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Everything posted by stephsen

  1. stephsen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    thx for your support Genesis ,i will test it :)
  2. stephsen

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    hey LordJ. has the handgrenades and 40mm Launcher ammo the vanilla explosion sounds ?
  3. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    God this is hard :icon_mrgreen: ähm i've noticed thats the fireshine from wrecked tanks or cars at night is a little bit to strong , i've see the fire reflect light 300- 500meters on objects like bushes and housewalls , looks not so good ;-)
  4. stephsen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    ok 10 hours gameplay: i've noticed that vehicles total often drive over the own soldiers :( , but the infantrie AI is Outstanding ;)
  5. hey sudden i became a failure message ingame "Sound hmg_127_mid not found" ...hope i could help.
  6. Good Sir , that sounds like a good plan... it would be nice to see more artillery (Howitzer and field guns) M198 howitzer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M198_howitzer M116 howitzer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M116_howitzer or mortars: M29 mortar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M29_mortar 2B9 Vasilek http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2B9_Vasilek Greetz ;)
  7. stephsen


    i think its a good idea ;)
  8. very happy for the fast updates , great job sudden:) ...whats your plan in the future with this mod ?
  9. IBIS World (4 Arma2 islands combined on a huge sea map) wow this is second place :(...sounds totally boring ,a new island balkan or tonal style that would be nice
  10. stephsen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    best AI mod for Arma3, i've test it 4-5 hours and feels really good ,do your wanna still upgrade this mod in future ?
  11. Nice addons mate ,thank you ;)
  12. stephsen


    hell that looks really good :ok:
  13. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Yep the community needs your heroin ;)
  14. god its downloading with 8 kbits ^^
  15. WoW... love the contrast from village area and open ranges (fields), safe this ! ;-)
  16. for me a thing of View and can itself argue, when i push the aim function longer and it zooms ,okay ! but automatic when i get aimed without a scope its not a cool feature. So in Arma3 vanilla i will not forced in aim position automatic in zoom function, thats a cool feature ;)
  17. because its extrem pesky ,particularly in House firefights. BIS has this feature not groundless reworked in Arma3. this was absolutly a worst case in the predecessors, all guys celebrated the arma Series is that reference in realistic-tactical Battle Games and this feature was so long in the Bohemia SeriesFPDR (be blessed A3) Please turn off the terminator zoom eye without a scope its not really ww2 like, and would be a step backward. best Regards
  18. Oh No , is that a automatical zoom when you get aimed ? ...the guys from BIS have got this failure wonderful reworked with Arma3, (zoom robocop eyes in ofp,arma,arma2).
  19. men i need this script :D ,or can you show me how did you do that ?
  20. Holy ! great wip news , fantastic bunker system ,I'm really curious. question: whats that for a script for generated randomly artillery impacts in the first clip ? best regards
  21. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    thank you lord :pray:
  22. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Yes just right, its a good example as do other. But i think the Problem is the arma engine resource, cant belive thats it possible in this form, but who knows OS mentioned something with animated textures ;-)
  23. wow this looks so realistic and detailed ,good job Shelestov. how is the frame rate in section ? greetz