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Everything posted by Cyborg11

  1. Cyborg11

    Medevac Module

    Errors etc. are always in arma2.rpt. ;) So if you write a mistake in your .sqf arma2.rpt will say it :p
  2. Done :) Any other suggestions? :) New: - pistol for infantrys - mapGridPosition - bigger picture for vehicles - weapon pictures of inf weapons
  3. Do you mean something like this? :D The pictures were only shown on infantry weapons ;)
  4. What you need is: - TakeWeapon/TakeMagazine for corpses you could his weapons and his magazines (weapons unit and magazines unit) and then use takeweapon/takemagazine. :)
  5. Made v1.1 :) Much has changed. First two pictures of the new hints (left is a vehicle - right is a soldier): Download v1.1: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/ShowClassnamesETC1.1.utes.7z Now the following will displayed in your arma2.rpt:
  6. Cyborg11

    Medevac Module

    Instead of double quotes you can use ' ' too :) @T: Nice module, goliath86! :) But why module version. I would say to release it as a script version is better because you only have to copy the script into your mission instead of having an addon :)
  7. Cyborg11

    Why remove deletecollection

    Yes would be great. Such a command is very helpfull :)
  8. And to get the turrets you can use my script: /* ====================================================================================================== Get Turrets - by Cyborg11 Version: 1.02 Date: 30.01.2010 Description: Use this script to get the turrets of a vehicle Parameter: nul = [vehiclename] execVM "getturret.sqf"; Example: nul = [m1a2_1] execVM "getturret.sqf"; ====================================================================================================== */ private ["_unit","_mainturret","_turrets","_turretcount","_turretarray","_turretname","_dispnameturret","_turrethint"]; _unit = _this select 0; _type = typeOf _unit; If (_unit isKindOf "LandVehicle" || _unit isKindOf "Air" || _unit isKindOf "Ship") then { _mainturret = false; If (isClass (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets")) then { If ((count (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets")) > 1) then { _turrets = configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets"; } else { _turrets = configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets" >> "MainTurret" >> "Turrets"; _mainturret = true; }; } else { _turrets = []; }; _turretcount = If (_mainturret) then { (count _turrets) - 1; } else { count _turrets; }; _turretarray = []; _turretname = configName (_turrets select 1); _dispnameturret = getText (_turrets select 1 >> "gunnerName"); If (_turretcount >= 2) then { for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _turretcount}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _turretarray = _turretarray + [getText (_turrets select _i >> "gunnerName")]; }; }; _turrethint = switch (_turretcount) do { case -1 : {""}; case 1 : {format ["Turret: %1\nTurretname: %2",_turretcount,_dispnameturret]}; case 2 : {format ["Turrets: %1\nTurretname 1: %2\nTurretname 2: %3",_turretcount, _turretarray select 0, _turretarray select 1]}; case 3 : {format ["Turrets: %1\nTurretname 1: %2\nTurretname 2: %3\nTurretname 3: %4",_turretcount, _turretarray select 0, _turretarray select 1, _turretarray select 2]}; case 4 : {format ["Turrets: %1\nTurretname 1: %2\nTurretname 2: %3\nTurretname 3: %4\nTurretname 4: %5",_turretcount, _turretarray select 0, _turretarray select 1, _turretarray select 2, _turretarray select 3]}; }; } else { _turretarray = []; _turrethint = ""; }; hintSilent format ["Unit: %1\n%2",_unit,_turrethint];
  9. Best is to set the UI size to normal.
  10. Cyborg11

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    If we'll get the MLODs I can do that. Don't know which parts must be named right in the model. So ... if you want flares you should use MMA, ACE 2 or RKSL :)
  11. Changelog: Readme: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/Readme.pdf Server Key: http://www.ofpec.com/tags/index.php?action=details&tag_id=1779 Downloads: Armaholic.com - v2.21 (you only need this config update if you are using CAA1) - Requires: v2.2 Funpic.de - v2.21 (you only need this config update if you are using CAA1) - Requires: v2.2 Armaholic.com - v2.2 Rapidshare.com - v2.2 ArmA2base.de - v2.1 Rapidshare.com - v2.0 Rapidshare.com - v1.1 ArmA2-Addons.com - v1.1 Rapidshare.com - v1.0 Have fun with the Little Birds! :)
  12. Not MH-60L (Seahawk - USMC) ;) UH60L (Blackhawk - US Army)
  13. So does this mean if none of the soldiers have a rope with them no one can fastrope?
  14. For what are the ropes which I can pick up from the rope ammo crate? :D
  15. I can do a) but for b) and c) you must write to ACE 2 ;) The best way would be to create a new Ticket on Dev-Heaven ;)
  16. And last but not least: The co-pilot can only have access to the camera so he can navigate the pilot but the pilot can control his chopper with the active camera :D Or should the pilot have the camera too?
  17. Cyborg11

    AC-130 Spectre in ArmA 2 ?

    Use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteCollection to hide the models of the guns :)
  18. Wrong. I did them. :p Will look what I can do :)
  19. Cyborg11

    secondary weapon + safe behaviour

    Or you can use this Holster Script :)
  20. Cyborg11

    The Undead Mod

    Do you have plans for the future to make it MP compatible?
  21. The cannon isn't a hud mode. It's a BIS weapon so you can cycle to it with F ;) As a pilot use manual fire if you can't fire it.
  22. Don't lock on a target and fire => LOAL Lock on a target and fire => LOBL :p LOAL doesn't work in Hellfire Camera ;) Press the key to change HUD modes (default is Ctrl). :)