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Everything posted by Cyborg11

  1. Cyborg11

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    Thanks for the link. But the plane with the lost wing is the destruction model or? Or is the plane still "alive"? :D
  2. Cyborg11

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    Do you have a link to that video? :)
  3. Cyborg11

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    You mean this right? :) Would be possible that the landing gear failures. BUT if you touch the ground you will explode :/
  4. Since OFP is false. Before ArmA 2 the Reloading animations were animations and not gestures. Gestures is a feature since ArmA 2. ;) And animations were broadcasted all the time.
  5. I have the same issue, Perica. I have the latest version of Teamspeak (beta26) too. I run TS3 as administrator and I'm using the 64 Bit version of TeamSpeak, the 64 Bit plugin (acre_x64.dll) and Windows 7 64 Bit. Everytime I start TS3 I get this error: And ingame I get this error:
  6. Cyborg11

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I want updated ArmA 1 and ArmA 2 content for Operation Arrowhead. :) These 2 DCLs are two things which all of us want to have.
  7. Cyborg11

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    [X] YES, but only as a free patch :)
  8. Cyborg11

    CLY Face Viewer

    It works in .sqs but .sqf is much better than .sqs ;)
  9. Cyborg11

    CLY Face Viewer

    Just copy the init.sqs in a new Utes/Chernarus mission ;) @Celery: Nice script but a tip: Don't use displaySETEventHandler, use displayADDEventHandler instead :) And better learn .sqf :)
  10. Are you sure that your variable _amount is a number? Maybe it's a string because the user wrote it into the text field. But I don't know :/
  11. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    Good to hear that it's working for you now. :D
  12. I don't know why my script doesn't work anymore if you sync the module to an empty vehicle :( The unitList variable only lists me and not the empty vehicle. It's strange :eek::eek: I can't get the ULB module working with empty vehicles. It doesn't work. BIS should fix the ULB module then we can do what we want :) Maybe the wiki helps you with your mortar problem :)
  13. Nice script :) Good for night missions. Btw. I know it's not a bug of your script but I have to post it. :D So don't use the script if you want to drive with the truck. :)
  14. It's a bug in the ULB module. It doesn't work on empty vehicles :( Only on the player and on player / AI controlled vehicles. If you do the setup do YOU have acess to the ULB? Oh and btw: Your setup won't work in MP because the ULB module is buggy in MP. Another player expect the host can't use the ULB. If he tries to use it he will be stucked into the ULB camera and can't exit it. So he have to restart the game. :p
  15. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    Doesn't work for me too. OMG ... I looked at the fn_halo.sqf Script. What did you do with it? :D Why did you add line numbers? oO 1. scriptName "modules_e\Functions\objects\fn_HALO.sqf"; 2. /* 3. File: fn_HALO.sqf 4. Author: Karel Moricky 5. 6. Description: 7. High Altitude Low Opening 8. 9. Parameter(s): 10. _this: ARRAY - starts HALO jump directly 11. OBJECT - waits until unit in array is out of vehicle 12. 13. Returns: 14. Nothing 15. */ 16. 17. sleep 0.01; 18. 19. //--- HALO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. if (typename _this == typename objnull) then { 21. 22. _unit = _this; 23. 24. //--- Eject! 25. waituntil {(vehicle _unit) iskindof "ParachuteBase" || !isnil {_unit getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_now"}}; 26. if (!local _unit) exitwith {}; 27. 28. //--- Delete parachute 29. _parachute = vehicle _unit; 30. if (_parachute != _unit) then { 31. deletevehicle _parachute; 32. }; 33. 34. //--- Init 35. _dir = ([[0,0,0],velocity _unit] call bis_fnc_dirto); 36. _unit setdir _dir; 37. _unit switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non"; 38. CYBP_animHalo = [_unit, "HaloFreeFall_non", "switchMove"]; 39. publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; 40. 41. //--- Key controls 42. if (_unit == player) then { 43. //--- PLAYER ------------------------------------------------ 44. 45. _brightness = 0.99; 46. _pos = position player; 47. _parray = [ 48. /* 00 */ ["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 13, 0], 49. /* 01 */ "", 50. /* 02 */ "Billboard", 51. /* 03 */ 1, 52. /* 04 */ 3, 53. /* 05 */ [0,0,-200], 54. /* 06 */ wind, 55. /* 07 */ 0, 56. /* 08 */ 1.275, 57. /* 09 */ 1, 58. /* 10 */ 0, 59. /* 11 */ [100], 60. /* 12 */ [ 61. [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0], 62. [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0.01], 63. [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0.10], 64. [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0] 65. ], 66. /* 13 */ [1000], 67. /* 14 */ 0, 68. /* 15 */ 0, 69. /* 16 */ "", 70. /* 17 */ "", 71. /* 18 */ player 72. ]; 73. bis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; 74. bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray; 75. bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleRandom [0, [100, 100, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 1]; 76. bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleCircle [00, [00, 00, 00]]; 77. bis_fnc_halo_clouds setDropInterval (0.4 - (0.3 * overcast)); 78. 79. 80. //--- Effects 81. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur = ppeffectcreate ["RadialBlur",464]; 82. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,0.3,0.3]; 83. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01; 84. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectEnable true ; 85. bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time; 86. playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping"; 87. 88. bis_fnc_halo_action = _unit addaction [localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE","ca\modules_e\Functions\misc\fn_HALO.sqf",[],1,true,true,"Eject"]; 89. 90. bis_fnc_halo_keydown = { 91. _key = _this select 1; 92. 93. //--- Forward 94. //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliForward')) then { 95. if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then { 96. if (bis_fnc_halo_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel + bis_fnc_halo_velAdd}; 97. }; 98. 99. //--- Backward 100. //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliBack')) then { 101. if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then { 102. if (bis_fnc_halo_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel - bis_fnc_halo_velAdd}; 103. }; 104. 105. //--- Left 106. //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicLeft')) then { 107. if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then { 108. if (bis_fnc_halo_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir - bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd}; 109. }; 110. 111. //--- Right 112. //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicRight')) then { 113. if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then { 114. if (bis_fnc_halo_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir + bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd}; 115. }; 116. }; 117. bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"]; 118. 119. //--- Loop 120. bis_fnc_halo_vel = 0; 121. bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2; 122. bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03; 123. bis_fnc_halo_dir = 0; 124. bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1; 125. bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06; 126. 127. [] spawn { 128. _time = time - 0.1; 129. while {alive player && vehicle player == player && isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}} do { 130. 131. //--- FPS counter 132. _fpsCoef = ((time - _time) * 60) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 60 FPS 133. _time = time; 134. 135. bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2 * _fpsCoef; 136. bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef; 137. bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1 * _fpsCoef; 138. bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06 * _fpsCoef; 139. 140. //--- Dir 141. bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir * 0.98; 142. _dir = direction player + bis_fnc_halo_dir; 143. player setdir _dir; 144. 145. //--- Velocity 146. _vel = velocity player; 147. bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel * 0.96; 148. player setvelocity [ 149. (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel), 150. (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel), 151. (_vel select 2) 152. ]; 153. 154. //--- Animation system 155. _anim = "HaloFreeFall_non"; 156. _v = bis_fnc_halo_vel; 157. _h = bis_fnc_halo_dir; 158. 159. _vLimit = 0.1; 160. _hLimit = 0.3; 161. if ((abs _v) > _vLimit || (abs _h) > _hLimit) then { 162. _vAnim = ""; 163. if (_v > +_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "F"}; 164. if (_v < -_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "B"}; 165. _hAnim = ""; 166. if (_h > +_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "R"}; 167. if (_h < -_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "L"}; 168. _anim = "HaloFreeFall_" + _vAnim + _hAnim; 169. }; 170. 171. player playmovenow _anim; 172. CYBP_animHalo = [player, _anim, "playMoveNow"]; 173. publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; 174. 175. 176. //--- Sound 177. if ((time - bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop) > 4.5) then { 178. playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping"; 179. bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time; 180. }; 181. 182. //--- Effects 183. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef]; 184. bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01; 185. sleep 0.01; 186. }; 187. //--- End 188. player removeaction bis_fnc_halo_action; 189. (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh]; 190. ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur; 191. deletevehicle bis_fnc_halo_clouds; 192. 193. bis_fnc_halo_clouds = nil; 194. bis_fnc_halo_vel = nil; 195. bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = nil; 196. bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = nil; 197. bis_fnc_halo_dir = nil; 198. bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = nil; 199. bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = nil; 200. bis_fnc_halo_action = nil; 201. bis_fnc_halo_keydown = nil; 202. bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = nil; 203. 204. if (!alive player) then { 205. player switchmove "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1"; 206. CYBP_animHalo = [player, "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1", "switchMove"]; 207. publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; 208. 209. player setvelocity [0,0,0]; 210. CYBP_setVel = [player, [0,0,0]]; 211. publicVariable "CYBP_setVel"; 212. }; 213. }; 214. } else { 215. //--- AI ------------------------------------------------ 216. while {(position _unit select 2) > 100} do { 217. _destination = expecteddestination _unit select 0; 218. if (_destination distance [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,0] > 10) then { 219. _vel = velocity _unit; 220. _dirTo = [_unit,_destination] call bis_fnc_dirto; 221. if (player distance _unit > 500) then { 222. _unit setdir _dirTo; 223. }; 224. _unit setvelocity [ 225. (_vel select 0) + (sin _dirTo * 0.2), 226. (_vel select 1) + (cos _dirTo * 0.2), 227. (_vel select 2) 228. ]; 229. }; 230. sleep 0.01; 231. }; 232. 233. //--- Open 234. [_unit] spawn bis_fnc_halo; 235. }; 236. }; 237. 238. //--- PARA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 239. if (typename _this == typename []) then { 240. 241. _unit = _this select 0; 242. if (!local _unit) exitwith {}; 243. 244. //--- Free fall 245. if (count _this == 2) exitwith { 246. _alt = _this select 1; 247. _unit setpos [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,_alt]; 248. _unit setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_now",true]; 249. _unit spawn bis_fnc_halo; 250. }; 251. //------------- 252. 253. _para = "ParachuteC" createVehicle position _unit; 254. //_para = "BIS_Steerable_Parachute" createVehicle position _unit; 255. _para setpos position _unit; 256. _para setdir direction _unit; 257. _vel = velocity _unit; 258. _unit moveindriver _para; 259. //_unit moveingunner _para; 260. _para lock false; 261. 262. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = direction _para; 263. 264. //--- Key controls 265. if (_unit == player) then { 266. _para setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)*1]; 267. 268. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur = ppeffectcreate ["DynamicBlur",464]; 269. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectEnable true; 270. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [8.0]; 271. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 0; 272. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; 273. bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 1; 274. 275. bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = 0; 276. bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.5; 277. bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.01; 278. bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = 0; 279. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5; 280. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03; 281. 282. bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = { 283. _key = _this select 1; 284. 285. //--- Forward 286. if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then { 287. if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel + bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd}; 288. }; 289. 290. //--- Backward 291. if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then { 292. if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit*0) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel - bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd}; 293. }; 294. 295. //--- Left 296. if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then { 297. if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir - bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd}; 298. }; 299. 300. //--- Right 301. if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then { 302. if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir + bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd}; 303. }; 304. }; 305. bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time - 0.1; 306. bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = velocity _para select 2; 307. bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = { 308. if (!isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}) exitwith {}; 309. if (time == bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) exitwith {}; //--- FPS too high 310. 311. _para = vehicle player; 312. 313. //--- FPS counter 314. _fpsCoef = ((time - bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) * 20) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 20 FPS 315. bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time; 316. 317. //_fpsCoef = _fpsCoef / 3; 318. bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.3 * _fpsCoef; 319. bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.002 * _fpsCoef; 320. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5 * _fpsCoef; 321. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef; 322. 323. //--- Dir 324. bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 0.98; 325. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs + bis_fnc_halo_para_dir; 326. _para setdir bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs; 327. _dir = direction _para; 328. 329. //--- Crash 330. _velZ = velocity _para select 2; 331. if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1;debuglog ["Log::::::::::::::",(_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ)];}; 332. bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = _velZ; 333. 334. //--- Pos 335. _para setposasl [ 336. (getposasl _para select 0) + (sin _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)), 337. (getposasl _para select 1) + (cos _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)), 338. (getposasl _para select 2) - 0.01 - 0.1 * abs bis_fnc_halo_para_vel 339. ]; 340. 341. [ 342. _para, 343. (-bis_fnc_halo_para_vel * 75) + 0.5*(sin (time * 180)), 344. (+bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 25) + 0.5*(cos (time * 180)) 345. ] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank; 346. }; 347. 348. bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mousemoving","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"]; 349. bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mouseholding","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"]; 350. 351. sleep 4; 352. 353. ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur; 354. bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown;"]; 355. 356. //--- End 357. //waituntil {vehicle player == player}; 358. player setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_terminate",nil]; 359. waituntil {(position vehicle player select 2) < 2 || !isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}}; 360. (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh]; 361. (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mousemoving",bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh]; 362. (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mouseholding",bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh]; 363. 364. bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = nil; 365. bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = nil; 366. bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = nil; 367. bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = nil; 368. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = nil; 369. bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = nil; 370. bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = nil; 371. bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = nil; 372. bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = nil; 373. bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = nil; 374. bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = nil; 375. }; 376. }; Here is the correct script. You made the mistake ^^: scriptName "modules_e\Functions\objects\fn_HALO.sqf"; /* File: fn_HALO.sqf Author: Karel Moricky Description: High Altitude Low Opening Parameter(s): _this: ARRAY - starts HALO jump directly OBJECT - waits until unit in array is out of vehicle Returns: Nothing */ sleep 0.01; //--- HALO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (typename _this == typename objnull) then { _unit = _this; //--- Eject! waituntil {(vehicle _unit) iskindof "ParachuteBase" || !isnil {_unit getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_now"}}; if (!local _unit) exitwith {}; //--- Delete parachute _parachute = vehicle _unit; if (_parachute != _unit) then { deletevehicle _parachute; }; //--- Init _dir = ([[0,0,0],velocity _unit] call bis_fnc_dirto); _unit setdir _dir; _unit switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non"; CYBP_animHalo = [_unit, "HaloFreeFall_non", "switchMove"]; publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; //--- Key controls if (_unit == player) then { //--- PLAYER ------------------------------------------------ _brightness = 0.99; _pos = position player; _parray = [ /* 00 */ ["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 13, 0], /* 01 */ "", /* 02 */ "Billboard", /* 03 */ 1, /* 04 */ 3, /* 05 */ [0,0,-200], /* 06 */ wind, /* 07 */ 0, /* 08 */ 1.275, /* 09 */ 1, /* 10 */ 0, /* 11 */ [100], /* 12 */ [ [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0], [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0.01], [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0.10], [_brightness,_brightness,_brightness,0] ], /* 13 */ [1000], /* 14 */ 0, /* 15 */ 0, /* 16 */ "", /* 17 */ "", /* 18 */ player ]; bis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray; bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleRandom [0, [100, 100, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 1]; bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleCircle [00, [00, 00, 00]]; bis_fnc_halo_clouds setDropInterval (0.4 - (0.3 * overcast)); //--- Effects bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur = ppeffectcreate ["RadialBlur",464]; bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,0.3,0.3]; bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01; bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectEnable true ; bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time; playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping"; bis_fnc_halo_action = _unit addaction [localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE","ca\modules_e\Functions\misc\fn_HALO.sqf",[],1,true,true,"Eject"]; bis_fnc_halo_keydown = { _key = _this select 1; //--- Forward //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliForward')) then { if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel + bis_fnc_halo_velAdd}; }; //--- Backward //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliBack')) then { if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel - bis_fnc_halo_velAdd}; }; //--- Left //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicLeft')) then { if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir - bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd}; }; //--- Right //if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicRight')) then { if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir + bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd}; }; }; bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"]; //--- Loop bis_fnc_halo_vel = 0; bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2; bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03; bis_fnc_halo_dir = 0; bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1; bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06; [] spawn { _time = time - 0.1; while {alive player && vehicle player == player && isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}} do { //--- FPS counter _fpsCoef = ((time - _time) * 60) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 60 FPS _time = time; bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06 * _fpsCoef; //--- Dir bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir * 0.98; _dir = direction player + bis_fnc_halo_dir; player setdir _dir; //--- Velocity _vel = velocity player; bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel * 0.96; player setvelocity [ (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel), (_vel select 2) ]; //--- Animation system _anim = "HaloFreeFall_non"; _v = bis_fnc_halo_vel; _h = bis_fnc_halo_dir; _vLimit = 0.1; _hLimit = 0.3; if ((abs _v) > _vLimit || (abs _h) > _hLimit) then { _vAnim = ""; if (_v > +_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "F"}; if (_v < -_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "B"}; _hAnim = ""; if (_h > +_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "R"}; if (_h < -_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "L"}; _anim = "HaloFreeFall_" + _vAnim + _hAnim; }; player playmovenow _anim; CYBP_animHalo = [player, _anim, "playMoveNow"]; publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; //--- Sound if ((time - bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop) > 4.5) then { playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping"; bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time; }; //--- Effects bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef]; bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01; sleep 0.01; }; //--- End player removeaction bis_fnc_halo_action; (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh]; ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur; deletevehicle bis_fnc_halo_clouds; bis_fnc_halo_clouds = nil; bis_fnc_halo_vel = nil; bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = nil; bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = nil; bis_fnc_halo_dir = nil; bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = nil; bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = nil; bis_fnc_halo_action = nil; bis_fnc_halo_keydown = nil; bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = nil; if (!alive player) then { player switchmove "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1"; CYBP_animHalo = [player, "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1", "switchMove"]; publicVariable "CYBP_animHalo"; player setvelocity [0,0,0]; CYBP_setVel = [player, [0,0,0]]; publicVariable "CYBP_setVel"; }; }; } else { //--- AI ------------------------------------------------ while {(position _unit select 2) > 100} do { _destination = expecteddestination _unit select 0; if (_destination distance [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,0] > 10) then { _vel = velocity _unit; _dirTo = [_unit,_destination] call bis_fnc_dirto; if (player distance _unit > 500) then { _unit setdir _dirTo; }; _unit setvelocity [ (_vel select 0) + (sin _dirTo * 0.2), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dirTo * 0.2), (_vel select 2) ]; }; sleep 0.01; }; //--- Open [_unit] spawn bis_fnc_halo; }; }; //--- PARA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (typename _this == typename []) then { _unit = _this select 0; if (!local _unit) exitwith {}; //--- Free fall if (count _this == 2) exitwith { _alt = _this select 1; _unit setpos [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,_alt]; _unit setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_now",true]; _unit spawn bis_fnc_halo; }; //------------- _para = "ParachuteC" createVehicle position _unit; //_para = "BIS_Steerable_Parachute" createVehicle position _unit; _para setpos position _unit; _para setdir direction _unit; _vel = velocity _unit; _unit moveindriver _para; //_unit moveingunner _para; _para lock false; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = direction _para; //--- Key controls if (_unit == player) then { _para setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)*1]; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur = ppeffectcreate ["DynamicBlur",464]; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectEnable true; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [8.0]; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 0; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 1; bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = 0; bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.5; bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.01; bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = 0; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03; bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = { _key = _this select 1; //--- Forward if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel + bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd}; }; //--- Backward if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit*0) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel - bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd}; }; //--- Left if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir - bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd}; }; //--- Right if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then { if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir + bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd}; }; }; bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time - 0.1; bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = velocity _para select 2; bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = { if (!isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}) exitwith {}; if (time == bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) exitwith {}; //--- FPS too high _para = vehicle player; //--- FPS counter _fpsCoef = ((time - bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) * 20) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 20 FPS bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time; //_fpsCoef = _fpsCoef / 3; bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.3 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.002 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5 * _fpsCoef; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef; //--- Dir bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 0.98; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs + bis_fnc_halo_para_dir; _para setdir bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs; _dir = direction _para; //--- Crash _velZ = velocity _para select 2; if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1;debuglog ["Log::::::::::::::",(_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ)];}; bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = _velZ; //--- Pos _para setposasl [ (getposasl _para select 0) + (sin _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)), (getposasl _para select 1) + (cos _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)), (getposasl _para select 2) - 0.01 - 0.1 * abs bis_fnc_halo_para_vel ]; [ _para, (-bis_fnc_halo_para_vel * 75) + 0.5*(sin (time * 180)), (+bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 25) + 0.5*(cos (time * 180)) ] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank; }; bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mousemoving","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"]; bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mouseholding","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"]; sleep 4; ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur; bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown;"]; //--- End //waituntil {vehicle player == player}; player setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_terminate",nil]; waituntil {(position vehicle player select 2) < 2 || !isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}}; (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh]; (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mousemoving",bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh]; (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mouseholding",bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh]; bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = nil; bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = nil; }; }; => http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/900
  16. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    Can you please upload your mission? :)
  17. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    Any errors? Make a hint in your activation line to see if the trigger triggers. :D
  18. You can use the synchronizeObjectsAdd command for the UAV module but for the ULB module you have to change the unitList variable :) Like I did in my script. And it's working. You can control your ULB as a soldier. BIS did the same in Coltan Blues :) => http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ULB BIS_heli_uav_0 setvariable ["unitList",[hco_west_1,hco_west_2]]; The reason why you can use the synchronizeObjectsAdd command on the UAV module is this: _linked = synchronizedobjects _logic; { if (vehicle _x iskindof "uav") then { [_logic,"uavList",[_x],true,true] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd; } else { if !(isnull leader _x) then { [_logic,"rules",[_x],true,true] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd; } else { [_logic,"terminals",[_x],true,true] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd; }; }; sleep 0.01; } foreach _linked; Such a code doesn't exist in the ULB module so you have to manually override the variables. First: Maybe you can try to find the Mortar with the nearObjects command to give it a name and after this you can do whatever you want with it. Second: Theres only one method: You have to change the script and the dialog. :D
  19. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    You can execute the HALO also with: [unit, height] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; The script differentiates between OA and ArmA2. If you have OA / CO then it will execute the new HALO function. Otherwise it will use the old script. But be carefull: If you want to release your mission the OA only users can't play the mission because they don't have the Script ;) Sorry ... the correct syntax for the new function is: nul = [unit, altitude] spawn BIS_fnc_halo; Oh and don't write it in the init line!
  20. Cyborg11

    Halo not synced in mp?

    I override it so if you implent the fix in a mission with HALO my fix will override the original function so it will work in every mission without changing the execution of the HALO Jump :) You have to execute the HALO Jump :) nul = this spawn BIS_fnc_halo; No. Why it should?
  21. I can't get ACRE to work with the latest Beta patch (72197). I copied the dsound.dll into ArmA2\Expansions\beta folder but everytime I start OA with the beta I get following error: TS3 and OA (Beta too) are running with administrator rights. Without the beta patch it's working fine. This is my target line: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE"
  22. Third: I wrote a script for exactly the same. But the UAV works too :) /* =============================================================================================== TerminalBackpack - by Cyborg11 Version: 1.2 Date: 15.07.2010 Description: A unit with a UAV Terminal Backpack has access to an UAV and ULB 1. Synchronize the ULB to the ULB module and the UAV to the UAV module 2. Name the modules 3. Execute the script on the soldier that should have the action Parameter: nul = [unit, ULB module, UAV module] execVM "TerminalBackpack.sqf"; _unit = object which should have access to UAV/ULB _ulbm = name of ULB module - if you don't have a ULB module use nil _uavm = name of UAV module - if you don't have a UAV module use nil Example: nul = [this, ULBM1, nil] execVM "TerminalBackpack.sqf"; nul = [this, nil, UAVM1] execVM "TerminalBackpack.sqf"; nul = [this, ULBM1, UAVM1] execVM "TerminalBackpack.sqf"; Changelog: v1.2: - UAV works now v1.1: - fixed a few bugs with the ULB v1.0: - release =============================================================================================== */ private ["_unit", "_uavm", "_ulbm", "_terminal", "_terminalArray", "_unitList", "_newUnitList", "_rules", "_newRules"]; _unit = _this select 0; _ulbm = _this select 1; _uavm = _this select 2; If (isNil "_ulbm" && isNil "_uavm") exitWith{ hint "ERROR in script TerminalBackpack.sqf!\n\nBoth modules are NIL, cancel script!"; diag_log text format ["**** ERROR in Script 'TerminalBackpack.sqf' in mission '%1'!", missionName]; diag_log text format ["**** Both module values (_ulbm / _uavm) are NIL!"]; }; // [98,97,99,107,112,97,99,107,95,117,115,95,97,117,118,46,112,51,100] - backpack_us_auv.p3d - Classname: US_UAV_Pack_EP1 While {alive _unit} do { _backpack = unitBackpack _unit; _condition = toArray(str(_backpack)); If (115 IN _condition && 95 IN _condition && 97 IN _condition && 117 IN _condition && 118 IN _condition && 46 IN _condition) then { If (!isNil "_ulbm") then { _unitList = _ulbm getVariable "unitList"; If (!(_unit IN _unitList)) then { _newUnitList = _unitList + [_unit]; _ulbm setVariable ["unitList", _newUnitList, true]; }; }; If (!isNil "_uavm") then { _rules = _uavm getVariable "rules"; If (!(_unit IN _rules)) then { _uavm synchronizeObjectsAdd [_backpack, _unit]; }; }; } else { If (!isNil "_ulbm") then { _unitList = _ulbm getVariable "unitList"; If (_unit IN _unitList) then { _newUnitList = _unitList - [_unit]; _ulbm setVariable ["unitList", _newUnitList, true]; }; }; If (!isNil "_uavm") then { _rules = _uavm getVariable "rules"; If (_unit IN _rules) then { _uavm synchronizeObjectsRemove [_backpack, _unit]; }; }; }; sleep 2; };