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About Tumble

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  1. Tumble

    Patch 1.02 serious issue

    Same problem here, just so you know its not a one off.
  2. Hey, I've have lowered everything in game to the lowest settings and used the keyleg??? Erm... sorry I don't remember his name. But I used the mod by someone to stop the blur and bloom and my game is so nearly playable ( I don't mind the ugliness :D ) But what else can I do? I know you can change things in the config but how do you find that I did a search on it but couldn't find out how as I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for. Thanks for any help I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section but I didn't want to start a new thread to ask :o Kegetys is the name thanks Bushlurker
  3. Hi Am I out of my mind to think this game will play on my system. Saying I wasnt and it was possible would the game be playable on the lowest setting with reasonable fps and could it manage anything more than lowest. AMD Turion Dual-Core processor RM72 2.10GHz Windows Vista 32-bit 4GB RAM GeForce 8200M Please somebody help im lost when it comes to this sort of thing.
  4. Hi, I know the graphics is poor cpu is poor compared to gaming pc's but could someone tell me if this could run the game atall and if so one what settings. AMD Turion Dual-Core processor RM72 4GB RAM NVidia GeForce 8200M graphics Thanks for any help, sorry if this is in wrong section.