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About prosthetics-dot

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    Trainee at Joanneum Research
  1. prosthetics-dot

    more accurate while standing than crouching?!

    that is actually true. I haven't had the chance to play Arma2 until now, so I thought it might use the above mentioned position. Kneeling down is a way to improve accuaracy, but it it is very static. If you spot a target on your flank you have to move your legs before you can actually take a proper shot at your target.. Many games portrait the soldier like if he was able to slide sideways with his knee in this case. I don't know how ArmA2 handles this stance, but in real combat you don't use this stance if you want to remain mobile.
  2. prosthetics-dot

    more accurate while standing than crouching?!

    During my time in the Austrian army (Infantry for 6 months) we learned that crouching is used mainly for reducing your size in battle, making you a harder target to hit. Shooting while crouching for a longer period than a few seconds sucks, because you are not as stable as in a standing or a prone position.