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Everything posted by genpatton043

  1. genpatton043

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    I think I have it goin now, will be in touch
  2. genpatton043

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    Well, I'm having an issue, but its not with your mission so much as it is ACE itself. In my ACE version I don't have a UH-60 or Mi-24 so it prohibits me from playing or looking at it.
  3. genpatton043

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    I just grabbed it. I'll try it out tonight and give you any feedback I can. =)
  4. genpatton043

    Basic Briefing howto

    It could have been, not sure. But I'll look into it. Thank
  5. genpatton043

    Basic Briefing howto

    Really quick question. A few weeks back I was looking around here and I thought I saw a post that discussed the ability to create a task that is for all playable units without having to create each task separately for each playable unit individually. At the time I did not save that and now I can't find it again/ Is that possible and if so, how would I go about setting that up?
  6. I've tried searching and all I have been finding is posts from July. Is there any idea what causes it and is there a solution? Specifically I am using the CAA1 Mod and I like it, but its impossible to try and use it to create missions or cutscenes with this error. Thanks.
  7. Can anyone point me in the direction as to how to re-enableAI movement for a switchable unit in high command? What I would like to do, is to make units switchable by radio command so as to allow the player the option of playing different units without the option of having 5 or 6 switchable units to start a mission as in the heat of battle it gets confusing at times. So, my mission is based around a Mechanized Infantry Company. The Player Start is the Company Commander who is the high commander. But, I would like to give ther player the option of playing say, the platoon leaders as well, when needed. When they are not needed, he can make them unswitchable and relinquish command back to the AI. I have tried the enableAI/DisableAI commands, but they do not work. I have also asked a veteran player about it as he's been a big help to me in the past. But he kind of thinks that there is a conflict with the High commmand system and the enable/disableAi command. I understand how to make units switchable and unswitchable, its just getting the units to move again after they have been made unswitchable that I am having an issue with. Also, on an unrelated topic is it possible to make subunit commanders in HC? Meaning, if the player starts as a Company Commander who controls 4 platoons and all of their units, can a platoon commander command just his platoon? If a company has 16 squads, the High Commander controls each squad and four of those squads would be a platoon leader who in turn controls, via HC, his 3 squads that are only in his platoon? Thanks
  8. OK, so thats a fact. Theres no way around it really than. I think I know what you mean as far as losing command of the squad, although I have only seen that happen when entering a vehicle. For instance, if I am at a squad leaders control, I than switch to HC and order his group to "Get in" (nearest) the squad than does that and when I switch back, I control the former squad leader. I was hoping there was a way around that.
  9. Scratch my last comment. I did NOT use the Beta shortcut to launch the game, I used the Arma II launcher. Selected Ace, Acex and CBA and now it works just fine. Thanks for the help. I just wish I had more time tonight to play. -)
  10. Hold on a second. PK< I am not sure what just happened, I tried running a normal mod and had no issues as I stated. But now, I tried the ACE shortcut again (Still with no acex enabled) and this time, it worked with no messages. The only thing I am not sure of is if all of the new addons are installed yet. In the editor, I have three "ACE" classes. E\ US_Army E\US_Army Desert and E\USMC_Desert. Should there be more? Each class does have subclasses, but for instance, in the "Armored" window, it shows Strykers, M113's, M2A2's and so on, but no M1A1 HC.
  11. By not using ACEX you mean removing it from the shortcut correct? If so, I just tried that and I still get the same message.
  12. Just tried using the Beta shortcut that you mentioned. For another second I thought that might work. I actually got a conflict message regarding an addon in ACE, "ACEX_c_men_usarmy requires Ace_c_gear" but than it quickly closed that window and brought up a new one with a new error message that I had yet to see. "Error compiling pixel shader PSSSSMSpecular Alpha :1" And than it all shuts down.
  13. LMAO I thought so too. I did as you suggested. I used my original Arma 2 shortcut, changed the path to "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=Beta;@ACE;@ACEX;@CBA and now, when I start it, guess what I get? The "Cannot find clientside config.hpp" Talk about going in circles. lmao
  14. I've been waiting until the updater tells me to "Press enter to exit". As I mentioned above, this time when I went through and used the lazy configg, I saw the up[dater installing more option and files than before. I figured that was a success and I waited until I got the exit message. I am trying the Beta config now to see if that works.
  15. "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=Beta;@ACE;@ACEX;@CBA And actually, heres the thing. I'm going around in circles now. I saw that shortcut line a few pages back and changed it. However, now I am getting the "Error compiling Pixel Shader PSTTreeADV" message
  16. OK, I created the USERCONFIG file and that error goes away. Arma 2 does start, however, ACE is not loaded. So where does one go from there?
  17. I just tried following that to the letter. (Minus the launcher)I actually thought I had it for a second. I go through Option 2 and all looks good. Everything is downloaded. When its finished and I exit and than go back and hit 23 start game, it begins loadeding and than it stops with the "Cannot find clientside config.hpp" file again. I really thought this might do the trick, but it doesn't look like it now/
  18. Its busy. I had the same issue as well, keep trying. Theres a lot of folks trying to use it.
  19. I did have CBA already installed, but someone else mentioned deleting it and reinstalling it which I did to no avail. As for the shortcut, dunno. I have yet to get one made. I clicked on "Create Shortcut" on the config site, yet one never appears. I normally use the Arma 2 launcher, but that doesn't work for this. I start the game by going into the updater, selecting 23 and like I said, it starts, but its just the normal Arma 2, not ACE.
  20. Yes, I have used a number of them, including ACE for Arma I and none of them were ever as complicated as this. I'm not trying to sound disgruntled over something that is free. But at this current time, I cannot honestly say that the info given is concise and clear as to its installation.
  21. Just to be sure, I went back through for a third time. I've gotten the game to start, but its not running the ACE mod when it does. I went in and selected the mods, executed and than went to start the game. it loads, but just normal Arma 2, not ACE. For about an hour before I came here. i'm registered at their site, but since I saw someone else having the same issues here, I posted.
  22. Than please, if you don't mind, share your knowledge on how exactly you got it to work.I followed the method listed. I installed the updater. Ran it and it now also tells me that a clientside config file is missing. Yet, both Ace folders are in the Six-Updater folder. I also deleted the previous CBA file I had and downloaded and reinstalled it again and nothing changes. I continue to receive the clientside config error.
  23. genpatton043

    GLT Signs 2.0

    Thanks Myka! Been looking forward to one of these!