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Posts posted by spirit6

  1. Heya guys,

    For those interested, I am here to share a good night story :cool:

    This story is a short story. Short if you consider 6 years. Its about why MCC is actualy here. Why did it change and.... why I think its time to stop.

    So why did we create MCC? I was the community lead (and founder) of a community. To play different missions with always the same structure was not an easy score, since we did not hold to many mission makers to feed the always hungry for more player base. There were some tools like Virtual Training Centre and some very early dynamic mission stuff going on but nothing that fitted our needs. So, we took the classic script UPS (Urban Patrol Script) and bombed that as the AI engine and started to create a user interface on that, that was even uglier then our first logo :sick: Then a random start location and there it was. The very first MCC :sick:

    It was actualy called CO MCC USMC All Island Generator. (2009)


    So from 2009 on and futher MCC kept going. I am till this day suprised that it actualy made it that long and so successfull. Not that I always was that interested in MCC. I dropped interest few times and Shay started going on the first acceptable GUI on MCC. He took off and later in time I started going back on MCC with the GAIA system. (and more stuff). When the MANW-competition took of MCC was already there. That I mention to make clear that MCC is not a product created for MANW but was "accidentally" there when the competition started. After reading the requirements of the MANW it was clear that third-party content (even with approval) was not allowed or at the very least would create complicated issues when any price money would reach the team. This is when we decided to remove some functionality. One of them was the 3d spectating script. More functionality got stripped for the same (and only) reason.

    We were convinced that MCC did fit in the addon category or in the multiplayer section but would not fit in the Total Modification. We took of with some really cool idea's to create a total different game-type/style. We started creating content that would not really fit into MCC's initial goals but it was our best shot to reach our goal in a timely matter. That goal was to deliver MCC "as is" in the addon or multiplayer section and deliver something "new" in the total modication. Some functionality does not fit in the origanal focus of MCC. That is for sure. But it always fitted in our goal: fun. But because we decided that all functionality was optional, it seemed acceptable . To cut short, we did not finish our "new game" in time and to our very surprise was MCC accepted in the total modification part. MCC was not the only mod that surprised me in that. I really thought that expansions and mission generators did not fit in the total modification category. I was indeed expecting mods that totally changed the game and made it into something new. (like dayz)

    So now the race of the competition is over, its time to focus back on what we want. After years of MCC its time to choose. I made my choice and am currently working hard in another game eninge to build a cool game (together with shay). I will stick around to answer some questions at some point but I will not be active on development. Please dont think the MANW competition is part of this choice. In fact, I think that if the MANW was not there I would have made this choice even sooner.

    So, Thanks All! For all your support, your enthousiasm and specialy your awesome games!

  2. Thanks mate for you help finally got it working had to re-download mod from armaholics :) Playwithsix mcc files not working correctly.

    1.42 patch does not like me at all :(

    1. I am not able to see mcc in the scroll bar, I can only see mcc on editor but not on the server "with the old cba and new cba". Any ideas?

    2. Placing mcc modules in editor works fine when previewing, after exporting to server you are not able to join, does the count down and hangs. Remove all modules and delete mcc_sandbox from mission.sqm and re-save and re-upload, works.

    its my go to mod every time.

    Is there a hotfix coming for the new CBA_A3 release Sir Shay_gman?


    Just a quicky. MCC is not depending on CBA.

  3. Hey Path,

    Yeah, a vanilla mission would be highly appreciated! If you can do that, many thanks! Time is an issue indeed.

    Units in MOVE means only that they will respond to threat outside their zone if within acceptable range. They will always return to their own zone when the threat is eliminated or simple lost. Yeah, I have been thinking about adding something like that. I was thinking of simple passing an array of zone's to the unit. so ["[1,2,3]", "MOVE] would lead to the unit patrolling zone 1, 2 and 3 in agressive mode.

    Would that hold your interest?

  4. Thanks spirit that instruction did the trick.

    =Group this doesent actually show the group name in mission but i can just add set group id afterwards for visual aspect.But yeah,group is now updating its zone and all is a little less safe in cherno;)

    Red, you happen to have an example mission that I can put on the front page? I am planning to do some work on the gaia system soon, so a misison file that I can work on would be cool. Or any other reader ofcourse :)

  5. Hi shay_gman and spirit,

    My community is currently testing the latest update of MCC (been using this fantastic mod for over a year) and noting down some bugs / issues or just general suggestions for the mod.

    Question: what is your preferred way of reporting issues? Here on the BI forums or do you have a Github Issue Tracker?

    There is a github with issue tracker but we are quite used to people just typing over here, I suggest you do the same.

  6. Over my head haha thanks for the link.

    Iv gotten an issue with giving to gaia via trigger that i never had before,just now when trying it.Can you confirm im entering things correctly?

    Now this should be basic but its working in a funny way.

    Ok,so i give my group a name.In this case "red" In the leaders init box i write this setgroupId ["red","groupcolor2"]

    All good so far,check the map,group has the name "red" displayed proving thats now its ID.

    On an activation trigger with radio Alpha i type: (group red) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["5", "NOFOLLOW"], false]; (to get the ball rolling for them to patrol 1st zone) However they dont start patrolling,anything wrong up to this point? There wasnt a few months ago doing this this way i recall.

    Now if i name the group LEADER "red" it works.Theres the problem for me,if leader "red" dies before trigger is triggered for the group to patrol,they do not patrol.

    Group this in the leaders init works fine,just wont work from a trigger.Iv tried using "red setvariable ....." instead of group red,no difference.And im positive i had this working a few months ago when i tested it.

    I am typing you from my mobile phone in a traffic jam. So dont hold it against me if it fails :)

    Try putting this in the leaders init box: GRP1 = group this;

    then : GRP1 setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["5", "NOFOLLOW"], false]

    SetgroupID requires the group variable (the THIS) and does not alter it, itself except appearance; I thought (without checkng syntax :P ).

    You can then update GRP1 any time you like. Change its beahvior, its zone, what ever. Even respawns and even make it fortify.

  7. Excellent! I didnt realise its just as easy as updating zone and setting to false(im assuming thats boolean you refer to as to make them not leave zone b).

    Sweet as a nut,gonna try now,cheers.

    No, no the boolean is default stuff. It has nothing to do with the zones itself :)


    The boolean means private or public broadcasting to all clients/server.

  8. Spirit im back to bother you again because this,if possible is out of my scope of how to do.

    Im attempting to give a few groups to Gaia on a trigger,but i then want to remove them from that zone via another trigger,and then give them a new zone.I cant have them able to leave zone for this mission,i need them to act under gaia in zone A,then be "reasigned" to zone B.

    Does that make sense and is it doable?

    ---------- Post added at 15:50 ---------- Previous post was at 15:49 ----------

    EDIT: This is all pre made in 2D editor,i cannot/would prefer not to manually move zone markers as you and shay demonstrate in tutorials

    Yes, this is very well possible. Just do the command to change them.


    <group> < setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["<ZONE NUMBER>", "MOVE"], false]; -> Agressive.

    Simply update zone number on the <group> you want to change. Can be done by triggers, scripts, what ever. Be sure to know what the last boolean is all about :)

    If you change the variable on client side, set the boolean on true so that it is publicly announced and the server knows the change. If you already change it on the server side there is no need to broadcast to all clients so leave it false.

  9. Can someone tell me how to set delay on units respawn?

    There is no functionality for respawn delay in the template itself. YOu can ofcourse go to the code and implement your own delay in there.

    It is in the init.sqf and should be somewhere in this code:

    //===============Delete Groups ====================
    if (isServer ) then 
    [] spawn 
    	_gaia_respawn = [];
    	while {true} do
    		//player globalchat "Deleting started..............";
    			_gaia_respawn = (missionNamespace getVariable [ "GAIA_RESPAWN_" + str(_x),[] ]);
    			//Store ALL original group setups
    			if (count(_gaia_respawn)==0) then {[(_x)] call fn_cache_original_group;};
    			if ((({alive _x} count units _x) == 0) ) then 
    				//Before we send him to heaven check if he should be reincarnated
    				if (count(_gaia_respawn)==2) then {	[_gaia_respawn,(_x getVariable  ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]),(_x getVariable  ["MCC_GAIA_CACHE",false]),(_x getVariable  ["GAIA_zone_intend",[]])] call fn_uncache_original_group;};					
    				//Remove the respawn group content before the group is re-used
    				missionNamespace setVariable ["GAIA_RESPAWN_" + str(_x), nil];
    				deleteGroup _x;
    			sleep .1;
    		} foreach allGroups;			
    		sleep 2; 

  10. @ Spirit6 or anyone else who may know way I get double and triple units in a zone When I am using the CACHE function.

    I have one zone inside the zone I have four grps

    2 with this in the grp leader init

    (group this) setVariable ["mcc_gaia_cache",true, true]; (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["1", "NOFOLLOW"], false]; SQUAD OF 8 =16

    2 with this in the grp leader init

    (group this) setVariable ["mcc_gaia_cache",true, true]; (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["1","FORTIFY"], false];

    SQUAD OF 4 = 8

    When I first go < 2000 and < 1000 I get 24 units in four grps all good but after I move out of the zone 2000 meters I am getting more grps that spawn in the zone over 12- 16 grps and over 100 units.

    I don't thing the zone has a repeat section in the script only CACHE function. Has anyone had this issues and how can I fix it. Avibird.

    ---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

    After some more testing the CACHE function is not working it doubles and triples the units when you go and come back into the zone < 2000 meters/1000 meters. Maybe after the last game update it got a new bug but that is the story of BOHEIMA one step forward with the core game content but two steps backwards with community made content ): I could be wrong on this but can someone else confirm the bug now!

    Heya! Thanks for posting and notifying. I currently dont hold much time to get a decent test/report. Does this problem also occur playing with no mods and using only the example template provided? You are not using MCC and the template together? This might result in double output.

  11. That's a great goal, no doubt. And I do see your point. However I also see the danger of a mod/project/tool getting to complex. There are a lot of pieces of software out there, which have done a great job in early versions. And then the developers started to add bonus features, always with the best intentions. But every new feature adds complexity, which increases the risk of bugs and compability issues. It gets harder for the user to grasp the full functionality, and sometimes at the end the program isn't as good and efficient for the intended (core-)tasks as it used to be. So I hope you consider these risks while further developing MCC.

    I apologize that I didn't read 345 forum pages. Nevertheless I noticed that the features can be turned off. However by default they are enabled. Wouldn't it be better to disable some of them by default? People who know about and want to use said features could simply enable them. Everyone else wouldn't be bothered.

    Yeah I can see your point about complexity and bonus features that draw away attention to the intend of the MOD. Its certaintly a risk and you are not the first to put that to our intention. But in the end focus is not really our goal, how bad that may sound, its not :) We focus mainly on fun and realizing our "dreams"; sometimes going to far. True. But one thing is always at all times key: all things are optional in MCC. As soon as we override that rulle I guarantee you we will fix it.

    Time is no longer as much available to me personly at this moment; but there will still be bonus features soon :yay:

  12. This question is mostly for the mission editors that use this addon. Is it better than UPSMON? I am going to test this and see. Does this have any similar effects like VCOMAI? for example flanking and taking cover?


    Hi. GAIA template is not an addon, it's a scripted version. If you want GAIA as addon, take a look at MCC; GAIA is included there. For what gaia can do, please take a look at my video's shown at the front page. Happy comparing :)

  13. Thanks Spirit. Sometimes I miss the most obvious reasons for the cause of an error. I simply copy and pasted from a previous init.sqf into the new one...and missed the very first line GAIA_CACHE_STAGE_1 = 800; as you rightly recognised. :rolleyes: ;) That's annoying, as I spent so much time looking for something more "complex", I can't believe I missed something so fundamental lol!

    Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it and I love this script, it's so good ! :)


    If you like, share some of the missions you made (if not stuffed in addons :P ). I am sure it will help others build some stuff! :)

  14. Hi Spirit6 or anyone else,

    I have been using the Gaia stand alone for a long time now and never had issues.

    But today I started making a new mission and I'm getting this error:



    Error Undefined variable in expression: gaia_cache_stage_1

    Any help/ideas would be great thanks.

    Seems like you missed out on the init.sqf that initializes the gaia_cache_stage_1

    -> GAIA_CACHE_STAGE_1 = 1000;

    // The follow 3 influence how close troops should be to known conflict to be used. (so they wont travel all the map to support)

    // How far should footmobiles be called in to support attacks.

    // This is also the range that is used by the transport system. If futher then the below setting from a zone, they can get transport.

    I think I should introduce some error's in gaia so i get more feedback :):cool:

  15. Yeah, it seems to happen randomly. Sometimes the units are right next to me and they will vanish. Sometimes it works perfectly and other times they dissapear. Does it matter if I use different factions in blufor? Also, do I need to select one faction per zone? Can I have opfor attached to a zone, and have blufor attached to the same zone? For example, having op for defending a zone, controlled by Gaia, and have blufor attacking that zone, also controlled by Gaia and attached to the same zone? Or do I need to create an overlapping zone and attach blufor to that zone? I think units dissapearing has somethign to do with this. Maybe that's it. I'm not sure.

    Well, MCC does not make units disappear other then when using the caching system. Please take a look here:

    Also, take a look at my other video's. you answers are all there :)

    ---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the support for making it to MANW finals...

    And that we are working on new release that will be in majority bug fixing and more traditional MCC related features.

    I second that :)
