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Everything posted by Kochleffel

  1. Kochleffel

    DAO berzerk i was banned why?

    i made a vote, u can choose the way of the Berzerk Server. votelink
  2. Kochleffel

    CAA1 public release

    start the launcher dont press okay go to the settings of the launcher and press reset. problem should be solved.
  3. Kochleffel

    DAO berzerk i was banned why?

    thx for this post, we are planing to change one big server to two small server´s. what i see is the poor feedback from the community.
  4. Kochleffel

    CAA1 public release

    repack, load all files ones more?
  5. Kochleffel

    CAA1 public release

    added 50mbit for seed, but when finished u can download over Http singlefiledownload!
  6. Kochleffel

    CAA1 public release

    ähm, -mod=x\caa1\ArmA_PlantsClassic;x\caa1\ArmA_Campaign_Animation;x\caa1\ArmA_Objects;x\caa1\ArmA_ObjectsCTI;x\caa1\ArmA_VehicleFeatures;x\caa1\ArmA_Vehicles;x\caa1\ArmA_WorldIntros;x\caa1\ArmA_Worlds;x\caa1\Extra_Worlds;x\caa1\QG_Objects;x\caa1\QG_Worlds;x\oac\oac_core re there is not enough room in the shortcut. i copied all content in one modfolder, it works but is it a clear way to work, when i put it on the server many people will download it.
  7. Kochleffel

    Server Crash

    Hi, my server crases until Missionvote.. here the line from the server.rpt Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 008A128C someone saw this before?
  8. Kochleffel

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Correct the German UI for the Administration remove the pbo assotiaton make it possible to delete the mpmissions who are given (deathmatch for example) RU flag ocurred an errormessage... fix AH-64 windows to strange (4mp5 magazines same spot)
  9. Welcome Kochleffel i see before the Intro starts. then noting more.
  10. " sleep 3; titleText [format [""Welcome %1 "", name player], ""PLAIN""]; sleep 20; while {true} do { hintSilent ""Checkout DAO.nu""; sleep 10; hintSilent ""WE run Teamspeak 3 ""; hintSilent ""Checkout DAO.nu""; sleep 10; hintSilent ""Checkout DAO.nu""; sleep 10; }; " call CreateLogicCode; this i used for test. it reply´s only Welcome Kochleffel... i think there is a conflict with the Berzerk script in bis mission´s it seem´s that it work.
  11. Kochleffel

    CAA1 public release

    Yoma addonsyc cant find the 7z file, i tried another on the Same Host but the Game doesnt load caa1. When will the Final relaised? And is there a file with the whole classnames like arma 2 Class libary?
  12. i dont know what this is thats reply´s after my connect in the Rpt file. okay ahm it return´s Welcome Kochleffel, is it possible to write this in the Chat?
  13. 2009/12/21, 14:57:15 Error in expression <server globalChat format['Player is joining > 2009/12/21, 14:57:15 Error position: <globalChat format['Player is joining > 2009/12/21, 14:57:15 Error Fehlendes ; 2009/12/21, 14:57:15 Error in expression <server globalChat format['Player is joining > 2009/12/21, 14:57:15 Error position: <globalChat format['Player is joining > here it is... the rpt file has an delay..
  14. me to doenst run, server rpt no output about it.
  15. Hi, can someone explain we what this part is for: // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected=""; // self-explaining onUserDisconnected=""; doubleIdDetected="";
  16. Kochleffel

    DAO berzerk i was banned why?

    Hey Jonny, found this Post: u got banned by ed because your ping was to high ingame.
  17. Kochleffel

    Pingcheck with autokick function.

    i made a a tracker on Dev. heaven! http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7139
  18. Kochleffel

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    please add here following: Lock/unlock the Server Monitor 1/0 and when i enter my passwort and hit return nothing happens :confused: and my pingcheck
  19. Ping 2500 is a firewall problem, the port is not open!
  20. the problem with so much Player´s is to handle the respawn and the Weapon selecting.. when a menu will come to AAS for weapon selection then i think about it to take it on the server. best way will be a mission similar to Berzerk.
  21. Kochleffel

    Need more HOLD servers

    its Called DAO, that is what u can Put in the filter, there is a Testserver from us to. located in Germany alway´s up only hold
  22. Kochleffel

    Community Owned PVP Servers thought

    i have resources free for one more PVP Server, if u are intressted, write a mail to me: Kochleffel@dao.nu
  23. i use the same and it works!
  24. Kochleffel

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Make the chat logable :mad: