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About Hendrik7777

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    Private First Class
  1. Hendrik7777

    Dualcore graphic card performance issues

    that was by me in windows vista ... in windows 7 i have gpu load on both between 90-100% download the windows 7 rc and test it!
  2. Hendrik7777

    Dualcore graphic card performance issues

    i have the same system..... and have same problems.... i think you should use a other windows version... i have horrorbile frames like you with my vista x64 system, than i have try vista 32bit and the performance was the same now i have installed windows 7 and start arma2 with the -winxp parameter now i have over 60fps in the editor and all on high between 30-60fps (but not in large towns) and the second thing i have made is to overclock the cpu to 3.0GHz
  3. Hendrik7777

    EVGA adding SLI support for ARMA 2

    hm... i dont understand it yet? is the multi gpu support not a work for Bohemia? they must fix the heavy problems with it!? and for crossfire users ?
  4. Hendrik7777

    Who got crossfire to work?

    flip queue 3? what you mean?
  5. i have same problem i think you can vote here... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75362 and hope that BI make something!!!
  6. Hendrik7777

    Who got crossfire to work?

    i have a 4870X2 on a Asus M3A32 with Phenom 9550 and it works both gpu´s with the winxp command, but i have only 20-30 FPS the gpu´s only work with 30-40% not working by me!!!!!!!!
  7. no... only vista? i download now 7......
  8. and wich performance you have? i have windows vista 64 and the performance are low
  9. Hendrik7777

    SLi Support (Or lack thereof!)

    but only a solution for NVidea user.... and for my ATI system?
  10. is there no solution to the problem? i have also this bug with the ati 4870X2 is that a driver problem? or is that a arma2 problem?
  11. here my results.... but i have only 20fps ingame arma2 and crossfire are horror!!
  12. hi, i have also a Saphire HD 4870 X2 2Gb and installed the newest ati 9.6 beta driver... but i have only 20-25fps playing the harvest missions..... and on multiplayer games i have also horror fps... i start the game with the -winxp command , but the gpu ussage are only at 30%-50% for both gpu´s during play.... whats the problem? i have buy this cool card extra for plying arma2 in high res :butbut: but it seems to be a problem with arma2 ? or anyone has a idea? in the menu i have 60fps and the gpu´s near 90% both