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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yeah ... it was all wrong. Flarmapoint made us add about a ten pages to this all by just his talking nonsense .... what can he do now? I bet he changes his name and returns as Flarmapoint 3? Wolle, pls give him a break. He isn't into AA2, he isn't into us, he will not be into Dragon R., he is into flaming forums.
  2. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What is the advantage of "making it to the consoles"? I don't want a console and I don't want small kids to play it at all. Well intelligent behaviour of AIs is quite cpu - consuming and if the server isn't up to date, indeed you see them seemlingly confused. But if CM "dropped a lot" for "literally no lag", there is little left and little hope for the AIs. And ... it's interesting to hear you speaking "literally" - did you play the game already? It has the touch of judging "objective" and on a fair basis to me. So tell us, if you did. For otherwise you are speaking ... like the whole fanboys just out of the blue about a game we only know advertisings from. And the worst: Advertising is going more and more that way "we will not have xy". And this at a time where many fans already preordered the game. That's simply stupid or "completely tardish". Set yourself as CIVI in between a match of two groups of AIs (BLUFOR vs OPFOR inf). Let there be a building between them and watch. What you will see is close to a real life war scene between humans - indeed also with human failures like not taking cover properly or even friendly fire. And to program this you need a vast amount of code and you need a very fast cpu to execute it, even without graphics: What you see in that smallest experiment is something none of us will have ever seen before or will see later (if you don't film it.): Each individual soldier reacts to it's individual environment (perpective) with his individual (skilllevel) character and his special weapons. He thereby reacts to actions of his co-AIs and decides on that basis what to do next. They sometimes seem to flee .. .. but wait, they running up from behind the enemy line ... LOL ... there is not a minimal chance the misusers of the name "operation flashpoint" (my personal opinion) are able or even will realize this. But you said it: Stick to the kids consoles ... and leave a happy mature audience behind. I think, it has been said a thousand times in this forum: Noone wants to hold people who simply want a crash-boom-bang-game. And if CM achieves to realize that indeed nice graphics and sound in their advertising trailers: Mature gamers wouldn't be interested either. We enjoy nice graphics and sounds, but we like to dig more deeply. Just my experience with the community.
  3. Herbal Influence

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Badly coded ... Did you ever see the code? No, you have not. Would you be able to evaluate the code when you could see it? No, you would not. So .. what are you exactly doing. You comparing "games" where you push left mouse button to have a big bang. That's all they have in common. Did you ever understand what a an open-world-game is? Did you ever understand what a complex structure an open-world-game is? I am not sure about this. But you are posting like you would do understand that. This game is sure much better than you may ever know. And you simply "forgot" that AIs behaviour consumes a lot of cpu power. They react individually to their individual environment "seen" by them individually in every single second. Part of this environment are other AIs behaving individually on their own in relation to their current "task" and their individual environment. In every second and less of it - you got it? Feeling a bit in a circle? Yeah - and that's what a cpu does feel too. But the outcome is quite overwhelming right now and will be more in the future. Just place yourself as a CIVI on the tower at Utes airport and place left and right a group of OPFOR and BLUFOR. A fight of more than *long* ten minutes may arise ... and you may see that they act like intelligent individuals. They hide, they run up from behind ... they wait and they rush. You probably will never know how complicate it is to program a computer "doing" such things and how cpu-consuming this is. But give it a simple, small try. Deliver us your optimized code ... and we will review it.
  4. Herbal Influence

    I dont care what anyone says this game is great!

    Very truely said! Take a look at my signature - games of this great-open-world-type can't be without bugs. You wanna be close to real life and(!) immensly open? So it will have it's bugs ... like my espressomachine for example :o or my Porsche or the bus/train coming later then expected. :( And look http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=84477 how early and how many people found the wish to be just thankful - as I truly am. Last night I did a few hours with more than 50 vs 50 ... (Berzerk/Domination) on a battlefield that had much to be reduced in largeness ... so expect the most, but don't treat BI games as comparable to BF2, "OFP" Dragon Rising ... it's just another categorie.:) And it was fun ... there with a hundred gamers ... but if there weren't also the possibility to play AA2 in a complete different manner ... or to add my instantvisionideas into the editor ... I wouldn't like it even to play that. I love it, because it was made in cooperation with the community itself and the missions we actually do are mostly a product of the community too.
  5. I wouldn't be too optimistic for the new AI abilities need cpu a lot. And I like it. I wouldn't like BI to go beyond again. And for Dragon Rising (I deny to call it "OFP") news of today was, that it will have no dedicated server hosting, meaning you can only play with certain friends. And last not least, I cite whisper:
  6. Herbal Influence

    a bit of FAQ for a newbie

    teamleader can be as well an AI smaller, yellow dots: friendly inf units bigger, green dots: friendly vehicles at last in: Bennys warfare
  7. Herbal Influence

    a bit of FAQ for a newbie

    hm ... you cannot take it tooo seriously, I fear. ;-) But it's not about leaning back and having it all done for you. Don't get me wrong, but nobody wants to pay the commander who gives you a hand ... available at all time ... than be it yourself. In BI games it's all about **you** to **act**. It's just still a vast temporarily evading storm on AA2-servers still. Many, many newbies .... even mature gamers are playing in a clan or get frustrated like you. But it's getting better each day. But you gotta talk to the people. Best sure is to get into a clan - easy to scroogle.com and you even find them here in certain threads. But again about the slot taking issue: Mostly you can freely chose even in a running game when in the lobby. I know that Berzerk-Server: Most newbie gamers get attracted first to it, because it's so full - but that hinders a good communication completely. Get in small missions and try to cooperate with chatting ... sure, it's better in the evening because most mature players aren't online during the (european) daylight times.
  8. Herbal Influence

    Some help?

    Sure there is a High Command mode ... or are you talking just of the Campaign? Campaign .. it's just a trailer to the whole universe of AA2.
  9. Herbal Influence

    a bit of FAQ for a newbie

    You will have taken a slot that was used before. The gamer changed things and left. It's easy to open up a fresh game on most servers: - take one thats without gamers - type #vote admin YOURNAME - type #missons - choose misson by clicking - maybe set some parameters offered - by clicking - go - kick those who come on server and don't say "hello" but treat you as a robot ;-) by typing "#kick nameofAUTISTSticbehavingcreature (it's a social task to do that; but beware of kicking server owners ... it may have harmful effects .. ;-)) just use chat on global channel ... depends on the mission & and on the question whether natural gamers have overtaken command - just chat ingame you can edit this all when starting the mission, for example in Bennys warfare, but it may me otherwise in other missions there sometimes is (in "evolution" for example), but it depends on the mission depends on the mission you chose or entered into lol ... depends on the mission Hey - this is a BI Game ... see my signature ... everything is free ... and it may be overwhelming ... in the beginning ... ;-) No problem. Just ask.
  10. LOL ... good idea! Did I say the only thing we need are strict admins?
  11. Herbal Influence

    Arma 2 dedicated server for freebsd/linux/etc.

    Linux is the past and the future, BI, come on. Now that OFP:DR will be down, http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1452477&postcount=3577 you will get all the money in the world! ;-)
  12. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Wow thats news, guys. Unbelievable that they still claim to deliver a sequel to Operation Flashpoint from BI. But what said my brother lately (in a discussion about the world financial crisis)? Look, he said, there are people in the market who would sell their own mother just for profit.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Rabbit Hunt

    Nice idea ... I almost got nervous about all the rabbits in the fields ... eating my herbals ;-) But where's the mission?
  14. Herbal Influence

    Opinions on Island

    Great! Can't wait to have a cti on it ... But is it due to postprocessing that some things of the landscape don't look sharp? (Postprocessing ingame makes me get slight kind of headaches after some time).
  15. I love BI games because they are that "open". They match very good with Open Source Software therefore. Signed.
  16. Herbal Influence

    Peripherals used. (multiple selections)

    Does anybody have experience with http://www.free-track.net/english/ ? It doesn't cost anything and is Open Source. EDIT: sorry, seen there is a lot about it, like here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1419395&postcount=20 and here http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=58477#58477
  17. Herbal Influence

    what is this game ?

    Yeah, close to always Multiplayer ... at the time I do a lot Warfare ... but there a continiously more than 20 servers open for me to join ... last night I played 46 vs 48 gamers (Domination). So what do you mean by ... "nobody was there" ?
  18. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Thanx for the tipp. I was always too reluctant to do that. But as for now I do more and more AA2 and get shot only in OFP anymore. ;-)) But as it still happens lmao and hope the enemies does so too ... and can't shoot me anymore ;-))
  19. Can you be more specific? I spent a great time in OF, AA1, AA2 jets already. Sure there is still (and will always be) a lot to optimize I love to see the evolution of it. No offence ... but looking at that BF jet videos above my immediate association was this Didn't know BF was that arcadish. Hope it's because videos are from 2008.
  20. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Anybody else that can't understand that there are *seemingly* fans of DR while the only thing we know about that game is that they *try* to use that good name + game from BI and offering a promotion video and several rumours about how it will be ? I don't understand that. The very core of a game is it's developers (BI) not the pure publishers ... (CM). The developers from OFP have gone lost for CM. As far as I know they don't cooperate anymore. They did their own thing again: AA1 and AA2. I really cannot understand someone who clings just to the name CM still only holds for pure legal reasons ... Would I buy a Mercedes from a marketing group knowing it is only called Mercedes for legal reasons but has in no way connections to Mercedes but the wish to be a reduced copy of it? :confused: ---------- Post added at 09:36 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ---------- It's easy to produce *nice* videos. It's very difficult to develop a deeper gaming experience. It will be difficult to get that certain experience if you spend too much time on other games. BI games certainly need (I love them for this) quite all your time & attention to get to the core of it. And it's overwhelming and since 2001 a great experience to me. I am hassling still with just only the little changed keyboard settings when turning from some hours of OFP (original) to AA1 or AA2 ... You may recognize me ingame as I hit "v" for ironsight (in OFP and AA1) and therewith making a funny jump (AA2) and getting headshot ... ;-))))
  21. Herbal Influence

    what is this game ?

    I just got the info from Placebo that only Mods can change thread title. If you ask'em, they sure do something about it.
  22. Herbal Influence

    Logged out too fast

    Everytime I really read a long thread ... taking 10 - 15 minutes .... I got automatically logged out by the system. :mad: Is this normal to all users? I find it quite enerving to log in again and again ... :confused:
  23. Herbal Influence


    There is no MHQ in ARMA. There might be one in user made missions like Evolution. Got the difference? If not take a look at my signature.
  24. Herbal Influence

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Wow - thats quite an ol' clan ;-) - I wouldn't have thought of this but I like it. Hope you're doing well, especially your backs.