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Everything posted by stephsen

  1. Wonderful Guys, are the flames and smoke effects vanilla ? it looks so epic !?
  2. excellent, amazing job as always ,cant wait to shoot with this old babys !
  3. stephsen

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    then use the brightness and gamma button ;) the lighting is on altis and (yeahh Nikiforos) the ukrain map considerably better and intensive ,at moment it looks like a bit OFP,is only a suggestion:rolleyes:
  4. stephsen

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Ok i've tested it for 6 hour too , and it feels very good. i dont know but i've got the feeling that the lightning from the sun and moon is not so intensiv like on altis,its more dark and not so colorful.
  5. wow that looks beautyful ,love the vegitation it looks good placed.
  6. stephsen


    Virtual Training Space ? :confused_o:
  7. stephsen


    Hey Takoda, is that the Ragdoll'd mod in this videos ?
  8. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    naaa its "garden simulator" ;) http://static3.fore.4pcdn.de/premium/Screenshots/39/02/2118413-vollbild.jpg (232 kB)
  9. stephsen

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    nice ,sounds good:cool:
  10. stephsen

    Minihattan Island - A3

    yes definitly the better way ,we the missionmakers put cars and other objects self for a better life feeling.
  11. stephsen

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    The new video kicked ,love the new movement and the crispy explosion sounds. Nice work mate !
  12. stephsen

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    wow they looks like a deep interesting projekt ,im curious !
  13. these details are incredibly ,amazing work guys.
  14. Please do not misunderstand, with "modern" i mean the arma3 weapon-era ;-)
  15. stephsen

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Great bracer ,cant wait for intense Urban-firefights :pistols:
  16. Nice mate , at last properly carbin gun fights, can the modern weapons no longer see :D
  17. stephsen

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    What ??? ...Really? ,can you show it with a demo-video ?
  18. stephsen

    Minihattan Island - A3

    nice to hear it ;)
  19. Hey meshcarver , whats that for a fog ground effect ,a old script from arma 2 or completed new ?
  20. god the wood textur looks so real , is the sheen effect on the wood wanted (cause glaze) ?
  21. mh i think "sudden" from the East&West mod could help with the PhysX problem,his cars and tanks works fine with PhysX
  22. stephsen

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    not so good ,maybe on desert grounds(sandmaps), and then only for big explosion like 500k bombs, but for grasslands like altis or stratis is not a good feature.
  23. nice job guys, love your detailed approach ! what is actually the current status from the mod ? Greetz