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Everything posted by -45Cdo-Kotp

  1. -45Cdo-Kotp

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Really looking forward to this having looked at your Blog site keep up the good work. Always nice to play something different with Arma and your models look extremely good indeed :bounce3:
  2. Have received a problem when putting some DAC Camps into my mission which is related to the following script call check from the DAC_Config_Camps.sqf. Default { if(DAC_Basic_Value != 5) then { DAC_Basic_Value = 5;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value"; hintc "Error: DAC_Config_Camps > No valid config number"; }; if(true) exitwith {}; }; }; Can someone who knows a bit about scripting explain to me what this means please. :( Many thanks.
  3. Tried this last year on here but with very little interest. So this time I have managed to setup a sponsor of the tournament who will be awarding monthly prizes for the top 3 managers and overall prizes to the top 3 managers which include a first prize of 2 Free Tickets to the Champions League Final in Allianz Arena, Germany in 2012. :butbut::butbut: Free to enter, so why not chance your luck and give it a go. More information about this competition can be found <link removed> Oh you must be 18+ to enter.
  4. Hi , im currently at completion of a mission I have been making for a number of weeks and to try and tidy everything up I am enquiring whether it is possible to delete a trigger i have placed down on the map after it have been activated. Basicly my mission has a large number of custom voice files that are played using a script called from a trigger becoming activated. Obviously if someone Joins In Progress and we have passed through a number of these triggers they will automatically hear All the voices that have been played due when they spawn in. So my question is basicly once a trigger has become activated and the script has been called to play the voices required, is it possible to delete the trigger and thus stop the sound files playing for new people that JIP ?
  5. -45Cdo-Kotp

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I've got his address if you want it ? PM for the Fee :bounce3:
  6. Found the answers. =faction&options[sort_by]=name&options[faction]=&options[vehicleclass]=Armored"]http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_vehicles/classlist?version=50&commit=Change&options[group_by]=faction&options[sort_by]=name&options[faction]=&options[vehicleclass]=Armored For those interested.
  7. -45Cdo-Kotp

    Deleting Triggers

    Thanks Celery appreciate your reply.
  8. First off , unfortunately my scripting knowledge is very limited however I do manage to get by with the help of this community and members of my clan. However, I find myself extremely frustrated at the moment due to the RSC Titles as after spending a while setting up a fancy into image at the start of my mission I now find i have to incorporate a line of text from Reezo's excellent IED Script. Currently I have a IntroRSC document in my mission folder with all the nice jargon to display my image at the start of the mission this all works as it should. The problem arises when i try to add Reezo's class RscTitles { #include "scripts\IEDdetect\IEDdetect_screens.cpp" }; /* copy the #include lines into your description.ext file NOTE: if your description.ext does not have RscTitles classes, create them just as they are in this file */ Ive tried numerous ways to try and put this line of code in both my Description.ext and the actual Class RscTitles in my IntroRSC, but all valiant attempts produce a errors. Of the most common are }; instead of "=" encountered or .... End of File something or other. If anyone can point me in the right direction of managing to solve this I would be most grateful. Cheers.
  9. -45Cdo-Kotp

    RSC Titles Problem

    Reezo came to my rescue and fixed this problem for me cheers buddy :bounce3:
  10. A very simple solution is to use DAC (Dynamic AI Creation). DAC lets you spawn enemies in any area of the map you desire along with giving them raised intelligent levels to make them act like proper soldiers (sort of :P). Also one of our clan members has now wrote a script for DAC zones where if you wanted them to leave the zone and take up a cba_function like defend, patrol or attack this is now possible too and all works very nicely and makes missions much better in every sense to just placing units down on the editor. If you need any further information drop by our Squad TS channel at http://www.havoc-company.com/
  11. Mind my own business !!! In a matter where someone has taken someones idea and work and then modified slightly to try and pass of as his own who then contradicts himself on every sentance ermm yeah sorry but i think you need to wake up and smell the coffee son !
  12. Is this not the same thing as the NIAC Sound Mod created by Rexehuk which already exists ???? :j:
  13. -45Cdo-Kotp

    Battle for takistan huge pvp campaign

    Have a feeling you hit a lot problems here with this idea due to your post count as many of serious clans will prolly think its just another one minute wonder idea. However, hope it all works out for you.
  14. Indeed, looking very nice and will certainly make using DAC in missions a lot easier for people not quite upto speed with it at the moment.
  15. -45Cdo-Kotp

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    Big Fan of this Sound Mod, as are my fellow compatriots that i have given them too, shall wait for the files to go up on File Front though before obtaining the new version as current links are extremely slow :( However, keep up the fantastic work in my opinion this is the best sound mod out there at the moment and I urge everyone reading this thread to try it and see for themselves.
  16. Anyone managed to get the Artillery Config working in a mission and if so could they please include a sample mission for me to have a look at. Cheers. Also ive added the Winter Camo Mod Russian and USMC units and vehicles to my latest DAC mission which looks very nice indeed, as soon as ive completed building the mission i'll upload the unit configs for the Snow Camo.
  17. -45Cdo-Kotp

    Patch 1.56 Bug reports

    Ca\modules_pmc\functions\Campaign\fn_initidentity.sqf not found getting this error each time when trying to load up a Multiplayer Mission on our server. Have Depbo'd the Modules_pmc and checked to see if the file exists which i found doesn't wtf ???
  18. Prolly went round in wet weather with slicks on.
  19. We only use the Sounds from the Sound.pbo that came with DAC V3.0 , i noticed in the readme of this version that we could PM you with a request for a bigger Sound.pbo which i take it contains all the sounds needed ? I have sent you a PM requesting this but as yet have had no reply from you. If you could send me over the full Sound.pbo pack i would be most grateful. Also the work you have done with this MOD is truly a stroke of Genius and has made our clan missions so much better, so thank you for all your hard work. If i was to have one criticism it is that when you build a mission using DAC if you have placed down more than 10 zones it takes DAC a long time to finish initiating them and causes quite a bit of desync whilst its working. However, we are looking at a way where we can build a mission that starts with just two or three zones on the map and then during the mission we call for a script that creates and spawns zones where and when we need them. This would then solve the issue of DAC taking a while to complete its work and cause less desync in the mission.
  20. Has the sounds been fixed in this version, as I keep getting errors during missions with DAC V3.0 that c046 and c091 sounds not found.
  21. In the middle of making a Sunday Op for the clan i play for and have everthing pretty much under control due mainly to the wonders of the DAC mod, one thing i would like to do to add better Battlefield Immersion to it are as follows :- 1. Simulating Ships Firing Their Guns 2. Explosions hitting the Sea around the Ships and making huge Plumes of Water Explosions. If anyone knows where i can get hold of scripts to achieve these two important elements of my mission i would be extremely grateful. Also if your a Clan and looking for Missions Designed to test you to the core then PM me for my latest mission For Queen & Country which uses the BAF units up against 500 plus Takistani Militia and Army. Don't be afraid by the amount of enemy, as its all done using DAC meaning the units are spawned when needed and deactived when not needed meaning you always get high fps and smooth gameplay. :)
  22. Download and use the DAC mod, in here you can give certain factions greater overall skill and accuracy. We currently have re-written several configs in the DAC_units.sqf to make them a lot harder to fight and the result is hour long constant battles which make the missions 100x better.
  23. Use a script as this will produce much better results. I would suggest using the Mando_Heliroute script. Even though this is for a Chopper , it can easily be edited to work for a Plane and is very simple to implement. It comes with a sample mission so you get to see how it all works.
  24. Ok , now this might sound a bit outrageous to some of you but bear with me. Our clan has recently discovered the wonderds of using DAC and as such our missions now are a thousand times better and immersive than any previous mission we have played. An example of this was a mission we played last nite which took nearly 3 hours to complete and involved Havoc Company with 2 Sections (16 players) up against around 400 Enemy Takistani Militia and Takistani Army with Tanks, Helicopters, Mortar positions and Base Camps. Our first battle of trying to secure an enemy Base Camp has us engaging the enemy in a non stop firefight which lasted over an hour and was probably the best game play experience I think ive ever had playing this game and i started back in 2001 with good old OFP. As such I have came up with an idea called Live War TV and i'll explain what i mean by this below and what i need to get it up and running. During one of our Clan Mission Ops that we play every night I plan to have a Camera Crew and News Reporter follow round my Clan during the mission. The News Reporter will interact with various Clan Members during the battle and ask questions about what their role in the mission is, why they signed up for the Clan etc etc ... all this will be conducted in real time with all sorts of battles raging so all the juicy action and explosions are being recorded. What I need first is to get the AAN News Background like in the picture below to be constantly there on the Camera man's screen whilst hes moving around following the News Reporter and obviously what hes seeing and recording being shown in the middle. Then using Fraps the Camera man records the whole mission as and when it happens and follows the News Reporter round capturing all the footage of him speaking to the soldiers in the front line. As this was being saved to the PC , it would then be uploaded and streamed and put on a website where people could come and watch all the action Live as it unfolds. So if anyone can let me know how to set it up so that the AAN News Backround will be a permantly on the screen whilst playing I'd be most grateful.