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Everything posted by Cyborg11

  1. I think I can release the Camels tomorrow :)
  2. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Only activate one config. Or you will have problems. Like I wrote in the Readme choose only one @LittleBirds folder ;) If you are using CAA1, then only use the CAA1 config. If you don't use CAA1, then use the normal config.
  3. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Update 2.21 released :) Just an update for the CAA1 users :) Changelog: To update from 2.2: Download: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/LittleBirds-CAA1Update2.21.7z
  4. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    o.O Works fine for me o.O The MH-6 from all factions? Or only the US Army? Do you have other mods running? And can you see it under Empty -> Air?
  5. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Yes it is signed :)
  6. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Version 2.2 is out :) Now you can use the Little Birds with CAA1 without problems Changelog: Readme: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/Readme.pdfServer Key: http://www.ofpec.com/tags/index.php?action=details&tag_id=1779 Downloads: Armaholic (2.2) Rapidshare (2.2)
  7. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Really? Oh :/ Will fix it in 2.2! I hope I can release it this week :D But first I will download CAA1 and will test it with the Little Birds ^^
  8. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Little Birds 2.1 released :) CAA1 Version is included. Next version will have the super shader from ArmA 2. Have fun with it! Changelog Readme: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/downloads/ArmA2/Readme.pdfDownloads: Armaholic.com (v2.1 - 15,6 MB) Rapidshare (v2.1 - 15,6 MB)
  9. Read this and give the AI negative rating if they shoot at a surrender :)
  10. Don't know why but the fire command on the Flarelauncher doesn't work. _plane selectweapon "flarelauncher"; // works _plane fire "flarelauncher"; // the plane will not fire the flares Because this doesn't work I can't make automatic flares and the AI can't use the flares too :(
  11. @nuxil: Thanks for it! Works great !!! :) But one question: I removed the hint line in the flares.sqf Script but the hint still displays every time I shot a flare. :/ EDIT: Added a sleep command to the init.sqf and it works now :) waitUntil {player == player}; sleep 0.5; BIS_Effects_Flares=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "flares.sqf";
  12. Hi guys, I have a problem with my flare script :( It doesn't work. I call it with this: this addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile",{_this execVM "flares.sqf"}]; And this is my flares.sqf script: /* // ******************************************** // Script File for ArmA2 // Made by: Cyborg11 // Version: 1.0 - 12.08.2009 // Used Elements from the Missile spoof script by Franze // Scriptversion for Flares // To use write in the Init from your planes or helicopters: // this addeventhandler ["IncomingMissile",{_this execVM "flares.sqf"}]; // ******************************************** */ private ["_plane","_missile","_planetype","_oclock","_distance","_rand","_chance1","_chance2","_count"]; // Variables _plane = _this select 0; _planetype = typeOf _plane; _missile = _this select 1; _rand = 20; _chance1 = 3; _chance2 = 2; _count = 0; flarecount = 0; If (!(alive _plane)) exitWith{}; // Flarecount switch (_planetype) do { default {flarecount = 12}; }; // Coordinates //_planepos = getpos _plane; //_missilepos = getpos _missile; _xplane = getpos _plane select 0; _yplane = getpos _plane select 1; _zplane = getpos _plane select 2; _xmissile = getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = getpos _missile select 1; _zmissile = getpos _missile select 2; _dirplane = direction _plane; _x = (_xplane - _xmissile); _y = (_yplane - _ymissile); _distance = _missile distance _plane; If ((_x>0) and (_y>0)) then {_theta = atan (abs _x / abs _y) +180}; If ((_x>0) and (_y<0)) then {_theta = atan (abs _y / abs _x) +270}; If ((_x<0) and (_y<0)) then {_theta = atan (abs _x / abs _y) +0}; If ((_x<0) and (_y>0)) then {_theta = atan (abs _y / abs _x) +90}; _theta = (360 + (_dirhelo1 - _theta))Mod 360; If (_theta > 15 and _theta < 45) then {_oclock = 11;}; If (_theta > 45 and _theta < 75) then {_oclock = 10}; If (_theta > 75 and _theta < 105) then {_oclock = 9;}; If (_theta > 105 and _theta < 135) then {_oclock = 8;}; If (_theta > 135 and _theta < 165) then {_oclock = 7;}; If (_theta > 165 and _theta < 195) then {_oclock = 6;}; If (_theta > 195 and _theta < 225) then {_oclock = 5;}; If (_theta > 225 and _theta < 255) then {_oclock = 4;}; If (_theta > 255 and _theta < 285) then {_oclock = 3;}; If (_theta > 285 and _theta < 315) then {_oclock = 2;}; If (_theta > 315 and _theta < 345) then {_oclock = 1;}; If (_theta > 345 and _theta < 360) then {_oclock = 12;}; If (_theta > 0 and _theta < 15) then {_oclock = 12;}; If (_z2 > 50) then { _plane vehiclechat format ["%1 Missile %2 OClock High %3 Meters",_missile,_oclock,_distance]; _plane vehicleradio "fz_plane_bp_miswarn"; } else { _plane vehiclechat format ["%1 Missile %2 OClock Low %3 Meters",_weaponname,_oclock,_distance]; _plane vehicleradio "fz_plane_bp_miswarn"; }; If (!(local _plane) AND flarecount >= 0) then { drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[-1.5,1,-1],[2-random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"\Flares\scripts\smokes.sqs","",_plane]; _plane say "fzf18flarelaunch"; sleep 0.1; drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[1.5,1,-1],[2+random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"\Flares\scripts\smokes.sqs","",_plane]; _plane say "fzf18flarelaunch"; sleep 1; drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[-1.5,1,-1],[2-random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"\Flares\scripts\smokes.sqs","",_plane]; _plane say "fzf18flarelaunch"; sleep 0.1; drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",0.05,10,[1.5,1,-1],[2+random 8,0,-10],0,2.8,1,0.1,[3],[[1,1,0.3,1]],[0,1],0.1,0,"\Flares\scripts\smokes.sqs","",_plane]; _plane say "fzf18flarelaunch"; flarecount = flarecount - 4; } else { _plane sidechat ["No more flares!"]; }; WaitUntil {(_missile distance _plane) < 100}; for [{_count=0},{_count<=7},{_count=_count+1}] do { _missile setdir (direction _missile - _chance1 - random _chance2); }; ArmA2.rpt says: private ["_plane","_missile","_planetype> Error position: <private ["_plane","_missile","_planetype> Error getpos: Lokale Variable im globalen Bereich File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Admin\Eigene Dateien\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\[EC]%20Cyborg11\missions\flaretest.utes\flares.sqf, line 13 Error in expression <e = getpos _plane select 2; _xmissile = getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = ge> Error position: <getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = ge> Error getpos: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Objekt,Location File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Admin\Eigene Dateien\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\[EC]%20Cyborg11\missions\flaretest.utes\flares.sqf, line 36 Error in expression <e = getpos _plane select 2; _xmissile = getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = ge> Error position: <getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = ge> Error getpos: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Objekt,Location File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Admin\Eigene Dateien\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\[EC]%20Cyborg11\missions\flaretest.utes\flares.sqf, line 36 Error in expression <e = getpos _plane select 2; _xmissile = getpos _missile select 0; _ymissile = ge> Error position: <getpos _missile select 0;
  13. Cool. Thanks ! Will try it
  14. Tested it on a Dedicated server with a friend and it worked! He was a commander of the Resistance and he could give orders to his troops. I could do the same to my Blufor soldiers. :) SpecOps is working on a Dedicated Server too now :D He got missions and I got missions. :D
  15. Anyone know if the HC Module works in MP with two commanders on each side (BLUFOR and OPFOR)?
  16. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    No didn't change the sounds :confused: Do you have other Mods or only my Little Birds?
  17. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Version 2.0 is here guys! Readme: Downloads: Rapidshare (v2.0) @andersson: Created one: CYBP_ :D
  18. But remember: Add the magazine first so the weapon is loaded when the game starts :)
  19. Sry ^^ It works on a dedicated server but only the Leader from a group can use the module. The members can't command other groups. But you can sync. all Squad members and the leader to the command module and so all of them can use the module. Hope you unterstood that now :D
  20. Does anyone know how i can get the standard effect back? Want to cancel the IR but i can't do that ^^ EDIT: Found out: "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable false; "chromAberration" ppEffectEnable false; "radialBlur" ppEffectEnable false;
  21. Hosted. But I think it should work on a Dedi too :) And yes it works if you are not the group leader who is synced with the High Command module. If you disable the AI and take number 3 from the squad you can command the other BLUFOR/OPFOR groups :)
  22. Works perfect with Respawn and disabledAI :)
  23. Yes you are right. If you place the AI on water they will die. But if the AI jumps out from a boat or land in the water with a parachute they can swim.
  24. You must create the briefing in a seperate file/init ;) The trigger is for respawned players.