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Everything posted by TangoRomeo

  1. @ Paladin. Not as bad as you make it to be, and if you'd be honest to yourself, the franchise has never been arcade. It`s still the best military Combined Arms Tactical Shooter out there, because it's the only one of it's kind atm. At least in proportion. Personally i suspect DR not to be close to a simulation either, eventually not even if broken down into single aspects. But that doesn't matter. It's all about the "P" word, possibilities (problems), the quality and quntity of the community that evolves around it, and the resulting longvity.
  2. TangoRomeo

    Very skilled Chinook Pilot

    Tops. There are some magnificent testimonials to Chinook and pilot capatibilities: Waterborne Extraction: Wsq8ol9XJPY Extraction of personnel from a Rooftop: My favorite display of rotary wing flying skills is still this old snippet. lXNCZlQcvGw Not too shabby either: jYiNLgcUzJQ :eek:
  3. Providing a stable and opimized base for the community to work from, that's all they need to do.
  4. If anything, ArmA 2 is a tactical shooter, not a simulation. If there ever have been simulation aspects to the OFP / ArmA franchise, then it has to be attributed to 3rd party content. A simulation entails reproducing RL systems and sequences required to operate a vehicle / weapon. This can only be done if the appropriate functions are actually implemented. In OFP/ArmA anyone can just hop in a vehicle and have fun, w/o a steep learning curve associated with simulations. That's the idea. To illustrate my point on system depth and simulation, here's a typical engagement sequence for a FIM-92 gunner. Once alerted to a target the gunner shoulders the system, inserts the BCU into its grip-stock receptacle and unfolds the IFF antenna. Removal of the front protective cover of the launcher tube to reveal the IR or IR/UV transparent frangible disc. Raising of the open sight assembly and connection of the beltpack IFF interrogator unit via a cable to the grip-stock. The gunner is now ready to acquire the target visually. This is done by using the sight and estimating its range with the estimation facility of the system. If required, the target can now be interrogated via the AN/PPX-1 system. This can be done w/o having to activate the weapon. The azimuth coverage of the 10 km range IFF system is essentially the same as that of the optical sight, enabling the gunner to associate responses with the particular aircraft that is in view. An audio signal 0.7 second after the IFF challenge switch is depressed provides the gunner with the cue as to whether the target is friendly or an unknown for possible engagement. If the gunner decides that it is unfriendly, the A/C is tracked and the weapon system activated by depressing the impulse generator switch. This causes the impulse generator to energise the BCU, which then releases pressurised argon gas coolant to the IR detector and generates a dual-polarity DC output for > 45 seconds. The cooling takes 3-5 seconds. It provides all the prelaunch electrical power required for the seeker coolant system, gyro spin-up, launcher acquisition electronics, guidance electronics, activation of the missile's onboard thermal battery and ignition of the ejector motor. The seeker is allowed to look at the target through the IR or IR/UV transparent front launcher disc,and when sufficient energy is received by the detector for acquisition to have occurred, an audio signal is sent to the gunner. Total time required for tracking and missile activation is about 6 seconds. The gunner is then required to depress the seeker uncage bar and, using the open sight, insert the superelevation and lead data (newer versions of the Stinger (Block 1 and Block 2) preclude the need to superelevate the missile). Once this is accomplished, the gunner depresses the firing trigger which activates the missile battery. This powers all the missile functions after launch and operates for around 19 seconds until the DC output drops below the required minimum for use. A brief time delay operates, following which the umbilical connector to the gripstock is retracted and a pulse is sent to ignite the ejector motor. Total time to motor ignition from depression of the firing trigger is ~ 1.7 seconds. Upon ignition, the initial thrust generated imparts roll to the missile airframe and starts the fuze timer system. The missile and its exhaust then break through the frangible discs at either end of the launcher tube. That's it in a nutshell, compared to vehicles, a fairly simple system. US Army training needs indicate that 136 h of instruction are required on this system, before weapon qualification is given. Compare it to what is provided in ArmA. The similarities basically end with the 3D model. :/ This is not a rant. I accept the franchise for what it is, and i plan on having fun with the game, that is as soon as proper QM allows for it - Question is, can you?
  5. TangoRomeo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Another "preview". Gamestar DR first impressions Not much of an indepth preview, basically the reviewers subjective feel towards the game. Other than the command interface being more comfortable compared to OFP/ArmA, damage calculation being independant of difficulty setting, and player controlled AC being restricted to MP, there isn't any information on internal mechanics and complexity of the game. The preview concludes that DR`s visuals do not stand up to the level advertised, but it's running fluid, even on a Laptop w/ 1GB RAM and 7600 GT, while still looking good.
  6. TangoRomeo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    gram.pl had some hands on what appears to be a press-release or preview version: Machine translation of the article
  7. TangoRomeo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Any word on the platform the video has been recorded from? I was hoping for some details on system depth of the vehicles, weapons and equipment portrayed ingame .... as far as eye candy is concerned, i don't mind having a less populated and detailed sandbox, as long as it streams smoothly on the avg. system.
  8. TangoRomeo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    :D http://www.austinenterprise.com/history I know people who have tattoos that would probably be more offensive to you than an iron cross, but these do not reflect their political beliefs. CM Article: OFP: DR Sound Team Update - Weapons
  9. TangoRomeo

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    Just one request. Please fix the existing stuff.
  10. TangoRomeo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Seems they're putting quite some effort into the sound department. GH222ruJaRo Vehicle recording at 29 Palms with the USMC
  11. TangoRomeo

    russian vs georgian infantry battle

    Manufacturing a crisis. Afaik S.'s own staff adviced him against invading S.O.. 4 hours later he ordered the attack. In the meantime he only was in contact with VP Cheney`s aides. As far as i´m concerned the incident served nothing but to provoke the russian bear, until, clumsy as he is, he would trample and violate international law. S. Palin in an ABC interview: fQatAMpa9R8 Nuts.
  12. TangoRomeo

    Only suicide missions?

    Don't get disheartened by the A.I., it's performance can be anything from tumbleweed/ incomprehensible, to superhuman. In addition to Dslyecxi's guide, also check out Ranger Handbook
  13. TangoRomeo

    T90 weak as hell?

    Reminds me of storys about P-47 Pilots aiming short with their .50 cals, for the ricochets to penetrate the lightly armored belly of Pz. VI`s, ... urban legends.
  14. TangoRomeo

    russian vs georgian infantry battle

    I believe that if someone gets exposed to all this sh*t for prolongued periods, that person will either become numb or indifferent to killing another human being, or actually come to like it. Eventually it will catch up later, when there's enough time to reflect on this.
  15. TangoRomeo

    the Best war speech ever?

    YFs3mmfYXYo That one moved me deeply, really.
  16. TangoRomeo

    Allow shooting from the hip when running?

    The idea behind this technique is not to deliver precision fire. It´s to cover a reasonable short distance at the fastest pace possible while providing additional suppression fire. A running person is just a target, someone shooting at the same time, a threat. It´s not an isolated action, but used in tandem with a covering group, i.e. while storming an enemy entrenchment. It´s gung-ho for sure, and if you get to choose between ABM to pacify a trench, and actually having to storm it, the choice would be obvious. No :D. Wars are decided at much higher levels. We just had a habit of bringing most major industrial nations against us.
  17. TangoRomeo

    Allow shooting from the hip when running?

    Trying to shoot from the shoulder while running is not only more difficult, but it will also throw the shooter off balance more easily. Shooting from the hip, or "Sturmschiessen" as we call it, is part of basic training in Germany. aM-nM57Y058 At 2:03 the platoon leader tries to show recruits, but does so rather poorly, both methodically and didactically. The only thing he got correct is semi-auto fire.
  18. TangoRomeo

    Allow shooting from the hip when running?

    It´s not realism being the issue, but players exploiting implementations like this, using them in situations that have no connection to RL application whatsoever.
  19. TangoRomeo

    YAWN! Another "PC Gaming is Dead" article...

    As long as there are PC's in households, the gaming industry will cater for that.
  20. TangoRomeo

    Allow shooting from the hip when running?

    It´s the situation that dictates the methods of movement and fire delivered. Shooting from the hip while running, is a military procedure, of which i´m positive can be found in many basic FM's. Whether this is an economic or effective method is open to debate.
  21. TangoRomeo

    russian vs georgian infantry battle

    Just had closer look; at 0:45 seems to be the cannon, at 1:34 could be RPG.
  22. TangoRomeo

    russian vs georgian infantry battle

    @Finalcut, agreed. I think the main issue is not understanding proper tactics. It's a question of character, and resulting actions. Independant of age and background, there are Ego- and Teamplayers. Concerning approach to a particular situation, whatever works in gaining an upper hand in a skirmish, is a valid tactic.
  23. TangoRomeo

    White soldiers actually can jump.

    Making it a gameplay option, or implementation via a modswitch would allow hosts to decide whether they want this feature to be available online. If used however, i can see this feature getting abused and exploited by players, independant of how strict the implementation is.
  24. TangoRomeo

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    Wow, looks very convincing! Maybe add a little wear&tear to the armor?
  25. TangoRomeo

    the Grey

    I like. Would be cool to have a late 40`s early 50`s theme to go with it. For the creatures themselves, would it be possible to have a gloss/specular map on them?