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Everything posted by joske

  1. to spawn units in buildings just put "this setPos ((nearestBuilding this) buildingPos 1)" with this being replaced by the name you gave that unit in the script. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/buildingPos you might also want to check out mr-murrays editing guide, because you would find alot of answers to your questions in that guide.
  2. the action menu entry you can do by adding this to the init line of the truck. this addaction ["Deploy Base", "script_to_spawn_base.sqf"] you can also spawn things with (position truck) instead of the getmarkerpositition you seem to be using, the truck would then be an object or unit with the name "truck". Now the problem is that if you spawn everything on the position of the truck every object will spawn onto each other, and im not sure how to fix that.
  3. very nice to hear you are developing a mod about the armed forces of my country. are you going to include the ground troops and vehicles currently deployed in afghanistan?
  4. So what i am trying to accomplish is that i will be able to approach any empty vehicle in a certain class as defined in the cfgvehicles and an action menu entry will then show up giving me two new entries, one which will set the fuel level of the vehicle in question to zero and set the fuel level of my vehicle to 1 , the other entry will set the vechiclearmor of the vehicle in question to zero and the armor of my vehicle to 1.In other words i want to be able to salvage from other vehicles. This is what i have so far: Salvage_repair_action.sqf _wreck = truck; _wreck addaction ["Salvage for parts" , "salvage.sqf"]; _wreck addaction ["Salvage for fuel" , "fuel.sqf"]; salvage.sqf truck setvehiclearmor 0; heli setvehiclearmor 1; fuel.sqf truck setfuel 0; heli setfuel 1; The heli in question doesnt need to be defined using the class i just want to be able to set replace the truck in the first script with a class of the cfgvehicle thingy. ps: if my explanation isnt clear just ask to clarify things.
  5. the spawn line for objects is also createvechicle
  6. you should be able to make this work using the createvechicle and deletevechicle commands. Your best bet for defining positions are game logics and you should try to put all the commands in two scripts (one for to delete the stuff the other one for creating it), at the moment im not gonna do a step by step explanation but il give you some links which should be able to help you. http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=details&id=86&game=All http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=details&id=102&game=All http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Objects http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_CfgVehicles The last two are lists of object and unit names, you iwll need the object names to create your defence.
  7. i dont think there is a way you can set the probability of presence to an entire group, but you can do it with a little bit of scripting. -so first you place two game logics (or any unit you want but these are the best for this purpose), and you put their probability of presence to 50 percent.and name them say a1 and a2 -then you create a script file (text file with .sqf behind it), you can just copy another script file if you want and then just change the name and delete the contents. name it say spawn1 and also create a second one named spawn2. -add to the contents of the script file, this script if activated will spawn a group of east soldiers on position w_1 (you can again best use a game logic with this name at the location you want your unit to spawn) and this unit will then move to position w_2 (again game logic). you should then make a similar script for the second position but with a different spawning location. for more info on the way to spawn units and waypoints just search the commands in the bohemia interactive wiki or the ofpec comref. -then you should make a trigger, who has !(alive a1) as condition and in the activation field null= execvm "spawn1.sqf". and create another trigger the second spawn just change a1 to a2 and spawn1.sqf to spawn2.sqf so tecnicaly that should do it
  8. there is supposed to be a way to create individual weapons lying on the ground, and it involves weaponholders or something but its quite complicated and i dont remember how to do it exactly. But real time editor (RTE) has a feature where you can place individual weapons on the ground and where you can easily set a certain height to it, so if you want to take the easy route just download RTE and place the weapons on the map.
  9. I am looking for a terrain which is at least 6x6 km (wouldnt mind if it was a bit smaller or bigger) which is completely flat, with normal fresh grass surface on the entire land mass. Now i thought something like this would not be hard to make in visitor, well i got to say that i was wrong, i have been fumbling around in it for a few days trying out several tutorials, but failing each time. Now if somebody would be kind enough to post a tutorial how to make this kind of terrain or even build me the described terrain (although i dont't really like the fact that somebody else does my work) if it isnt too much of a hassle. ps: i checked out and tried several tutorials so you dont't need to link me any existing tutorials.Because i probably already tried them
  10. joske

    flat terrain 6x6 km

    I dont need it anymore, also some other guy decided to help me and created the island for me, but apparently there is something wrong with my computer as every time i put over all the stuff he made, into a pbo the whole island turned out to be white instead of the green it was supposed to be. (this also happended with the test island bis provided, and i did put all the necessary layers and other thingies into it)
  11. joske

    MAF Mod - WIP

    great to see that mods are still being develloped for Arma 1. about the fouga magister in the first post, is that a belgian roundel on its wings? also will the magisters be armed? keep on working on the mod and make something nice out of it that people who havent moved to Arma 2 can still play.
  12. So i am creating a mission where if a HMMW gets destroyed the mission is over, so i make a trigger, put !(alive car1) in the condition box, and in the dropdown menu above it i select Lose. Now when i try it out and destroy the car everything works and i get the debrief screen. Ok now i try to put in a 10 sec timer to it, and suddenly it does not work anymore, i havent changed anything just put 10 in the countdown boxes. Furthermore when i dont use the countdown and select excactly the same conditions as i did when it did work it doesnt. Now i moved on and now im trying to make the mission end but for some reason it does not want to end, i have selected End1 in the dropdown menu, the trigger itself works because I added some other effects to the trigger activation, but the endings just dont work anymore. im using ECS and some other small addons, but i have made some other missions with this combo and it did work back then.im also running it on 1.14. I hope somebody can help me with this problem.
  13. joske

    [ADO] Tropica

    for some reason this map sounds alot like the chadian-libyan conflict otherwise known as the toyota-war
  14. once you have a decent file-host up you should notify sites like armaholic of the release and open a thread in the addons&mods: complete section so you can get more file-hosts and more people downloading it
  15. i think you are not getting a huge response because the developement of this mod is still in its arma 1 fase and many people have already switched over to arma 2
  16. a few questions about the mod, i assume you are not gonna model all the weapons yourself so when you are using weapons from different sources will you be "balancing" them in relation to each other, for example so that a pistol wont have way more recoil then the heavy machine gun...etc will you be including some background music during the mission itself for extra athmosphere?
  17. great to see someone develloping something this good for arma 1 for us people who dont have the system for arma 2 while also making it for arma 2, you are also working at an incredible speed so keep up the good work and i hope the project gets finished. didnt you also say that your gameworld would be based upon satelite data because if i remember correctly the powerplant is to the south of pripyat and not north of it as in s.t.a.l.k.e.r. anyways keep up the good work and i am eagerly awaiting to play this project
  18. joske

    V.I.R.U.S. What happened?

    it would be nice to see another release for arma 1 but as you said there are few people still playing arma 1, but you might just finish and release some of the stuff you already made for arma 1, and as it is not much of a hassle to port it over to arma 2 this way you can have a release for both arma 1 and 2 and you can start focusing on making new content for arma 2.
  19. nice to see some mods still being developped for Arma ,this one looks really nice also it looks like the release of the demo gave you new energy to make new addons ( or just put up more screens of them). now it might be a good idea to make a thread in the "addons and mods: complete" forum as i dont think that many people know that this mod has a demo released , and this way other sites like armaholic will also probably notice the release and add extra download mirrors.
  20. you could also use the "allowfleeing" command, i think that if you put in a high value the group will flee/retreat after they have engaged so you could use that to do what you want. (for the use of the command check ofpec or a editing manual)
  21. joske

    [OTK] MOLOCH campaign trailer

    nice to see another campaign for Arma being developed, also will queens gambit be requiered?
  22. joske

    Isla Duala

    Are there gonna be any presidential palaces/villas so coups can be done. Also nice to include a backstory, although its a bit too much good vs evil particularly if you are recreating a country in Africa.And it would be nice if it would be backed up by a mission/campaign.
  23. joske

    flat terrain 6x6 km

    i have come to the point where i need to save my terrain as a dem-file, now i can only save it as an metastream file and not as a dem file.
  24. joske

    flat terrain 6x6 km

    ok i played around a bit in bryce (i downloaded the demo so i hope that wont interfere) and i think i have an idea how i can form that flat terrain of mine. now do i need to change sizes or something (i want a 6x6 km map, so in visitor that should be something like 6144x6144 meters) to make it work in visitor? how do i export the terrain into an xyz or some other file i can use to set up the terrain, how do i get a satmap+mask of the thing, in other words, how do i get the map from bryder to visitor?
  25. joske

    flat terrain 6x6 km

    thx for the link, i would have hoped that i wouldnt need a program outside of the bis tools to make a piece of terrain that is so simple as what i am trying, ah well il try it out.