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About GenghisKhan

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. So I dont have to reinstall Arma 2? I just download that and let it do its thing?
  2. So does anyone know do I have to reinstall Arma 2 now that I have used that drag and drop method?
  3. Well obviously he doesn't know what hes doing. I blindly followed this as my friend said it worked for him. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out on what to do. I don't have much knowledge on programming etc. so I was really confused by the six-updater.
  4. Why is it bad? What do you suggest I do to update? Do i have to reinstall? ---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ---------- Can someone please give me a step by step guide on what to do? Is there ANY way to update ACE 2 with the method I have installed it?
  5. Hi I installed ACE 2 with this method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0imM1RV-1k4 Because I could not figure out the six-suite installer thing. Now I realise there are updates being released every few days for ACE 2 and I am wondering how I update my ACE 2? And I still appear to be able to play on ACE servers even though I am not updated to the latest version. Please help me understand this.
  6. GenghisKhan

    18 FPS when grass enabled?

    if you want to learn how to overclock, go to www.overclock.net. I tried turning off AA... I get about 30FPS now.. A lot better.. But still LOTS of room for improvement.
  7. On multiplayer servers, I am getting an extremely dissapointing 18-25 FPS when grass is enabled.. I run everything at high except for terrain which is at normal. 1920x1080. I even backed my res back to 1440x880 and it did nothing for FPS. Changing settings does nothing either. I have: Q9550 @ 3.6ghz GTX 260 Superclocked 4Gb G.Skill Whats going on? Seriously, its getting really frustrating.
  8. GenghisKhan

    Patch 1.03?

    Because we all know recommended requirements are accurate, right? Look at it like this, minimum requirements are just enough to turn the game on, while recommended requirements will let you run the game at minimal FPS. When BIS finally optimizes the game a bit better, you will still be stuck at your shitty 25-40 FPS, while our "$4000" systems will be soaring past 60. Where did you pick that figure from anyways? Your ass? In the end, you should just stop bullshitting us. We know you're shitty computer doesn't run it as well as you are making out. This is unless or course, you have a 15 to 17 inch monitor. That would explain it.
  9. GenghisKhan

    Patch 1.03?

    While I agree most games out suck right now, I think you need to relax. The game is decent. I agree it pisses me off too, but give it time. Hopefully there will be some patches in the near future. If they fixed the fucked up lag problems in servers, the game would be good. Seems like every server I play in crashes after 20 minutes. I dont know if thats a problem with the servers themselves or the coding.
  10. GenghisKhan

    Patch 1.03?

    Seriously.. A 64 x2???? what is that guy smoking. And 4850 is a mediocre graphics card, but that POS CPU still probably bottlenecks it. Im sick to death of people on here claiming their shitty systems can play it at a constant 50FPS maxed out when its simply just not true.
  11. GenghisKhan

    Patch 1.03?

    Overclocking your CPU can give drastic performance increases in game. Especially in a game as CPU intensive as Arma 2. Stop talking about what you don't know. And why would you need a 10,000RPM HDD? 7200 is plenty. The most 10K will do is speed up your loading times a bit. And I highly doubt you get 40-60 fps ALL the time. I get 45FPS average, but it has dropped to 20-25 in very intense situations before. My set up is: Q9550 @ 3.5Ghz GTX 260 Core 216 700/1490/1075 (Performs better than my friends stock 280) 4Gb OCZ Blade 500gb 7200 Seagate XP
  12. GenghisKhan

    I Dont understand why....

    My CPU isnt overheating... I get like 50 under load... I have checked while playing Arma 2. As for object detail, I have tried every possible combo of settings. ^ If you are getting 30FPS on a i7 and a 295 then i dont feel so bad. 30 FPS seems LOW for your system.. Thats what I usually get.
  13. GenghisKhan

    I Dont understand why....

    cmon someone help me here.. please...
  14. GenghisKhan

    I Dont understand why....

    ^ what drivers are you on? and what resolution/settings? I am on 185 drivers and I have a clean copy of windows installed/reformatted a week ago.