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Everything posted by sanis

  1. I've watched some gameplay videos and I've seen that it's possible to play with 3rd person view. If this is supposed to be "realistic" game, how come it's possible to look over walls or around the corner even though your eyes and the whole body is behind that wall? The enemies can't see you but you can see them very clearly. My suggestion is that the 3rd person view should be disabled, at least when you're not in a vehicle.
  2. sanis

    3rd person view

    I sometimes wonder if people even realize that the game hasn't yet been released in every country. So it's kinda hard to look at the difficulty settings menu...
  3. sanis

    3rd person view

    OK then there's no problem
  4. sanis

    3rd person view

    Yea I was talking about MP. In SP you can "cheat" if you want, but in MP it's not fair for the other players.