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About MiGeL_Hotshots

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  1. MiGeL_Hotshots

    is ofp1 dead?

    i still play the ofp almost on daily basis, preferable the crcti mod for it. I do think the arma and arma2 games are partially to blame however when i asked most people who quited ofp just when arma was out and buggy as hell. That they quited simply because ofp got 2 old. Ofp to me still has unique combination of interesting combat with realistic touch in which arma and arma2 cannot live up 2. I like realism but mostly for coops, in fact like i saw in arma that its perfect for good coop experience. But when it comes to pvp I prefer to see a tank firing a shell over my head into a friendly tank behind so I react with grabbing an carl gustav and making 1000 meter shot with it and then paying the price for sticking my neck out in sniper filled zone. I like the strategy and tactics that are possible there and clearity of the field and its effect on combat. In arma and arma2 warfare seems more popular in which combatants fight each other over way 2 long range to still be called pvp. And with the engine focusing on realism it has so many exploits and tricks ones personal skill or tactical insight doesnt matter in comparisement to just be able to utilise these unballances. When talking to lot of arma2 players with my background almost 95% agree but tell me they had to move to arma2 because they have a 8800 blabla video card that just will go to waste on ofp with 1200 meters of vd compared to their +5000 vd on arma in hd
  2. MiGeL_Hotshots

    Who's going to resist buying on the 19th?

    Heh I can resist but I am somewhat cheating. 2 other players from my country gonna visit me and showcase it. Dont think ill buy it untill after summer when most the community at least know bit of what their doing ;)
  3. MiGeL_Hotshots

    Poll, old school CTI or warfare?

    I can explain but only in results it has on battlefield since both maps lets you create a base and take towns for income. It comes down to though is that killing someone matters more though. If i kill franklin005 in cti he will not come back for another 5-15 mins. In warfare he will zombie spawn on me. ArmA warfare unmodded: Town respawn and fast travel cause a certain attack flood. Teams that loose a town need to fast travel back to closest town before trieing to take it back. But because of town respawn ussually the full team that took their town now advances to that town. This is called the worm effect. Exspecially good visiable in early versions on sahrani. Where the worm effect ussually came 2 a halt in corazol because that town was a ai trap but also gave defeated teams there plenty of time and cover to take new camps to keep the fire alive. There is also not much ballance between units. Infantry roles and air roles get preference over tank because tank is just paper any guy with a rocket launcher on its back can take on a mbt. This was because of the arma engine. It made the battles undynamic. The map itself was really buggy but also a lot of features like decent spawn at another base were simply not there. Also the game ended when mhq was destroyed without buildings around it this ment that you could still loose despite having 3 functional bases but you lost mhq while moving. The prices and rewards were ridicilous causing most teams to just build bases with over 100 buildings and airspace was pretty busy. Air battles even became hillarious with the ka50 getting aa/at abbility because people with limited skills could now attack both land and air units while on west team you needed a veteran pilot ( that only had 4 aa missles ) to bring even one of them down. ArmA warfare modded like BEAS: Its really funny to see the most favourite maps on this are maps that have no routes at all. There is still the worm effect: "Main power of a team traveling from town to town with use of respawn at their death location". But with open areas and little to none bottlenecks the effect can easily be countered by taking back towns that are left in its trail. The ballance and cost of units are better now only after about an hour of play does the occasional plane appear in comparisement of the total air domination of the unmodded warfare after 15 minutes. Still there are no real frontlines so any game can shift because main base is not at all safe. However this has caused some cool power shifts throughout the game. There are now more better tank armour ratings and armoured units with decent aa capability that makes the vulcan and shilka completely useless ( they were already useless ) Despite being 300 times better than unmodded version which I would hardly even call a team pvp map because of all the chaos. This map still allows for players like me to end a game the moment they reach 10000 cash of money. And now that most people are gone that did not have patience to enrich the gameplay by cooperation and basicly only regular players are left that can do the same like me its a good thing arma 2 is coming out ;) ( or shame because now is good moment to release a cr-like version of warfare ). Orignal MFcti and crcti: Dont have town spawns, only base spawns. This can make it more frustrating because if you die you will have to start over your travel. There is also no fast travel which creates roles such as saboteurs who camp main routes. Dieing is a big nono. Which means less roar and more planning. But removes the worm effect and creates frontlines instead and at the same time increases dynamic of a well placed base position. Also unlike warfare they make use of 1 money currency. So not cash and supplies. This means that expanding base will cost unit ouput in cti and causes a change in frontline if the players dont manage to keep it during the base expansion. This made it for my opinion more dynamic than warfare ( "and whats up with those freaking supply truck sucking up my fps?" - is not even there :D ) MFCTI was more warfare like and most endgames ended with one team getting total air domination like in warfare, in fact it feels completely the same appart from ridicilous view distance in arma and ai reacting to that ( not reacting ). To counter this there was also mfcti groundwar which was variant which only allowed ground battles. Was cool but because the prices stayed mostly the same now without the expensive air-factory the were just tons of tanks put out. Still the community swallowed this because players could do a lot like in warfare. CRCTI which finally became the base for the ctitc tournament where multiple teams from around the world would fight each other because this map was more ballanced and played well into the more profesional playing part of cti community. In fact to such high level that eventually the commander chose to consume 90% of player income at first and distribute this over team for their roles. I as towntaker only got about 1k when i asked for contribute because I only bought infantry forces. Tankers would get 4k to buy their tanks. Ai was scripted so well that player skill mattered less in a battle. Tactically placing ai would benefit team more than rambo player consuming all cash and driving straight into enemy. People who did not buy ai would get ai assigned to them or simply were kicked of the server simply because in those cases ai was better. This level of gameplay during a public match has never since ofp been found back on arma let alone the pre-planned ctitc matches were 2 clans went head on which came from this. However this map is not friendly for beginning players. My conclusion Warfare despite when being pimped still shows a dead end. Its nice for people to play publics on but there is hardly no field dynamic. Cti reminds me of a strategy game. There are frontlines, income sources behind those. The map also has 2 different splits the mfcti which is good for enjoyable game that even new players can enjoy and crcti which can be enjoyed by people that want to bring that experience to next level. Then again I have not played the arma 2 version yet and you might say crcti or mfcti but all i heard of sofar is warfare cti hybrids. Which is good because cti in ofp is slower and asked more cooperation from ai. The ai pathfinding in arma was not that good so support came to late or not at all, in arma2 i am hearing similar stories. -------------------------- What it comes down 2 though -------------------------- It all depends on what community wants though. If people want evolution and warfare instead of a decent coop map or cti. There will be hardly no clans formed. Hotshots is the only team pvp that plays cti-based maps that survived the ofp-arma conversion simply by swallowing up the remainders from most other died cti clans and actively trieing to recruit people while there is no other clan to fight ( aint that sad? ). Games are played longer as it gains depth and there was lack of depth in arma. Hundreds of programmers making their own versions of popular maps and a community that only eats whats right in front of them didnt at all make the arma community as shiney as the ofp one. Battlefield used to have nothing on us. Yes they were big but they didnt have face, i could name any cti clan back in the days with their members...what we got in arma is worst of both worlds. No face and no numbers, a couple good server filled with people that cant even vote a commander or write a single intel report :D
  4. MiGeL_Hotshots

    About Warfare and CTI

    Well if you are not in a pvpclan but playing amongst em even in public matches you learn tricks of the trade. Such as basic tactics, communication and a decent sense of keypoint locations etc. That made those mfcti and crcti days so entertaining. With a real match on saturday 2oclock till 5 o clock or something made you then join up because you were already in sync with the players. Those were the days ;) Thats the weak and the strong point of bis his war games. They have unique system. This is mayor turn off for most pvpers though and they dissapear leaving a dried up african child behind calling themselves the pvp community. Then the misssion editor, armas greatest asset becomes this communities greatest enemy as the many different pvp types splitting the rest of this community into smaller parts but even this can create a very solid community for each gametype flashpoint has proven that. But this was because each gametype was not modified to will of each group of 20 people playing on a different server. You had many different servers those days running the same missions. If you check arma already 2 days after warfare release people came with their vision on that engine offering completely new ballance, fixed bugs etc. After 1 week I was playing one map which had fix headbug button and another map which made it possible to spawn at each Control Center making it possible to spawn at different bases another had dynamic switch to change viewdistance. Then expecting all these superm changes to next version they all went their own directions creating completely different game depth....i even played a version where the small camps are more easily taken back by defenders completely removing the zombie spawn fest by attacking player managing to just take 1 camp. Thats what I ment indeed, but it doesnt need to be one owner or 1 group of owners. Its just better if there even a hint of cooperation between some the programmers because in arma they never even took 1 look at each others version. ( perhaps they did but i as player of them never saw any taken ideas ) everyone did their own thing. Of course I would prefer a solid team like in flashpoint days but that is perhaps not realistic :D
  5. MiGeL_Hotshots

    What are the Game Modes?

    Thats a nice list walker I think when people ask me I will refer to it. Manage to find one mistake though as I play mostly cti and warfare the game does not tend to last 1-2 days. It can last up pretty long for a pvp map but the complexity and presure the map brings would crash the server well before that also if there is a dedicated team on one side ( doesnt matter if on other side ) there is enough pressure to bring down a player build base quite quickly duo to effectiveness of teamwork ( lasering and bombing, arty + scouts, coordinated attacks and most other tactics envolving 2 or more players ). In these days they last up to 3-5 hours on community like servers.
  6. MiGeL_Hotshots

    About Warfare and CTI

    I just hope independent programmers put their heads toghether this time. Its big enough problem as it is for a competetive playerbase to grow if the company keeps bringing out unsupported beta patches over which the community will disperse and creating a engine that favours coop far better without also having independent warfare programmers creating their vision on the map totally ignoring improvements and ideas of others. In good ol days you had solid, basic map like mfcti and a long time later one guy came with same concept but completely different crcti. Where the comparisement was arcade and actionfull versus ballanced and profesional. Both had their moments in my eyes. Eventually there were 2 mayor communities but the crcti was to my knowledge the first with mayor tournaments because of its ballance. In arma there were so many different versions of warfare ( and really fast 2 ) by independent programmers s that there was no time for 1 community to build up but even if there was. The quantity and difference would also finnished off any chance of maintaining that community. I mean public games are not bad but playing a official tournament match once a while doesnt hurt either...therefor this time in arma II i hope I will not play one map which has bug a fixed but has bug b while another server has bug b fixed but has bug a :D Warfare is nice rts with players mix but I ensure that the level of experience in arma was nothing compared to the intense battle of 2 full veteran filled clans taking on a fight based on pre-planned tactics and trainings.
  7. MiGeL_Hotshots

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    I think its said before but only in the start of game there will be some problematic issues. You dont need to join a clan but if you want to avoid this behaviour play on clan/community servers. People with this kind of behaviour are most often not only kicked but also banned entirely from those servers eventually kicking and paying attention by then becomes a thing of the past. Thing is this is not a main stream game so many people will eventually quit and then all rules etc like auto kick after 3 teamkills become more of a problem than actual asset to the game. Also it is relatively easy to bypass the teamkill system by means I will not mention here giving people ideas.
  8. MiGeL_Hotshots

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Good job muecke I hope it catches on you guys deserve a cut of the cake after ArmA experience.