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Posts posted by spirit6

  1. <--- tester here waiting to help out (as ever, spirit and shay) :)

    Thanks loyal user :)


    I'm interested to help you testing that but it depends when it will be. But if I'm available, I'll be happy to be at party :)

    In any case, speaking about your Occupy system, I've tried it with my clan mates and we found that at the moment is too much "aggressive".

    I'll try to explain better.

    We play in coop mode where we spawn, using MCC mission generator, a main target to achieve.

    So, we go towards the target area deciding before a Landinz Zone (if it's far) or a Starting Zone from where we spread our teams to take the target.

    According to this kind of approach (nothing special... :) ) we tried the occupy system and we found that too many enemies will be spawned and we finished to stay too much far from the main target zone battleing all the time with the occupy system spawned enemies (the main target was actually changed to survive to the occupy system spawned enemies :) ).

    So, I found it's really great to make the feeling you're in a battle area but I think it's should be good an option where I can set how many enemies will be spawned in a pre-defined time (for example I should set to have about 8 enemies any 20 minutes, both numbers of enemies and time with a little range in addition or subtraction in random way. For example, I set 8 enemies but the system should decide to spawn 6 enemies or 10. Another way should be to have some presets going from a "low density" to "high density").

    Another thing to take in account is that when the system spawn some enemies, that area should be defined as an invisible MCC zone and the next spawned enemy teams should be placed outside that zone, probably in the new one where the players moved. It should seen as "I'm going to the main target, I'm in an enemy territory with some patrol teams (few or many depending of the starting settings), I stop my team to kill them (if I see them). After killed them, the area is clear and for the next kilometers the area should be go to advance to the main target".

    English is not my first language but I hope it's clear.

    Yes, the current version of the occupy script is far from perfect. Most of the things you mention are indeed on the list to be tuned. But I like it interactive, so as soon as I hold a testversion and date I let you know.

    Thank you for a fantastic mod! This makes mission making and SP action a whole lot more fun!
    BUMP please help!
    Hey, just wanted to start out by saying this mod is amazing! I have had a lot of fun with the mission generator. However, I am having an issue that I cannot seem to figure out. All of my units are simply vanishing! I create some zones, create some units for both east and west, give them to gaia, and they star moving around to their various objectives. All seems well. But then, one after another, all the units just start simply vanishing in the opposing force. just gone. And not to combat. I tried disabling all of my other mods, in case something was conflicting, but it is still doing it. sometimes it is the opposing force vanishing, and sometimes it is the friendlies vanishing. sometimes both. Am I do something wrong? I'm hoping it is just something easy that I am not doing right. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    But like I said, even with those issues, I've had a blast with this mod.

    Do the units disappear? That might be the caching system. Try checkout one of my video's about that. But for tests, move closer to the original position of the unit.

    Do the units change faction/side? That would be very odd never heard of that.

    Please let us know.

    is it possible , in mission generator to add an option for clear garbage/markers/zones ?

    right now , when you finish the mission , all objects/dead bodies/markers stays on map.

    sorry for my english


    Arma has its own garbage cleaners. Try use those in your missions/mission template.

  2. Hey spirit. Just thought it would be really cool to have a "defend" objective in the mission creator. Meaning you can create a zone over your area and defend it such as your FOB or Base. Making two zones. Primary (you and your squad) and a larger secondary where they can only spawn outside of the first zone and attack for X amount of time or X amount of people. I know "clear" objective does similar but you need to actually clear the zone instead of already owning and defending. Just thought it might be an easy objective to throw in that can add lots of fun to missions for people who like to build FOB's on hillsides or in valleys etc. Great freaking mod though.

    Edit: Also would be insanely cool if you could use a "first obj" to find intel (which triggers) obj two (defend from ambush) if set in that order.

    Hey mate,

    Yes, there is no 1 click solution for defend mission but there is, as mcc is a tool, a way.

    - First of all decide where you want to defend. Spawn some stuf you want the players to have.

    - Create a start location near, but far enough from the defend location. Teh start location is a protected area where players and ai cannot shoot each other. You dont want that in your defend location :)

    - Now create some enemy zones with troops in it, surrounding the defend location. (tip: you might want to set the respawn on for the ai, so they can respawn x amount of time to simulate waves).

    - As soon as players are in defend area, you as mission maker simple move the enemy zones over the head of the defend location. I assure you they will come.

    Now you have your defend mission. You will even respawn on the start location as a player and be able to make it back by transport or on foot (depending on what you give them) to the defend location.

    Cool idea's:

    -give the ai a mortar unit far, far far away. Now the defenders will face mortar fire.

    -Want to give them hell? Put an attack helicopter somewhere with the 3d editor and put it on aggressive. Poor defenders will face CAS from the attacking units.

    - Or even worst. Just put a tank in a small zone somewhere near by on agressive. The attacksers will cal the tank if they need it :)

    - Dont walk in, make the defenders paradrop in.

    Just ideas. They are kinda endless.

    Hope this helps a bit :)

    ---------- Post added at 09:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ----------

    Yes that explains it perfectly.

    Im not 100% sure but as far as i can see via GAIA playing with units,is it only recognizing vanilla assets?

    I posted a whileback about RHS and a few other factions that were their artillery units were not acting like artillery and giving fire missions for support.In that sense if nothing changed im guessing GAIA wont see RHS tanks either as,tanks,and use the point system to actually determine it as 1 infantry and therefore send 3 times the amount of points towards it...ie,3infantry??

    I dont know if its reading the armour as infantry or not.

    GAIA is a solid system,now that i understand it alot better,it actually feels better using it.

    I have a small issue to report also with cover system.Whats happening for me is that when i pop out of cover via aim down sight,its ok and consistent,but when i leave the cover area still aiming down sight,alot of the time my character freezes in place for a brief moment,before eventually continuing to move.That wasnt happening in last version.Also once he froze completly and i had to change stance.Im not using AGM or any anim mods so dont know if its just on my end or not.

    GAIA recognizes all mod factions/units that have been given a decent config file. If the config file is a fantasy book, then for gaia the units are elfs :)

  3. I didnt even notice update,thanks guys


    I had a question regarding GAIA.I was just reading up on the PDF for her,i noticed yourself or shay stated "conflict areas dont run around as fast as targets.Making it(gaia)more stable"

    In regards how AI defend a zone/prioritze a target.In that sense,is it safe to assume that alot of AI Mods that generate waypoints to support/attack groups end up bugging out because they get "confused/overworked"?

    I ask because mod after mod after mod,regarding AI has always had this problem in my missions,and GAIA,well quite frankly that never happened with her.

    And im wondering is that the case

    Probably my line as I wrote gaia but I cant remember that line :)

    What GAIA does is simple remember where targets where seen by her troops. Then she starts to draw big circles called conflic area's. As conflict area's have a size of (i dunno anymore) 100 or so, it means that the targets will probably stay in there. Then all she does is say: So conflict area 1 has 20 infanry, 2 vehicles = ??? points. I dunno how may points. But GAIA only cares about points. When the fight continues there can be less and more points in that conlfict area and eventualy (as combat is not static) that conflict area can travel. But as 100's of troops fight there are usualy only just a few conflict areas.

    Also each conflict area gets assigned troops to it until 2 times or 3 times more points on gaia side then in the conflict area side.She evaluates that every cycle (few minutes).

    So how other mods do that I dunno but I do know i have seen target systems usualy handling one unit/infantry or vehicles while I think that this is the wrong approuch if you want to give the ai a nice brain. If you look at the map you odnt look at the 2 or 3 infantry guys that bugging you but you look at the number of troops in taht area. You might even call that a conflict area :)

    Hope that explains it a bit?

  4. @Shay and Spirit

    You are freaking geniuses. Every time you post the update with new features and I read your devlog I have a feeling like "no way, it couldn't be done". But every time you prove it can be done. In the very spectacular way. Congratulations!!!


    Please try imagine that there are the people who want to have new features in ArmA 3 and do not want to install ACRE/TFAR or AGM/CSM or more. I want to have many things in one place with one logic inside. Like I used to have in ACE/ACE2 in the past.

    Thanks, I show that post about me being a genious to my wife tonight. If she agrees I tell you :) I have not been active for 1,5 month now, but as soon as I hold time and get grabbed by a horrible idea then I will active again. For now I have a survival weekend coming up. That is quite the same feeling as SQF :)

    http://www.wildcraftgidsen.be/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/winter-aredennen-045bis2.jpg (122 kB)

    ---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

    Id love to see you explore the concept of RTS in Arma Shay. I always dreamed of such a thing in a long, persistent multiplayer campaign. Then we'll have to maintain logistics, territory, etc. That would be amazing! Thanks Shay & the team for your dedication to modding!

    PS: Haters gonna hate.

    One question. How come I always see people type Shay and the team? Do I hold a multiple personality disorder? Me, No? But, we? Yes!

    ---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

    I think the clear thing most people ARE NOT READING..


    there, isn't that better :-)

    There. And hearing that from a guy that holds more mod active then the SIXUPDATER repository is epic ! :) Thanks for clearing that up Sir James!

  5. @DenzelW

    Well xMas inbound, new year, a job change, 3 kids, shay getting married. Last part of the year usually is not a lot of scripty arma stuff going on. Maybe Shay will go nuts one of these days and release something, but my bet would be in the new year. When boring January gets us back on the keys :)

    But don't confuse low scripting with low activity. My brain is going nuts on idea's, including for what I hear on the forums also. Beginning next year I want to raise GAIA to frightening levels in our own MCC;)



    Have a great X-mas and an awesome new year guys/girls. We see you somewhere in the new year!


  6. Hi Shay,

    My community has been using MCC for a long time and generally we are very pleased with GAIA AI. There is one thing though we'd love to see included in the future: Could the AI be modified so they recognise smoke conceilment boxes to similar levels like ACE Arma 2 AI? Currently we get shot through smoke constantly to a point where a lot of people plain gave up on even using smoke against AI.


    GAIA is not really designed to do lower level AI improvements. My best bet would be to use other lower AI mods. With lower I do mean mods unfluencing the ai on induvidual level like cover, consealment, smoke etc.

  7. Hey shay, good to talk to you again. :-)

    Quite a long list as you would expect of us!! So it could be a conflict of MCC with one or the other.

    Prepare yourself, you might want to sit down...

    3cb_baf_units, 3cb_baf_vehicles, agm, alive, allinarmaterrainpack, ares, asdg_jr, beretpack2, bornholm, burnes_challenger, cba_a3, chinookpack, cup, psylandrover, rds_civpack, rh_m4_a3, rhs_afrf3, st_nametags, sthud_a3, stkr_bi, task_force_radio

    We didn't try to narrow the issue down further as that wasn't our primary goal at the time. But if you compare this list to what others with the same bug are seeing you might notice a common denominator.

    Who cannot love this guy. "You might notice a common denominator." Love the mod list, although the essential one is missing. :P

  8. I have been working with a new mission using this code on the AI init. I have found they don't respawn, and the same with choppers. Yes, I am using GAIA files inside of my mission folder. Shouldn't mcc be able to pick up the AI which are assigned with GAIA code in console? Keen to make a mission where a battle is constant. Is there any fix to have a respawn more than 99, like infinity?

    (group this) setVariable ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",20, true];  (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["5", "NOFOLLOW"], false];

    What you mean with GAIA files inside my mission folder? You either use MCC or the GAIA template stand alone "http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183056-Mission-Template-Stand-Alone-GAIA-Make-missions-FAST-by-using-MCC-GAIA-engine" (that is all the gaia code in your mission folder), if you use combined then it will run twice with undersired results. Last time i checked respawn code it worked fine, but i go check again.

    If you mean you use group inits to set the variables as you do, then indeed it should work. I get back to you with a testresult with latest build MCC.

  9. Hey shay and team! I'm back to using MCC! I have a couple of requests: In the MCC module, can you add 20% skill under the AI skill settings for aiming? After years of testing, a lot of us have come to the conclusion that 20-22% is all around the best aiming skill for ArmA AI.

    Additionally, do you know if it would be possible to write into GAIA something that will extend the range of AI? I made a similar request in the RHS thread. Essentially AI won't engage past ~400m on a lot of weapons and that leads to just a shooting gallery with a lot of AI. There are mods that fix this like VTS Duckhunt, but that's only for vanilla weapons. FFIS was real good about this, but it hasn't been updated in a long time :( Is that something you think you could do via GAIA or some GAIA settings? That would be fantastic.


    Jester <3 XOXO

    Hey Jester this is the team (a.k.a Spirit) typing :)

    For now I dont think there is room for AI improvement on that level. When I wrote GAIA as replacement for UPSMON, I made the choice to only take on the higher level lead elements into the system. This means that GAIA holds a group itself as the lowest element she controls and does not influence the solo elements (soldiers) in a squad.

    That said. There might be no room for it in GAIA but if it holds not to much work then there is probably room in the SETTINGS part of MCC. I check it out. I expect to be active again on MCC building somewhere this week. Work and real life ate me up last few weeks.

  10. hello friends,

    Let's say , I made a zone and populated it and got so laggy it broke my mission.

    How do I delete the zone and everything in it?

    Thank you.

    Try the delete brush.

    ---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

    thank you for an amazing mod.

    Arma 4 is going to fail miserably if it doesn't steal your Ideas!


    Well, we I doubt we will reach arma 4 :) But thanks!

  11. A question for spirit6

    I've tried with some clan mates the Ambient Warzone option.

    I think it's a really good option we have to make the approaching to the target more interesting and random but...

    ...but we found that without any configuration options, it could be useless due to the too much random spawing.

    I try to explain better.

    tonight we were in 5 player. we used the mission generator with 5 player, CQB without civilian, kill HVT, and selected a city near the main Altis airport.

    activated the Ambient warzone and started to approach to the main target.

    we walk off the main altis airport and after 300mt we spotted 2 units (spawned by Ambient warzone). Killed.

    we proceeded and after 150mt another units (i was killed in that occasion).

    after I start to look with MCC 3d editor the battle and in less then 5 minutes we had 3 squads of 8 units and 2 team of 4 units.

    This without reaching the main target zone.

    And the problem was that it seems that after killing spawned units, the Ambient Warzone spawned again units near our positions.

    In that way, we will never be able to defeat the treat and proceed to the main target and obviously our team was completely killed in a short time.

    I don't know what could be done with Arma3 scripting but I think that Ambient Warzone should needs some settings to adapt the spawing logic avoiding frustrating situation where due to the too high number of enemies you can't reach the main target.

    Just for example, looking at the test we made tonight, I think that 2 team of 4 spawned in different moments, could be enough during our approach.

    I hope to be clear and I hope my question/request is something you could consider for the development.

    In any case a big thumb up for your work (MCC team)!!! :)

    First of all, there will be settings that will give you the ability to tweak. Apart from settings I have to notice you why you got killed in current setup of AC (ambient combat). AC determines ownership of area's by taking the distance to the closest GAIA controlled zone. This means that in your case the airport is enemy controlled. The maximum number of groups that the AC can spawn depends on the number of houses that are around a player within 1 km.

    So, the settings might be high and you will be able to set that. BUT. One can wonder if going through the closest enemy airport is the right way to approuch. If you would have would approuch through smaller places or even open area's (or by open sea) you would see much less enemy. Apart from that, the range in which the AC spawns is a minimum of 900 meter from the closest player. So the guys at 300 meter must have been there for a while. What I try to say is that AC does change the game. To me it sounds like the approuch plan (going through enemy occupied airport with a small team) was part of your game experience.

    Anyway, AC is there to have fun. So please provide and keep giving feedback. Together we make it just how we like it to be :)

  12. Hey there,

    It's been a long time since my last post. I just wanted to highlight that for my community Gaia has really been a gamechanger, both for our main missions - now with an incredibly better AI - and for side missions that can now be made in less than one hour in the mission editor. Thanks again for making Gaia a standalone.

    Do you plan to improve it and to release a v2?

    Good to hear mate, that is mostly the reason why I wanted GAIA active. Yes, when something usefull will be around there will a new release.

    ---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

    I don't think it is but is this suitable for medium-large(20-50) COOP missions with around 50-100 units per objective(10 objectives, consecutively created after the previous has completed/failed)? Maybe somewhere around 20 groups. I'm not sure if this is more appropriate(performance wise) than UPSMON would be in this situtation.

    I am not sure what you ask me? If your server can handle that amount of AI is more up to your server then GAIA. Comparing to UPSMON I can do a little as GAIA replaced UPSMON in the MCC mod as the AI system. We noticed much better performance. Not sure if this is still the case but UPSMON is Kronzky's UPS script with all sorts of extra's in it. That runs for each and every AI group, GAIA runs only one proces on server side. So the more groups, the better GAIA will perform compare to UPSMON.

  13. @shay & spirit

    I have tested zone occupation recently and it works like a charm but I have an idea. Right now it seems that number of spawned units depends on the size of the zone (small zone - a small number of units, big zone - big number of units). Would be possible to introduce predefined levels? I mean something like low/medium/high number of units, let's say:

    low: 1 group/km^2

    medium: 3 groups/km^2

    high: 5 groups/km^2

    I am asking because now my PC (i5 4670K, GTX760, 8GB RAM) is being killed everytime I create really big zone.

    You realize that the occupy script works with delayed spawing and caching right? If you dont use delayed spawning and/or caching then indeed it will quite overload your system :)

    Check this:

    The checkboxes to enable/disable that can be be found under the spawn menu (yeah I know its not completely logic/user friendly).

  14. Thx Spirit, from what you write now it makes sense what I have seen. I think this all sounds very good, I think we can answer more competent if we actually played a while with it... I haven't played much yet. Are AC units under GAIA control as well? I think as they are part of a faction, they probably should be organized as well and do e.g. flanking...

    As for MCC in general, I think some more variety in AI skill could be interesting. Just a lose idea. E.g. expose some skill sets and let user choose weighting or probability of their appearance.

    Yes, AC units are GAIA controlled. This means that all communication is arranged by the GAIA also. For example. Make a zone at an airport. Put two attack helicopters there. If AC units spot you, there is a chance they call CAS on you. Or spawn some mortar/arillery somewhere and the AC suddenly have this to their proposal also. Also close by zones will respond to what the AC units spot. And another most nasty one. If AC units are close by a zone, they might even be called in by the system to support defend the zone (AC units are not spawned in MCC zones but can sure be called in for assistance/support).

    Behavior of AC units is random. Explaining: Infantry rolls randomly selects DEFEND, FORTIFY, AGRESSIVE. So you hold a chance that infantry storm the buildings near by.

    What technicaly happens is this: Each player gets a dedicated zone over his head that moves with him. So the GAIA controlled units consider this "their zone" and with that comes that behavior :)

    Thanks for the idea's!

    ---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------

    Add my thanks as well for explaining it a bit more. Been testing it for a few hours now - wow Spirit this is impressive. BI needs to step their game up before it becomes ArmA III: the Definitive Mod for MCC. That, or give you guys a job.

    I'll let you know when I have actual feedback, rather than a chain reaction of derps, because my mind is kinda blown for the time being.

    edit: when can I have my gaming life back, please? I used to look forward to other games.

    haha, good to see you hold fun on this :)

  15. OK, Ambient Warzone, I don't understand how it works technically.

    I created a zone in north and south, player is in between. In north I placed CSAT (Garrison) in south NATO. Many units are spawned. Then I turned Ambient Warzone on. Now I get many exclamation mark markers on the map. Nothing else happens between those zones.

    EDIT: Hmm, seems if I group normal groups (not garrison), then units are spawned in ambient warzone.

    QUESTION1: ambient warzone # of units, is it dependent on # of units in the zones?

    QUESTION2: What do the blue/red dots on map mean? An ambient warzone unit could spawn here? I teleported, nothing is there.

    Hya, just back from holidays but I am happy to reply :)

    - Ambient Combat is in WIP and will go much futher then it is now. I will deliver in sprints that work, but hold not yet all functionality.

    - Ambient Combat works only for zones that hold GAIA controlled units.

    - Blue dots = bluefor controlloed, red dots = opfor controlled, excalmation mark = multiple sides, green = neutrals.

    It calculates the distance to AI controlled zones (gaia controlled, non cached). (for now!), then it determines if it holds war or it is owned.

    - Ambient combat will kick in slowly (specialy if you teleport).

    - Ambient combat will work much better if you drive or walk. It holds direction prediction, so while travelilng (and holding same direction) there is a VERY high chance to encounter stuff.

    - Ambient Combat will not start when a player is in a MCC zone. So MCC zones are excluded from ambient combat. The idea is that the mission maker wants to be in control there.

    - Ambient Combat holds a maximum number of encounters per player and is also limited to the environment. The more houses are within 1 KM area of the player, the more unis will show. So of you travel through the bush there is a much much lower chance to encounter stuff.

    In the future the number of units will be taken into calculation, cached units, delayed units. Also the colors (red, green, blue, excamation mark) are now shown, should be optional as well as other settings in the GUI to set the ambient as often and high as you want.). And more, moch more. For stage 1 it is what you have now.

    So, hope that explains it a little. Let me hear what you like ! :) Ambient Combat, as it is now can be really fun. I drove all over the map with just two zones. One bluefor zone with 1 infantry gaia controlled, one opfor zone with 1 infantry gaia controlle on the other side of map. The markers appear on the map. Now start driving, stuff will happen.

    ---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

    everything is setted up on our servers but MCC is not showing up we have CBA lates version but for some it works and for some it dossent sometimes it can work for me and sometimes it dosent

    any idea?

    CBA is not needed. Download the latest MCC mod, have it run on client and and server and it will work. There is nothing more to say about it :)

  16. I understand you guys are still working on occupy - so is it supposed to spawn very large forces and many extra zones? EDIT: I only ask because i could see how that might work on a dedicated server, but I'm hosting everything locally on my poor little pc.

    Thanks yet again fellas.

    The occupy script works by the delayed spawning and caching settings (enabled/disabled), you can set them on and off under the spawn button. (top left button). So it is up to the user to delay, cache or directly spawn the groups.

  17. Caching has been hotfixed by me on the dev branch. Shay will push out a fix release today or anyday near. I will be gone for few days visiting Basel (so let me know if your close :P). That should fix: occupy, MW issues and basicly anyting affected by cache.

    Also: MW is by default delayed spawning. So get closer to the areay of the mission and stuff will spawn. It also defaults to cache so that will hold an issue, should be fixed on next hotty from shay.

  18. It was previously mentionned in this thread and the bug is still here in r10.1 : the mission generator is not generating troops beside IED ambush groups and roadblocks.

    Does this resolve if you move closer to the target area? Units/groups are delayed spawned/cached.

    ---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

    Confirmed issue on the Caching system using vehicles. We roll out a hotty asap by rolling back to previous state of caching sytem.

  19. Hi shay and spirit

    Wanna give you a heads up incase its not reported.Regarding The new and excellent RHS mod,

    Gaia is not identifying the two new mobile artillery pieces(which are the best iv seen in arma thus far)for the russian faction,didnt test with US faction arty yet.

    Is there any way to look at that when time permits.Il mention one of the artillery pieces is on a flatbed truck,like a GRAD rocket system,maybe classed as light veihicle in that case.However the other arty piece is resemblent of the default NATO CSAT artillery units.


    When i say gaia is not recognizing them,i mean not recognizing they are infact artillery,she sends them on move orders alright.

    Apart frm teh addon, GAIA recognizes the unit as Artillery, based on the ammunition. That is arranged/selected by the addon maker's config file. So I assume that is where you need to put your request. I am by no means an expert on this matter, but this is where all other artillery pieces are recognized. I assumed that using artillery ammo, would make the unit an artillery :)

    In GAIA this must be true on the ammo type of the artillery piece:

     getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "artilleryLock");

    (must be one).

    The other is theat the ammon is not any kind of "Bulletbase" ammo.

    if (_artilleryLock==1 and !(_ammo iskindof "BulletBase")) then


    So I would assume, checking at the addon first, in the config viewer. Or check on the addon builder.
