases for these games? If I did have any interest in playing this game, it would really leave a bad taste in my mouth if I had chosen a download service, or lived in a country in which the game had not been released, and had to see other people - including the pirates - playing and spoilers posted online for five days or more. In the age of fast internet connections, there's no excuse, and it would be a great way for publishers to fight piracy.
  14. Richey79

    Picdrop.net anyone?

    Uploaded via PicDrop Was wondering if it can create forum-code and html. Guess that answers my question. Fast uploads, and a hell of a lot less corporate than most image hosting. So, yeah, I'll use it, since it works effectively using the KISS principle. Thanks for spreading the word, Marc.
  15. Richey79

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    I've been getting this for the last two betas: You swivel your head to look at an enemy dead body. As it comes into view, for a fraction of a second, you see the enemy alive and standing up before the engine calculates that he's dead and switches to the corpse state. Anyone else getting this? Of much less interest:
  16. Richey79

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    This is most welcome. I was using ATI Tray Tools before and still hadn't been able to force v-synch off. Every little bit helps with the framerate. Cheers, Bis.
  17. Richey79

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arma_Mountains MoH beta was one of the worst games I've ever had the misfortune to play. Uninstalled after about four matches.
  18. Absolutely true. I love TF2, but can't be bothered with L4D versus - the community's just too competitive for me. It's really interesting hearing what other games these devs enjoy and are (maybe) influenced by. Perhaps a bit of distance from the game you create is a good thing. I'm pretty sure that the Arma series is better for having people working on it who, for example, like Michael Bay films etc., than if all the devs were totally obsessed with military minutiae If you've got great researchers, a passionate eye for detail and an understanding of what will make an enjoyable experience for the target audience, maybe that's enough. Interesting quote from Suma. Seeing it as a job is more likely to sustain ten years of effort than personal interest.
  19. Karel Moricky interview LOL And we were complaining, 'the RR devs can't make a proper tactical shooter if they like to play L4D and TF2!' I tried the Sims 2 for about 20 minutes, because a (female) friend was totally addicted to it. It had an addon with zombies and vampires: took about fifteen minutes just to get off the start menu. Couldn't take any more after that. I think old Charles wanted to give the best example he could of a game with masses of community-built stuff, and maybe even had his tongue a little in his cheek. Does sound as if he genuinely likes the thing (can't bring myself to call it a game), though. Each to his own!
  20. I'm liking it a lot. Get a headache after a while from trying to spot the Cong amongst the vegetation, though :dead: . Now, the minor suggestions: - Would be nice to see the rucks usable in OA, since they're so huge. - Mosin Nagant rifle model's sight is not very usable. - Opfor tank (not the T55, t'other one). When you go as commander, first person view is pure white. When you 'turn out', you get a 100% view of the hatch. Evolution will be great fun. I hope someone in the community makes some TvT stuff using this mod. All humans / no AI would be really good. Cheers,
  21. !!!YES YES YES!!! But Armaholic is not here to announce it... No! No! No! Sorry to be a child, but this release feels like Christmas. Many thanks for the work! Edit - Armaholic's back. Thanks for the mirror, btw.
  22. Richey79

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    I love those photos posted by Kylania. Seeing female soldiers working in Afghanistan like this shows the Taliban exactly how much the systems of government they want to put in place are worth. Embarrasses them in front of the Afghan people in just the right way.
  23. Richey79

    Imitation black hole.

    Pretty cool. Since it's only an 'optical illusion', I wonder whether it is a step closer to someone being able to verify Hawking's theory that time effectively slows down closer to the gravitational pull of the singularity http://www.geekosystem.com/stephen-hawking-how-to-build-a-time-machine/. I'm guessing probably not, if this is only an optical phenomenon, even if it is able to produce 'Hawking radiation'. The suggestion of combining a black and white hole sounds a lot like Portal. Valve using Italian physicists' work as viral marketing for their forthcoming sequel?:don 14:
  24. Do addons need to go in the 'Expansion' folder for CO? I don't remember, as I run all my addons from other harddrives (to main install). So, for me it's -mod=I:\@okt_NoBlurBeta. Think your shortcut is right, but mod folder placement might be wrong for CO. Cheers for the correction, Oktane.
  25. Working fine for me with CO. Thanks for continuing to provide this, Oktane. It's absolutely my prefered graphical setting, and I think it makes for the best mix of performance / quality. Here's hoping that the automated builds save you lots of time and work.