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Everything posted by VanhA-ICON

  1. Either that or use this: ArmA edit
  2. I don't think a god mode is necessary. The way that I like is to change player as enemy side to stroll around area and check the positions. The objectives can always be checked via separate radio trigger. (Of course one type could be useful with god mode and that is checking the "detected by" trigger functionality.)
  3. VanhA-ICON

    co12 Hijack

    New version released (1.1) See top post for details. I will leave this now and continue with other mission projects. Thank you all for interest and support. The new revive version should fix that problem m8. (mi hopes)
  4. VanhA-ICON

    Revive Script

    This is also most common glitch that we encountered 3 times last time whilst playing. Followed a team-mate with camera when he was on the way to revive me. He got shot and I lost control of all buttons. Could not Esc from it so had to boot the whole game and then come back.
  5. VanhA-ICON

    Group/base respawning

    It should be in "My Documents/ArmA2/missions" folder. Check if you have also "ArmA2 Other Profiles" folder as I do.Maybe you've saved it in there?
  6. VanhA-ICON

    co12 Hijack

    Well, I kinda like the new system where one can freely choose an objective and get a waypoint for it.. The objective order is a tad confusing for mission maker since they have to be listed as "final objective first". Game is still young and lot to learn. :D med vennlig hilsen VanhA
  7. VanhA-ICON

    co12 Hijack

    Mission updated as v1b See top post for details. Big thanks to norrin for kind help :)
  8. I have a problem as well. Works great in editor but no option appears when moved to dedicated server. Maybe I could try to synch it with a "server" game logic as well?
  9. VanhA-ICON

    co12 Hijack

    Thank you very much. :) Not much I can do about revive now but when norrin get's it more sorted out, I'll be sure to upgrade it later. More to be released...stay tuned ;)
  10. It's a long shot so to speak but I'm just trying it this way: (Only applies when using norrins revive script & not tested yet) In revive_init.sqf you can find lines where to add commands after revive/respawn Could this solve something?
  11. Squad name - International Coalition Of Nations (ICON) Timezone/location - GMT - UK based (members from EU & US) Squad gamemode preference - coop Contact email - kampfgruppenord@hotmail.com Website address - ICON SQUAD
  12. VanhA-ICON

    co20@ Under Fire

    My latest mission for ArmA. *Requiers Queens Gambit. *1.14 I released this earlier in armaholic but I had some hassle with my account here so I registered again...:rolleyes: Description: Prince of Sahrani has been on vacation escorted by a US recon team.Sudden artillery shelling abrupts the day and all hell breaks loose. Partisans have fortified themselves on Isla del Vassal and Isla del Vida where they bombard us from a distance. Team Alpha will escort the prince to safety and then join team bravo for an assault to take care of the threat. Features: *Mando hitch *Bombardement *BAS_f *Satellite view *UPS *Revive AI-disabled Download from HERE *Recon leader has the option for spawn tent *Only pilots can fly harriers / choppers are flyable for everyone *One can airlift ammocrates & boats with choppers