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Everything posted by p75

  1. Maybe I'm not clear enough, I'm talking about the gun.
  2. p75

    Bit of Gib script

    Would be nice if you could get this running!
  3. p75

    FLIR v1.0

    That would be awesome!
  4. Already put it on Dev, before posting here. What I did was circling the helicopter in 3rd person view with the look around buttons - left, up left, up, up right etc. Driver: Nvidia 180.48
  5. p75

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Could you then make some sounds for the Apache?
  6. Bug report: Crash to desktop while in 3rd person mode using the freelook and going around the helicopter in a vertical way (going all around it - 360 degree)
  7. p75

    FLIR v1.0

    Kju, any update on the ETA?
  8. Feedback: I did some more testing: - Due to the small of vision in the cockpit, the rotors tend to get too much in your face when flying within cockpit view. - I tried to do some more high speed manouvering and the bird's flight model feels less agile (not native English, don't know if that is spelled correctly ;-)) than it should after extended testing. I think it should be on par with the Apache manouverability, but it is not. - Rockets stay in the pods after firing (external view), it shows always a full pod (both wings)
  9. Yeah, that I experience also.
  10. Morning, I'll give it another round :D Download speeds are really slow...Kju
  11. Nice, are you going to make them optional for other weapon systems?
  12. p75

    FLIR v1.0

    Hey Kju, can you please add the option to have it available for all, meaning with or without vehicle and for yourself and/or squad. The tweaking using Q and E is nice, but it would be nice if you can save a good setting. As now every time you disable and enable the FLIR it goes to the default settings, which are not all that... Thanks!
  13. p75

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Please make some sounds for the HWM / PMC Apache, thanks!
  14. p75

    FLIR v1.0

    It is pseudo Flir. Still when you tweak it enough it works. It works good in Utes, not good in Chernarus. There it is less useful, especially near cities. Avgani on the other hand is good, really good. Grtz
  15. Hi Rocket, Good job, I would only make the handplacement (the hand closet to the barel) closer to the grip. Because now it looks like it is floating. Grtz
  16. Hey Kuj, I added the issues I saw to the dev-heaven list. I'm kinda new with that site. Did I do it good?
  17. p75

    FLIR v1.0

    Could you add the option that all infantry/your own squad has the FLIR wether on foot or any vehicle? As many people use mods and instead of creating specific vehicles just attach it to the player and his squad. And for that matter that you can save a certain setting after tunning it with Q and E buttons. Thanks!
  18. Initial feedback (will do more extensive testing later): Good: - Handling is a joy. - 3d model looks really great in Arma 2 except for the straight rotors. - Sounds are statisfying. Improvements/recommendations: - Rotors are straight, something which is not realistic at all. It looks awful when flying (both cockpit and external view) and ruins the else great model. - Finishing the 3d cockpit. - Adding a target and weapon system as on the level of the Apache HWM mod. There target and weapon system model is beyond believe. - FLIR. Great work!!! Grtz
  19. [quote name='kju;1385756 It is good to see people join forces in a Community Made Addon project! Thanks to Digital Centurion for the original model' date=' [b']EricM[/b] and modEmMaik improving it to make the Mi-28 a great contribution to the scene! This is the first release and mainly a preview for people to try, test and give feedback. Readme, license, key file included, binarized and signed. Expect more updates soon to follow. Especially check out the task list to see how YOU can contribute to the project. modEmMaik made it possible to make reskins easily with the hiddenSelections method. More details about the method in general at this OFPEC thread - kudos to JasonO! You can download the complete source via the repository browser or git anon download. More details in the CMA: Mi-28 wiki. Enjoy. PS: You find the download in the CMA: Mi-28 wiki. Oh yes, great!!! Testing, will provide feedback. Grtz
  20. Guys, is there a thread (can't find it) or page anywhere which shows how to use the targeting/weapon system. It would be really nice to have some video (best in my view) explaining how it all works. The documentation explains what it is, but not so much how to use it in combat. A video example would benefit the mod tremendousely. Grtz
  21. Anyone knows how he got this:
  22. Besides some performance issues, I don't see much problems with actual engine. I would like see BIS release VBS 2 quality addons.
  23. No, problem, mate, we are all entitled to our opinions, I and many for that miss an Afghanistan like terrain. Maybe all the recent war footage poisened my brain :D The longer this poll runs, the more I'm conviced BIS should release different modules including a desert and snow map. Grtz