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Everything posted by vento

  1. I'm currently running Arma II on this sweet rig: I7@3.2Ghz GTX 295 6Gb ram Vista 64 I did all the -winxp/no blur/crysis.exe tricks and gain a lot of fps, but still some players reports better perf on older system. From what I heard, XP makes Arma 2 runs much better than Vista, so I got a few questions: - can I have a solid confirmation that XP > Vista ? - If yes is there any chance for perf under Vista to be improved by a future patch ? - How about Seven ? I could consider upgrading, but I really don't want to go back to XP. - Finally: 32/64 bits, wich is the best ? I know Arma 2 doesn't exploite 64 bits system, but it would be a shame if it ran slower on them. Thanks for your answer and all apologies if this subject has already been discussed in a particular topic.
  2. vento

    For gtx 295 users

    30 sec of complaints: I bought a new rig for each Arma and since OFP. This time I was like "this new BIS game looks devastating, I'm gonna save more money and buy a BEAST, capable of sending stuff in space" "So what's the best money can buy ? I7 + GTX 295 ? Let's go for that !" Oh well... 1 min request: It is obvious that BIS devellopers are aware of issues encountered with our high end PC's, but has anyone of them already talked about it, on this forum or somewhere else ? It would be VERY (!) nice if they expressed their opinion on this subject; because for now I got the unpleasant feelings that we're just a bunch of desesperated fanboy's, doing no matter what to solve problems that may remain. Please BIS, just a word to tell us, that a great part of your customers are not just forsaken. *sorry for the bad english*
  3. That's very low FPS, same as me before a few tweaks. You should try: - rename Arma2.exe to Crysis.exe / add -winxp at the end of your Arma2 shortcut's target - disable Vsync and triple buffering in your nvidia drivers - install the no blur/bloom program http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5851 Massive FPS gain ! But still I find battles hard to play with medium/high settings, especially when using a sniper scope.
  4. I see what you're talking about, I also have those stutters. But they are only noticeable when looking 360° after the loading of the map. My prime motivation to change my windows is to have a playable and enjoyable game in battles without turning the rest of the game in a ugly + 200fps graphic desert. And also maybe, getting FPS that are related to the price I paid for my pc, but this is secondary ;)
  5. Thanks for your answers guys, I'll go for seven and give my feedback.
  6. Hello. Like most people here I think the mouse lag is ruinning the game. I saw that maybe, it was a "realism feature", but I can't believe it... As we know, mouselag is very related to framerate, but framerate in Arma is never constant. I could at least understand the concept of this so-called feature, if the lag effect was constant ! But when you have to adapt to controls that varies from bad to barely playable (in comparison of modern FPS)...