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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    Advice for a newbie

    Hi and welcome to the community. You should be able to run it all maxed out for I am able to have fun that way and my rig is much "older" than yours. But make sure you did all patches at least up to 1.05. You might also try the latest beta patches. Have fun!
  2. Herbal Influence

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Yeah, from time to time, I feel the need to say 'Thank you' again. It's so amazing that BI games keep me away from doing any other games since 2001. And with OA I got the feeling of the famous ol' atmosphere of the first and one and only original BI - Operation Flashpoint again. Thank you! (I just read that the idea of BIS the one of immensely open games are goin' to get copied more and more by competitors of BI Studios now. Their marketing specialists will soon begin to betray the world saying that THEY invented this great idea. They will do a lot shiny covers, pay for 'good reviews' and people will get mislead. That's the world, many people would even sell their own mothers ... ). I hope that BIS will always be know of THE ONES who opened the virtual world of combat to people, like it says in my signature.
  3. Herbal Influence

    Why are you playing BIS games?

    I love the freedom - see my signature .... It's close to the feeling of freedom that Linux (Ubuntu) offers to me ...
  4. Herbal Influence

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Just got the info that Amazon (Germany!) will deliver it to me tomorrow!! Not that I like amazon. I recommend to use the more BI connected possibility with that link above. You can even get it faster that way, starting delivery at midnight as far as I read here.
  5. Herbal Influence

    Please make ArmA 2 avail for OnLive

    Sure THERE ARE people for quite everything like the VIAGRA-fishers with their spaming the whole wide world and only wanting 1 out of 1000 to buy their fucking fake meds. No need at all for commercialising quite everything. Seems like you are somehow commercially bound to Onlive and promoting that shit here because you only got a member here to promote a commercial idea of yours.
  6. Herbal Influence

    Beta build 71275 is up!

    Everythings fine, performance better during the last betas, but AIs are as difficult to command as before one, two patches. In simple Sector control mission they don't follow, they don't obey orders, they are so frightened that they stay behind enormous times and walks ssoooooo slowly ... I thought that this problem mas solved ... but it's here again ... :-(
  7. Herbal Influence

    live stream of Gulf oil leak

    Latest news (4.6.10): The shareholders of BP will NEVERTHELESS receive billions of payments ... Unbelievable ... The Guardian: Dividend Dilemma "The richer get richer, the poorer get poor ... that's how it goes" (quotation from "Everbody knows", song from Leonard Cohen)
  8. Herbal Influence

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    I think this is much more that "a great low-cost alternative to TrackIR". I think it's revolutionary because it is (like BIS Games) extremely "open": It is open to recognizing not only head movements but also movements of the - lips/mouth (shouting, silenced, feeling sad, grinning, receiving pain, speech adaption/simulation; for british: even a 'stiff upper lip' could be simulated :p) - eyes (even more visual options: one eye closed, both closed (two times = reload weapon), both formed to slits = could mean zooming in and standing still, etc. etc.) - eyebrows (to simulate "frowing", "pain", "astonishment", etc. etc.) - hands (on keyboard? raised? - to hiss the "white flag" = don't shoot = surrender :p) etc. etc. - shoulders (shrugging, hanging, raised, uneven (for leaning), turned (for turning the whole avatar corpse around) .... There's a lot to imagine .... And the new six core Cpu from AMD (socket: AM3, price: about a 200 Euros) will make it all run smoothlessly. :D Great idea, guys !
  9. Herbal Influence

    Aggressive Animals

    Did nobody read my post above? :-( We have hunting sharks already, don't waste your time and talk nonsense about missing skeletons etc. ...
  10. If you consider the vast complexity of BI games and their openess for each and everything i.e. if you would understand this kind of game design, you wouldn't pose such questions. If you are looking for "perfect" games / missions you are a candidate for Apple or other "closed" hard- and software. I am so thankful that errors are possible for they are a sign of the openness of the game/mission: You can do things not even a few hundred testers did think of. That's great - at last for me. And since 2001 - see my signature.
  11. Herbal Influence

    Aggressive Animals

    Why not use this one?
  12. Crash after 2 hrs of online gaming with 70100 and a bit slower in general. But much better AIs which is nice.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Kudi Island (WIP)

    Now I did a travel around the new Kudi and it's quite fascinating. I like the idea of villages being in OFP-Style others in Armed Assault style and the ones in Arma2-style - it's like doing all three games at one time. :-) I can't wait to have a deathmatch in the football stadium - hope I find the time to develop a nice one ... ;-)
  14. No sorrows (no microstuttering, no big increase of fps, maybe even the loss of 2 or 3 - didn't realize anything like that) here after about a 3 hours of crcti on Everon with newest beta. So: I am happy with the many improvements made!
  15. Herbal Influence

    do other countries get offended?

    I am fascinated by the serious and interesting discussion here. It once again raises the feeling of being in quite an adult community of cogamers - not to mention the technical genious aspects of it all. And it's nice that BIS games allow to create every scenario thinkable - so the community creates mods/missions with their very own view of things. And these views may differ like in real life - that's impressing, that's impressive. And I made peace with myself concerning the fact that we are - in Armed Assault and as it seems in Operatons Arrowhead - fighting in countries that aren't well developed (in the financial and material aspects) for one reason: Watching war in the news in Iraq/Afghanistan I feel the need to overcome the feelings of being helpless and just a dumb watcher at it all in my velvet seat by doing some fights in the evening. Just as a small and a-bit-therapy-like acting in the world that we are unable to change at all. I know my grandfather (and my (more idealistic) girlfriends) would want me to act more effectively (politically!) - but I do see no chance at all. It's my way of mingling with the bad world in a way that helps my brain & soul getting along with the bad facts of everyday news. Just a piece of psychological/philosophical report on my state of gaming - thoughful - after you (and me) have, as far as I can see - answered the threadstarters question.
  16. Herbal Influence

    do other countries get offended?

    I have no moral problems whereas my grandfather would never play this game for he has survived a real war, WWII, being not a Nazi, though we are German. I am happy that also the subtle coldwar has ended. Before Gorbatshov, the Pope and the Solidarnosc in Polonia and last but not least the East German people opened the iron curtain there was a lot of subtle ideology: In every media may it be video games or movies: West guys were always good looking, suntanned and heroes and the sun was shining whereas East guys looked like criminals and had rainy, nasty wheather all the time. I think we should stay aware of that kind of media "racism". As much as we should realize that e.g. TOP GUN with shiny-pseudo-smart Tom Cruise was supported by the US Government like every Hollywood movie who throws a positive light on US military - they get the inevitable military equiment for no costs or very low costs. At last that is what I read on the internet. This means: No critical mass-attracting-film is possible without this massive help from the US military for it's immensely costly to hire up-to-date military equipment.
  17. Herbal Influence


    Wow - fascinating! Very well done! Reminds me of the one who created circling flies over dead corpse after some time ... Genious!
  18. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Sure they did. They just didn't have the time we have had until now. Lemme think they are a 5 for just testing/gaming - 14 days x 5 = 70 days of testing. We are a 5.000 active gamers x 300 days = 1.500.000 days of testing. (AAaaallll very, very roughly estimated ... ) And you sure know that the silliest people find the biggest bugs? They behave like a serious gamer wouldn't even think of. It's an immensely complex game, with open ends per definitionem and people cry: Hey - I am hanging in a tree with a parachute, cannot finish my mission! Bug, bug, bug! Money back, money back !! :eek: Leaning back in their velvet fat consumer sofa ... I don't give a damn about those. They should really do some arcadish BF. The complexity of open games like BIS creat them is really nothing for those.
  19. Herbal Influence

    ARMA 2 a great game why so underrated?

    Read here to find out a hundred thoughts on your threads title ... ;-)
  20. Herbal Influence

    Whats up with the PvP??

    The solution for the PvP-missing problem is here: CTI Golden Army. Much faster than a normal CTI - a good possibility to be fast in and use an enormous amount of material! (I am online with this now in about a 15 min - get in at "Herbals" Server).
  21. Herbal Influence

    Crcti golden army

    Guys - don't forget this mission! It's a solution to all the PvP-missing people.
  22. Herbal Influence

    Whats up with the PvP??

    I think the feature JIP is the reason why PvP is no more the favourite gaming mode on public servers though I am absolutely only a PvP-Fan. If you do PvP you really need steadily connected human enemies whereas a Coop-thingie can be done alone or with people coming and going.
  23. Herbal Influence

    Vilas pack is here. The most recent version.

    Yeah, but he got only banned for two weeks .... and I think banned people are still visible in the members section?
  24. Herbal Influence

    Vilas pack is here. The most recent version.

    But Vilas himself left the building? Cannot even find him under Community Members (search function) anymore?