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Everything posted by frankyman

  1. Hello folks, I'm having real problems with a project. Unfortunately I have to admit that I am a real noob when it comes to scripting. The project is an xm7 with the xm157 visor. For the aiming optics I use “xm157_info_type” from the Ace. Unfortunately this is not very good when it comes to close combat. So my idea was to convert the optics into a 3d sight. Like in the RHS MOD ( big fan ). but the conversion was so extensive that it is now necessary to change the model, if you are in the CameraView==“GUNNER”, and in the correct OpticsMode 0= “DOT” the complete model must be exchanged for another. My previous procedure is really bad. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eie9dWsaiKda1dDxvRLUxhhMw9ibzOqJ/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X4pmTKe3GFQBQud29DaoPUl1Yc-Yrvxq/view Class CfgFunctions class CfgFunctions //eigene Klasse in der config.cpp { class abw { tag = abw; class functions { class checkoptik { file = "abw\scripts\abw_checkoptik.sqf"; description = "Handling of prefered optic changing"; }; }; }; }; class RscInGameUI { class RscUnitInfo; // External class reference class RscWeaponZeroing; // External class reference class abw_01_xm157 : RscWeaponZeroing { onLoad = "['onLoad',_this,'RscUnitInfo','IGUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay');[] call abw_fnc_checkoptik"; }; }; cfgWeapons class of the XM157 class ItemCore; class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F; class XM157: ItemCore { displayName = "XM157"; descriptionShort = "Fire Control Systems<br />Magnification: 8x"; scope = 2; author = "101stAB Frankyman"; model = "abw\xm157\XM157"; picture = "abw\ui\xm157ui_ca"; inertia = 0.3; class CBA_ScriptedOptic { bodyTexture = "abw\xm7Tex\ace_vector_body_co"; bodyTextureSize = 1; minMagnificationReticleScale[] = {1,"5*1.026"}; maxMagnificationReticleScale[] = {8,"5*1.026"}; hideMagnification = 1; disableTilt = 0; }; ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 5.54325; discretedistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; weaponInfoType = "abw_01_xm157"; class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F { mass = 10; scope = 2; optics = 1; modelOptics = "\x\cba\addons\optics\cba_optic_big_100"; class OpticsModes { class optic { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 1; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.03125; opticsZoomMax = 0.25; opticsZoomInit = 0.25; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 1000; memoryPointCamera = "opticView"; visionMode[] = {}; opticsFlare = 1; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1; cameraDir = ""; }; class RedDot { opticsID = 2; useModelOptics = 0; opticsPPEffects[] = {""}; opticsFlare = 0; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; opticsZoomMin = 0.375; opticsZoomMax = 1; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; visionMode[] = {}; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; }; }; }; }; class XM157_hide : XM157 { scope = 1; model = "abw\xm157\XM157_un"; weaponInfoType = "abw_01_xm157"; class CBA_ScriptedOptic {}; class OpticsModes { class optic {}; class RedDot {}; }; }; }; at the moment i would be really happy if at least the change of class “XM157” to “XM157”_hide and back again would work. the whole thing should be solved via a function. Ich konnte schon vor 10 Jahren, als ich nun Fahrzeuge für Arma2 gemacht habe, nicht skripten. Die Zeit und einige gesundheitliche Probleme machten es nicht besser. deshalb schäme ich mich das skript zu posten. if (!isServer) then { while {true} do { disableSerialization; private _p = missionNamespace getVariable ["bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit", player]; if (((primaryWeaponItems _p) select 2) isEqualTo "XM157" && cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER" && cameraOn _p && (player getOpticsMode 0) isEqualTo "RedDot") then { _p addPrimaryWeaponItem "XM157_hide"; }, {exitWith} sleep 0.5; }; }; I am open to all ideas. another possibility would be PIP . but when I looked at the code for it and the one from ACE, I have to admit quite honestly that it's out of my league. Thank you for reading at least this far.
  2. Hello folks, after almost 10 years I wanted to do some modding again. I was able to solve many problems myself, but here is a problem where I can't get any further. I have created an animation with the Blender examples. Simple hand animation for a weapon. In the O2/ObjectBuilder it all looks great. But when I pack the addon it looks crappy. Suggested solutions? Any Checklist´s ? more info: Folder : \weapon\anim\nameofanim.rpt in this folder are : the anim and Model.cfg of the skeleton (from samples) in CfgWeapons : handanim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\abw\anim\Test002_ArmaRig_Example.rtm"}; Blender File is the same as in this Vid https://ibb.co/Q9tQ6Np https://ibb.co/xzYmN1f
  3. Here our new Addonpack The Package includes meanwhile the DingoA2A in two Version, one with 40mm Grenade Trower and one with the MG3 Machine Gun and the G250 Wolf. Also the Package includes now the Gepard 1A2 AAA Tank. All Vehicels are available in four different Types of Camo except the Gepard 1A2. The 4 different Camos are Woodland, Desert ISAF, Desert and Winter Camo. For the Gepard 1A2 there are three different camouflage without the camouflage for the ISAF Troops. We put in all Manpower and Know How we have to develop this AddOn. If there will be any Kind of Failure or other Problems, then let us know about it on our Homepage http://amt.kkwebservices.de in the specific Boards (We have one Area (English) for international Support and our main German spoken Area). Nobody is perfect ... :-D The Addon is signed and Server Keys are included in the Package. IMPORTANT Since Version 1.4 of the AMT AddOn´s it is necessary to change the parameters for the Entry “classaddons“ in the File „mission.sqm“. Old Entries like „AMT_wolf“ should be replaced with „AMT“ !!! Changelog: Changelog v 1.1 * cfgpatches in class AMT_Dingo2A2 changed * full ACE2 support for Arma2 * Derivation for Weaponstation changed * Derivation for Vehicel changed * Texturen and Rvmats fixed * Crash sounds inserted * Damping behavior changed * Termalsight for Gunner inserted * Termaltextures inserted Changelog v 1.2 * Dingo2A2 with Flw100 Weaponstation and MG3 included * Dingo2a2MG with Nato , Desert ,ISAF and Winter Textures * Termalsight from green/withe to green/black changed. * TI Textures for all Komponents changed and/or added * Weaponstations now have Rangefinder incl. Target Range Setting. * New Server KEY included !!! Changelog v 1.21 * proper crew in desert Dingo * Damping behavior changed * Speed changed * Animationsource bug fixed * Baseclass bug with ACE2 fixed Changelog v 1.3 * Dingo Icons changed • G250 Wolf included in four different Camo´s Changelog v 1.35b *advanced Configs *PBO´s divided for easier Hotfix realeses if needed *Scripts and sound PBO´s inserted *Texturupdates *Model updates *smaller Fixes Changelog v 1.4 *inserted Gepard 1A2 in three different Camos Download
  4. Hi @ all. M88 source files for free download. In this package are all necessary files to bring the M88 in Arma. I did not feel like working on it. Other people can accomplish with these files to work. All files are freely available in Arma1, Arma2, ArmaOA. When you complete this vehicle, you do not need permission from me to publish the M88. A small "thank you " in the readme just fine. Download M88 Source Files Attention! The M88 is just as it is not playable It still needs much work btw. The Files are: 3dsMax , sketchup , Photoshop and BI tools
  5. For some time I work on a boxer GTK. My time is limited, but I try to advance this project
  6. frankyman

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I particularly interested in the maps. Every map which is the same as Chernarus are my favorites. I´m also interested at the Pandur. The Vehicle need some Work at the moment, but I am confident that it is very good.
  7. Hi @ all We have a new Addon for you :D AMTv1.3 Description The Package includes meanwhile the DingoA2A in two Version, one with 40mm Grenade Trower and one with the MG3 Machine Gun. Also the Package includes now the G 250 Wolf. All Vehicels are available in four different Types of Camo. These are Woodland, Desert ISAF, Desert and Winter Camo. We put in all Manpower and Know How we have to develop this AddOn. If there will be any Kind of Failure or other Problems, then let us know about it on our Homepage http://dev.armatoren.de in the specific Boards (We have one Area (English) for international Support and our main German spoken Area). Nobody is perfect ... :-D The Addon is signed and Server Keys are included in the Package. Needed AddOn´s BWMod 1.6 or higher ( http://www.bwmod.net ) CBA for Arma/OA The Addons runs under A2 only and A2/OA. Take care of the CBA Version you use, there are different Version avaiable for ArmA2 and/or Operation Arrwohead. Take a look in the CBA ReadMe to get more Information about the CBA you use. Thx to ... the BW Mod Team for their patience, the successful Addons and the deployment of configs to learn ;-) Xeno and Rocko for the ACE 2 and CBA adjustments :-D BIS for the fourius Series which startet with OFP followed by ArmA and ArmA2, thx for the great Engine and the possibility to use Mods in your Engines. Changelog: Changelog v 1.1 * cfgpatches in class AMT_Dingo2A2 changed * full ACE2 support for Arma2 * Derivation for Weaponstation changed * Derivation for Vehicel changed * Texturen and Rvmats fixed * Crash sounds inserted * Damping behavior changed * Termalsight for Gunner inserted * Termaltextures inserted Changelog v 1.2 * Dingo2A2 with Flw100 Weaponstation and MG3 included * Dingo2a2MG with Nato , Desert ,ISAF and Winter Textures * Termalsight from green/withe to green/black changed. * TI Textures for all Komponents changed and/or added * Weaponstations now have Rangefinder incl. Target Range Setting. * New Server KEY included !!! Changelog v 1.21 * proper crew in desert Dingo * Damping behavior changed * Speed changed * Animationsource bug fixed * Baseclass bug with ACE2 fixed Changelog v 1.3 * Dingo Icons changed * G250 Wolf included in four different Camo´s
  8. well Burns Not yet, but if you tell me How it can be made ....
  9. texview2 makes perfekt _co.paa maps. Its the best way to get holes in Meshes witkout modeling the holes. I use this technic for Tracks , holes and alpha Shadow Lods. No Face Order, no Alpha Bug with smoke Effekts ... Sorry for my bad English. Im to old to learn it :blush:
  10. since Arma 2 an _co map is able to work with an 1 bit Alpha Channel. 1Bit = black or white no grey or Smothing is supportet.
  11. ahh, much better than my sample. thx Mondkalb. sorry but i had not much time to create a tutorial.
  12. You are german right?? So i made a sample with German Text , thats munch easier for me. Is that OK? Multimaterial is realy easy.
  13. i have tested Multimaterial on my Dingo, looks good. If i had some Time I make a Sample Mlod from a Cube.
  14. Hi @ all I tested a few things. It's about multi-material on vehicles. The Sektions strongly reduced. but now how do I get the shine Intruments the vehicle? And anyway, it makes sense to go on mutli shader? What is your opinion? PS: the original dingo has four textures and without license plates and taktical sign/ clansign .... 9 Sektions. Now it has 1 Sektion for the Vehicle, and 1 Unmapped ( the Proxis? )
  15. frankyman

    Multi material on Vehicle ?

    Yes, I have made progress in this matter. 1 Vehicle , 2 Uvwsets, and 2 kinds of textursets. Lod 1+2+3 are multimaterial any other Lods are basic shader with new texset. tested it with 48 vehicles on desert island. Lod 1+2+3 without other lods in scene = 10% better FPS Scene with all LOD´s in 120m Viewdistance to the Vehicle = 25% more FPS. but I have currently stopped all work
  16. frankyman

    ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

    I have now some bugs with Alha rendering,see below Edit: nevermind, i have set the AA modus in The catalyst driver to Box Filter. Now it looks fine.
  17. frankyman

    The Orphaned Projects Thread

    -- M88 Source Files -- Description The Sourcefiles for the M88. 3dsmax, sketchup , photoshop and BItools files Rules Only use in Bi Engine (ofp,arma1,arma2,armaOA ) Requirements BI tools 2 (3dsmax, photoshop, sketchup optional ) Download Links http://amt.kkwebservices.de/index.php?page=DownloadDBFileDownload&dataID=3 Forum Topic for Questions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113755
  18. frankyman

    Multi material on Vehicle ?

    hmm, I now testet it Ingame. The Reflaktion of the environment map is missing but the Smdi Texture still work. Now the Refektion is White and not the Env- Texture. Now i must make a new TI-texture and add this in the Multi.rvmat.
  19. Hi to all. After a while I even a few projects have continued. First, the M88 and the Gepard1A2. The m88 is in stock as open source come when I no longer have a mind to make him ready. Other people can then do the rest if they feel like. It Does not apply to the Gepard1A2. When and if he is ready made is not certain. But now some pictures Sorry for my Bad English :D Frankyman
  20. frankyman

    Buldozer viewer into ratio 16:9?

    try this put this in Value at externel Viewer in Otions from O2 "p:\buldozer.exe" -window -buldozer -noland -cfg=p:\arma2oa.cfg -profiles=P:\buldozer Copy your amra2oa.cfg From the "Arma2" folder at user\dukoments to the Armawork directory. Start the buldozer. now the Buldozer create a directory named "Buldozer" (-profiles= ... ) copy and rename your .armaprofile file from your "arma2 other profiles" directory at user\dukoments to the folder where the Buldozer had create his own .armaprofile file.
  21. frankyman

    AMT Dingo 2A2 v 1.21

    I and my site traffic must thank you Foxhound