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About dpd29

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  1. I have made a script to control one mission . the script called main.sqf with codec. _puntosdemunicion=[municion1,municion2,municion3,municion4];//ammopositionsrandom. i use logics objects. _puntosdeobjetivo=[posicion1e,posicion2e,posicion3e,posicion4e,posicion5e,posicion6e,posicion7e,posicion8e,posicion9e,posicion10e,posicion1w,posicion2w,posicion3w,posicion4w,posicion5w,posicion6w,posicion7w,posicion8w,posicion9w,posicion10w]; //objetivepositionsrandom.i use logics objects. _objetivos=[o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9,o10,o11,12,o13,o14,o15];// random objetives from 15 posibilities _misionesrealizadas=[];// missions made _objetivorealizado=[];// objetive choosen _ctmisionesA= count _puntosdeobjetivo; _salirprincipal=false; /// while to do the random missions while {not _salirprincipal} do { _misionactual= _puntosdeobjetivo select (floor(random _ctmisionesA));// i choose the objetive position nill=["area","CDF",3,4,4,"MOVE","area"] execVM "Spawnunits.sqf";// enemy respawn in marker called area hint "runing main"; sleep 10; /////////////////////// // its to choose a objetive positions, if is null or made objetivo before then i do it again _salir1=false; while {not _salir1} do { if (not (_misionactual==objnull) and not (_misionactual in _misionesrealizadas)) then {_salir1=true;}; _misionactual= _puntosdeobjetivo select (floor(random _ctmisionesA)); }; //////////// //its to choose the random objetive object _salir2=false; _objetivoelegido= _objetivos select (floor(random count _objetivos)); while {not _salir2} do { if (not (_objetivoelegido==objnull) and not (_objetivoelegido in _objetivorealizado)) then {_salir2=true;}; _objetivoelegido= _objetivos select (floor(random count _objetivos)); }; ///////////////// _posicionmunicion= _puntosdemunicion select (floor(random count _puntosdemunicion));// random position ammo //// Bucle general de cada mision// its to move the marker to position objetive and ammo position _objetivoelegido setpos position _misionactual; zonaa setpos position _misionactual; "marcadorobjetivo" setmarkerpos getpos _misionactual; ammo1 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo2 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo3 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo4 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo5 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo6 setpos position _posicionmunicion; ammo7 setpos position _posicionmunicion; "marcadormunicion" setmarkerpos getpos _posicionmunicion; sleep 4; nill=["zonaa","CDF",3,4,4,"MOVE","zonaa"] execVM "Spawnunits.sqf";// respawn enemy units in marker called "zonaa" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// waituntil {not alive _objetivoelegido}; if (count _misionesrealizadas==5) then {_salirprincipal=true;};// if made missions count is equal 5 then exit while }; //finish exit; do you find some wrong line? In file rpt there is not errors. thanks. ---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ---------- Fuck im a litle silly todya, i have found some error.:D.Im going to try it.
  2. Im used to do scripts for my missions , I have made some scripts to improve the AI from Armed Assault using eventhhandlers, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXIxXBA8J5Y&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Earmados%2Einfo%2Fforo%2Fviewtopic%2Ephp%3Ff%3D2%26t%3D404&feature=player_embedded http://vimeo.com/4403516 http://www.armados.info/foro/viewforum.php?f=30 I have a great problem, i dont see the mistakes in the codec. In arma2, I see that all scrips with mistakes dont run but I dont see any mistake with codec anywhere. do you know where I can see the wrong codec ? Thanks. I try to use eventhandlers to change a little the AI but I see the script dont run and it not possible to know about the problem.
  3. Id like to erase some objects from the islans so that we can play the game with more frames . Is it possible to delete trees or buildings some trigger or around some trigger? How would you do it? thanks