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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. Fox '09

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    Because ArmA 3 should be a sadism simulator. Unless there is a comprehensive medic simulation I don't see the use.
  2. Fox '09

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    While I would support this if it was implemented, I wouldn't actively seek it out. statistics should be kept in game though, I'd love to see how many times i've been shot in the right forearm in game.
  3. Maybe on Sunday I'll post a week review or something. Riggers belt by Bobman Soon (next week): BHI DOAV (Not sure of the timing), ANVIS mount, Bolle T800 goggles, and the new trousers model. Have a good weekend.. er.. sunday.
  4. Fox '09

    Lennard's WIP thread

    nice, and especially nice to see other factions being paid attention to.
  5. Fox '09

    CERN anounce faster than light particles.

    DOEgsToPDskIb2G1soInxtLUDIkIxNiiI anyone seen this?
  6. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I live here though, I would like to try to fix my country. I can't do anything about the other countries.
  7. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Understandable, but what ensued wasn't understandable. And there's more to our relationship with Iraq than that, and you know it. As far as Iran, sure, it began with that incident but that doesn't erase the 50s. Face it, we pick and choose goverment systems based upon how they favor us, and our business interests , not if they are democratic. I'm not disputing how many dictators they've (China and Russia) propped up, that's someone else. I disputed that they have a blatantly hypocritical foreign policy. We're spreading democracy by supporting dictators, and when democracy comes to egypt we cry out about how the muslim brotherhood enters power.
  8. My friend works with 3ds, I'll perhaps talk to him about that tool, seems worth a go. Thanks guys, I'll absorb this information and see what I can come up with. :)
  9. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Except our foreign policy seems to be more geared towards the "My enemy, my friend, my enemy, my friend" approach in the last decades with Iran & Iraq. Something I would think even Russia & China don't dabble in.
  10. Thanks max for the insightful response. I see what you're pointing at in respect to the anatomy, especially with the pelvis area. My main concern is the clothing dynamics on trousers below the butt. When standing straight up it is generally pretty flat but it seems to create a bridge between the butt and the leg, sometimes a bit wavy. If there is a question I would pose it would be if I should model it to be more anatomical / general shape or a firing position specific pose, since you can't really chew gum and walk at the same time. It is this balance I'm always concerned about. As far as BIS topology style, I'll keep that in mind as I intend to do some more detailed arm models to be used with T-shirts etc. Not sure about the textures but nonetheless It may come back to haunt me if I don't make sure of it.
  11. Didn't know proxies were visible in hex editors/notepad++ etc , note taken.
  12. It's possible, but only on custom units (MLODS)
  13. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Torture, war of aggression, etc. I don't dispute the UN's corruption though.
  14. I'm going to start using my blog again, so if you want to see the day workings it will be there. http://fox09a2.blogspot.com/ Up now is a post of stuff for Binkowski.
  15. Things are falling apart huh. I like this.
  16. I'll start off I'm working on some trousers for a new soldier base model, this is modeled after the regular BDU trousers. The pocket flap normals are fixed now, but aside from that what do you guys think? Are the proportions correct? And perhaps a more precise question, do you think a smoother, low poly model would be more appropriate for normal map creation? Though there are some bumps and bits around the model it's nothing major. I was thinking if I could bake a displacement map and somehow apply that to the model, (even just slightly) it would give a better effect. I'm afraid it's (the low poly) too low poly though, and If I want to do it it may be not worth the extra.
  17. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Funny thing is the extremes are quite different , yet the same. Democrats push for some sort of happy face progressive corporatism , where the republicans say "People, this is what we're going to do to you and there's nothing you can do about it". And they're right, because the democrats don't want to do anything. I was less cynical at the 2000 election, given how things were, but for 8 years nobody impeached, let alone censured bush for the hundreds of abuses of international law and civil liberties. For anyone who thinks you should still vote for the lesser of two evils, you should see this: Ralph Nader & Chuch Baldwin
  18. actually, it's the default animations but he might of been turning at the same time. He was moving from prone to crouch.
  19. Fox '09

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    does it change the width of the weapon too?
  20. Fox '09

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    excellent news. I'm glad BIS went in this direction.
  21. Fox '09

    Rhodesy's Projects

    Indeed, I took a quick photo of my Spec Ops brand Riggers Belt. it's a bit used to say the least (which may be useful if you need to see where it wears out the most), and the belt is a bit thicker than the belt in your photo but the same idea. (click) I like the vest, looks similar to the Point Blank law enforcment models that carry the thin rectangular plates (not sure if they're for stabbing, don't own one)
  22. And now I'm back. Jeffers Pang is helping out tremendously, he's been busy modeling an ANVIS bracket (that I'm texturing right now) and a wilcox nvg mount. He's also been modeling a LBT 6094, which I hope to present this week or the next depending on how things go on his side. They're 120+ KB unfortunately so you'll have to click the thumbnail. Still working on the ELCS belt. Using the Faysh Khabur map FYI (which is really awesome - have a go at it)
  23. Just checked on the net, nice spotting. I'll be looking when I return what are the most popular/widely used gloves. I mentioned in my thread I'm on vacation for 2 weeks, when I return i'll ask around. If you take some photos PM me them so I can have them for later. @mcnools Nice. Make sure there is enough hookahs and hashish to go around :)
  24. They're johnny's gloves from his MLODs, so they're rather outdated in the first place. I'm not sure why they're off center, but I have no intention in keeping them anyway. Delta Hawk had an idea of baking a diffuse texture from a simple to texture glove (based on the bis gloves perhaps) to the BIS hands , something I'll probably do instead when I've got some time. I would assume weighting hands is probably a nightmare given how small the hands are.