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Everything posted by Porter_

  1. thanks, i'll give your setting a try tonight when i get home from work. it doesn't look like you're limited by your gpu, so maybe this will work for me as well.
  2. you got it backwards. lowering the graphical settings to their lowest settings takes the gpu out of the equation (essentially). if i was not cpu bound, and instead gpu bound, then when i lower the graphical settings my framerate should skyrocket. this is not the case for me though- lowering the graphical settings has absolutely no impact on performance. it could be a bug, or something goofy with my system, but my performance is consistent with this CPU benchmark.
  3. interesting...what's your system specs and OS? (sorry if you've already listed them in this thread, haven't had time to read all of it)
  4. i get the same performance - testing both a 4870 512MB and a GTX285 1GB in my system. if i lower the settings to their absolute lowest i still get 20-30 fps. if i load up a gun in the armory and run around at normal/high settings i get 60+. i believe we are bound by our cpu's. the Q6600 doesn't seem to cut it for ARMA2. i'm using Vista 64bit and apparently XP gives better performance. i'm not going to buy XP and change OS (or dual boot) just for this game though. crossing my fingers that a future patch improves Vista performance.
  5. how does ARMA2 run on your system? i'm curious because i believe i'm being held back by my Q6600. i now have it OC'd to 3.2Ghz and i've tested both a 4870 512MB and a GTX285 1GB. both average 30fps, 1680x1050, normal settings, Vista 64bit.
  6. hmmm i didn't know that. i'll have to check it out and see if that's the case for me. thanks for the tip.
  7. count me in with this group. i got two errors like this and ignored them. the game starts fine and shows version 1.02 in the bottome corner. i still feel uneasy about it though. i don't want to reinstall over this (i have an activation limit since i bought the digital download). would really like a fix to this or some confirmation that it is even a problem at all.
  8. so is there no longer a fillrate option then? i don't see one now that i've patched to 1.02...
  9. Porter_

    AA is disabled 1.02

    same here, got errors when installing the patch from that link. i'm downloading the one from rapidshare right now to see if i can install it without a problem. of course the rapidshare file is crawling. the other one dl'd nice and fast. edit: did you reinstall before patching? i downloaded the file from rapidshare and it gave me the same message of already being patched to 1.02
  10. i got it from nexway. it was a smooth process. had the game downloaded in about an hour. now if i could just get some decent performance out of it.
  11. Porter_


    tested a 4870 512MB and GTX285 1GB on my system. all settings as said in the OP. used ARMAII version 1.01 Specs: Q6600 (3.0GHZ) 4870 512MB (775/1050) GTX285 1GB (694/1584/1296) 4GB DDR2 800 Vista 64bit Catalyst 9.5 186.18 WHQL took best of 3 runs. 4870 512MB score: 3049 GTX285 1GB score: 3002 i guess i'm limited by my CPU.
  12. Porter_

    Arma menu bug.

    glad to help :). have fun playing, i played through the entire single player campaign in about 5 days. GREAT game.
  13. Porter_

    Arma menu bug.

    this is how i fixed it with the full game, not sure if it will work with the demo: taken from HERE if you end up liking it and purchase the full game, patch 1.14 resolves this issue and allowed me to undo the fix i posted above.
  14. before you go and return your card: did you properly remove your old ATI drivers, run a driver cleaner of some kind, and then install the new nvidia drivers? poor performance is commonly caused by driver issues.
  15. Porter_

    There is no demo!

  16. that's a big difference. what CPU do you have?
  17. quick question for you Armin2, if you wouldn't mind: are you running Vista? if so, have you verified that you can disable vsync? if so how did you go about doing it? i have an ATI card right now and it's driving me nuts. i have yet to find a way to disable vsync in vista while playing ARMA1. better yet, is there an in-game vsync option in ARMA2?
  18. according to this review the 4890 tops both the 275 and 285. again, this is just one review but it's all we have to go on right now. you could also look through the ArmAII-Mark thread to get a better idea of how different systems perform. reports in that thread vary a lot though, so it still doesn't give a clear picture.
  19. you can't just make a blanket statement like that. the two cards trade blows depending on the game. some games favor the GTX 275, others the 4890. at the moment it seems ARMA favors ATI cards...but there's not much out there to concrete this information.
  20. Porter_


    when it's ready. seems like it will be this week sometime.
  21. Porter_

    Vista + ATI + Vsync

    i found some stuff today suggesting it's an ATI/Vista thing and not just limited to ARMA. i tested it with COD4 and regardless of what i tried, the only thing that affected vsync was the setting within the game (application controlled). i also tried forcing vsync off with D3DOverrider, which is a standalone program that comes with RivaTuner. i'm not an expert on this, but it seems like the only hope for fixing this is for BIS to add a vsync option in ARMA, and more importantly in ARMA 2.
  22. Porter_

    Vista + ATI + Vsync

    any help?