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Everything posted by Porter_

  1. Porter_

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    this is no bueno. anyone running the Nexway version get this patch to work?
  2. i'm glad they updated the graphics. the game play of ARMA1 and ARMA2 is great, better graphics is icing on the cake.
  3. that being said, what i think soulfly is saying is that if you can upgrade to the 850w PSU for not much more money, it might be a good idea in case you decide to add a second card later on down the road.
  4. i'd say it's too risky right now. stick with a single card solution.
  5. Porter_


    i will as soon as i get a chance.
  6. you have to download ATI tray tools and set up a custom game profile with Vsync forced off. i had to download the latest beta to get the option to force vsync. if you're on Vista 64 you'll need to find a way around the driver signing issue. google it, there are ways to do it. the whole process is a bit of a pain in the ass.
  7. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/download.aspx it's the same process as reinstalling your OS, or formatting your hard drive. you have to backup all important data before you do it. i have no idea how easy it is to revert back, but i bet that question is answered in that link. IMO it was absolutely worth it. i have not tried any other games though, so i don't know if i will run into compatibility issues. so far people are reporting smooth sailing with Windows 7.
  8. Porter_


    UPDATE: same settings, but switched from Vista 64 to Windows 7 64 GTX285 1GB score: 3761 (avg fps 37.61) Windows 7 is great :D
  9. i've literally only tested for 10 minutes, but so far just upgrading to Windows 7 has increased my framerate from 27 to 37 in one particular spot (single mission, fairly intensive scene). i haven't patched to 1.02 yet, but that's next on my list. i'll keep testing it out, but as of right now it looks like Windows 7 64 gives much better performance over Vista 64.
  10. i've literally only tested for 10 minutes, but so far just upgrading to Windows 7 has increased my framerate from 27 to 37 in one particular spot (single mission, fairly intensive scene). i haven't patched to 1.02 yet, but that's next on my list. i'll keep testing it out, but as of right now it looks like Windows 7 64 gives much better performance over Vista 64.
  11. i'm installing Windows 7 as i type this to see if it gives better performance than vista 64. i'll report back, but i'm doubtful.
  12. Porter_

    Vista + ATI + Vsync

    since creating this thread i've discovered that ATI tray tools fixes this issue. well it doesn't fix it, but it's a workaround.
  13. Porter_

    Vista + ATI + Vsync

    i searched a ton, have not found a solution for disabling vsync. i can't manage to get over 60 FPS. i've lowered settings to very low, stared down at the ground, zoomed in and stared at a cloud...nothing. always 60. at normal settings during gameplay sometimes it will drop below 60, but it never goes above. i've disabled Vsync in CCC like so: ^^^doesn't make a difference. specs: Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz 4870 512MB @ 790/1000 4GB RAM Vista 64bit 1680x1050 native res is there any solution to this? i've read threads on this forum about this, but they seem to turn into "you don't need more than 60 FPS" arguments. i'm not looking for a debate, just for a solution. thanks in advance to anyone that bothers to help.
  14. Porter_

    vertical sync

    this is what i did. however, you will have driver signing issues if you run Vista 64bit.
  15. use ATI tool. be warned though, if you're running Vista 64 you will run into driver signing issues. it's a pain.
  16. nhancer: http://www.nhancer.com/ download and force vsync off. this will do the trick. it's a well known issue that vista prevents forcing vsync on or off via the driver control panel, for both nvidia and ATI cards.
  17. just to cover your basis, to determine if vsync is actually disabled load the armory and stare at the ground. you should get fps higher than your refresh rate. also on the loading screen with the carrier you should get well above 60fps. i get 90+ with my system...so that will also confirm if vsync is actually off. using the nvidia control panel works for me. if it doesn't work for you, try using nhancer.
  18. interesting, i wouldn't have expected that with an i7. i'm going to try out Windows 7 tonight. i'll report back if i see a bump in performance.
  19. 1. very high settings = 1680x1050, 200% fillrate, all settings on Very High very low settings = 640x480 (or whatever the lowest res is), 50% fillrate (whatever lowest is), all settings on Very Low 2. Vsync is forced off via nvidia control panel for GTX285, off via ATI Tray tools for 4870 3. control panel options were checked for anything goofy.
  20. did it improve performance for you? i have poor performance in Vista as well, but maybe blame should be assigned to my processor. Q6600 (3.2Ghz) 4870 512MB - also tested GTX285 1GB - 4GB RAM Vista 64 my ArmaII Mark score is consistently ~3000. i average 25-30 fps while playing the campaign. i get this performance regardless of settings (all very low, all very high...doesn't matter). performance between the 4870 512 and GTX285 1GB is identical. so from this it looks like i may be limited by my CPU. I'm going to install Windows 7 tonight and see if it makes any difference at all.
  21. Porter_

    Problem on the shooting range.

    i fully support this suggestion.
  22. marius00, chances are you're limited by your CPU...same thing happens to me. it doesnt matter what settings i have- all very low, all normal, all very high, i still only get 25-30fps. edit: what Bigtnaples said.
  23. somewhat related - how does Win 7 64 compare to Vista 64? i'm desperate to increase performance without having to upgrade to an i7. has anyone gone from Vista 64 to Win 7 64 and noticed an increase in performance?
  24. i read your post wrong the first time drkalinium. i see now that you're reiterating what i've been saying. let's hope it's a bug or something that can easily be fixed. i can't justify upgrading to an i7 setup for this game.