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About thenoobdrew

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    computers, cars, flying, guitar, drums
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  • Biography
    descendents of Northern Europeans
  1. thenoobdrew

    Convoy contruction

    So I just did this mission. . .and here's the lame part. I had the satchels lined up down the road and the mines at the end of village where the convoy was supposed to drive out. The plan was to wait for the mines to take out the lead truck and blow the satchel charges killing everything else. I sat and sat. . .and at random heard explosions where the convoy was supposed to set up the new base. Then I got a 'mission complete' sign. The convoy somehow got to the new base site without driving through the village, and then blew up. Talk about a lame -2000 points and not a single shot fired win. :confused:
  2. thenoobdrew

    Sniping is impossible?

    I keep seeing the acemod mentioned. . .I'd better give it a shot. I also saw someone mention something called XOD (I think?) What's that? Search turns up nothing. Maybe I misread XOD. . . I'll give the editor test a shot. . .
  3. thenoobdrew

    Sniping is impossible?

    @Evil Echo: The gold edition DVD was 1.08 and I did patch it (from the http://www.armedassault.com/downloads.html page) to 1.14. @Max Power: Agreed. That's how I had passed the mission. . .by NOT using the water tower. :D @oyman: Understood, but at 100-150 yards, they should be acceptable to use. @all: Maybe this is a better description of the problem: 1. Non campaign mission "blood, sweat, tears" 2. During second "checkpoint" where guy drives bomb laden truck to radio tower, I snag the Mk12 SPR, hop on the moto and zip just outside the town. 3. The tower is listed as being 150ish yards away. Enemies are closer, so 100 yards or less. 4. Select optics (not zoomed optics). 5. Pick off enemies, first was a lucky head shot, then the rest center mass, no issues. 6. Using scroll wheel, zoom in scope for a "closer" view. (I'm actually using trackIR, so I just lean forward.) 7. Attempt to pick off more enemies, but NEVER hit them, even at the same range. 8. Decided to test shots at ground to see where bullet hits. The ground puffs are almost off the screen (at the very top of the "zoomed scope view.") It's as if using the zoom in pushes the far end of the scope down while zooming, instead of just magnifying straight ahead. Does that make any sense? I did manage to get to the airbase assault, just never used the "zoomed" scope. Thanks for all the input. I'll look into the ACE mod. I'm gettin' old and kinda burnt out on mods. With OFP, MSFS, GTR2 etc I spent so much time with mods, I hardly ran the actual sims. I'm definitely not one to "arcade down" the simulation though. I can just slum with COD4 if I wanted to do that.
  4. thenoobdrew

    Sniping is impossible?

    Howdy folks. As a long time OFP fan(atic), I've finally knuckled under and bought ArmA Gold since it was $19.99. I'm running 1.14.5256, or that's what it says on the startup screen. I haven't added any mods yet, so it's a nice, clean install. I ran through all the tutorial missions without any major problems, and then started the campaign. On the second (I think) mission where you can snipe the soldiers from the water tower, I noticed that the bullets wouldn't go anywhere near the guys when shooting with the zoomed in scoped Mk12 SPR. I don't remember taking so many tries with the M21 in the OFP "bomber man" mission. I saw a post somewhere about "zooming in" with the scope causing the ballistics to go whacko, but I can't find it anymore. I think it was buried in 2007 or something anyway. So, after a LOT of fumbling around, I somehow passed the water tower sniper mission (getting shot up big time in the process) and gave up for a few weeks. Today I started by picking out the "blood, sweat, tears" mission and got past the uniform collection checkpoint, but then again, after delivering and picking up the Mk12 SPR in place of the trusty silenced M4carbine, I noticed I can't hit anything in the town when zoomed in. I tried a few shots zoomed out and found that the gun is pretty much dead on (100-150 yard range), which leads me to think that there is an issue with zoomed scopes. Is there a patch for fixing this? Sorry to rehash old problems! I just can't think of what to search for. . .(ballistics, sniping, bullet issues, scope issues were too broad.) Thanks for any help! -Andrew my rig: trusty old Fx60 on an A8N32-SLI SLId 7800GTXs All watercooled and slightly OC'd 2 GB RAM XP Pro Someday I'll build another uber-rig.