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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. Awesome! motion capture sounds excellent.. can't wait to give it a go in game.
  2. Click to enlarge. Addons: Celle 2, ACEX, and my WIP 2005 pack.
  3. Fox '09

    Celle 2

    I love the map, thank you for your work.
  4. looks awesome mcnools, I like the idea of a coastline with this type of terrain.
  5. not going to do it, never going to, and never have planned to. edit: todays stuff Worked on gloves, map (still looks like crap, might redo or just improve the textures) and created a loadout with the RAV. Finished with materials & textures, a little issue with shadows but that's it.
  6. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I don't understand how you drew from your comparison the conclusion that goverment expansion is the problem. My point was that the defense department spending hundreds of billion of dollars on the military is not the same as spending the same amount on a single payer system, mostly because one isn't productive and the other is providing healthcare. Clumping together fraud and corruption with a functioning system just doesn't make sense to me. You can remove it from elections , and you can make it damn hard to allow anyone who worked in goverment to become a lobbyist, but yes, there will still be corruption. I don't deny that power corrupts, the idea of having corporations that control production is the power i'm worried about. How will the goverment ever get out of the hole it is in? Are they REALLY going to let go of their subsidies, tax breaks, wars, and influence around the world so easily? Perhaps I'm drawing the wrong conclusions, but it seems like the market consumed the goverment -not the other way around. The power of the goverment is extremely inviting , yes, but how do you propose to change the system? If the problem is that people haven't been following the constitution, going back to it isn't the solution to me, it's trying to stop it from happening in the first place. My main point on campaign finance reform is that no matter how much you want your ideas to be implemented, it will never happen so long as today's corporations control elections. I think you're twisting my words too far, perhaps I would otherwise label myself liberal, but that doesn't mean I can't be convinced on certain issues. Which goes back to the context of my comment, the ADA vs single payer. Both ARE goverment involvement, except the ADA is used through the judicial system to intimidate businesses into settling. Forcing companies with crappy regulations to make certain numbers of parking spots also seems like a bad idea. My point is that just because goverment fails, doesn't mean it always does on everything. You can fix those issues, or you can come to a compromise that makes the ADA regulations voluntary or what have you. Is there no middle ground that works?
  7. I hope BIS does it in a addon friendly way, we shall see. Bottom line is I'm developing with it in mind as info comes along, and when it's out I'll just have to make it work.
  8. Skeletons change, anatomy doesn't :) If I have to re-weigh my stuff or fix it, I will, but I don't worry about it.
  9. All of my work is looking towards ArmA 3, so most models will (and have) been upgraded. I'm planning on a release for OA before ArmA 3 is out, but if it doesn't I'll release what I have. By then there will be something substantial.
  10. You're looking too far into it, the capture function worked faster than the fade transition. Weekend photos And an experimental BHI rappelling harness, belt needs to be a bit higher but I may just ditch it until more info on the fast rope info for ArmA 3 is revealed. http://s18.postimage.org/r40q863w7/Capture.jpg http://s18.postimage.org/q30hj1mwn/capture2.jpg
  11. Fox '09

    Faysh khabur beta release

    Love the update, thank you for your work :) Map looks great while flying too , and preforms well with high view distances.
  12. Got any brands you'd like to see as far as blowout bags go? In other news.. edit: too sharp, have to fix that. Did the OTV with the attachments. DAPs are modeled & uv'd but I'm going to leave them out for the meantime. Maybe if I do it for a gunner position. I realize the side sapi carrier has never appeared in woodland, it is just for demonstration until i do the UCP & Coyote brown version. These will eventually transform into something for the late 2003-2005 series units, with the proper NVG mount and regular BDUs. I can't guarantee rangers in the 05 pack however these units will certainly be in the pack for one branch or another.
  13. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    a discussion that you obviously don't care about. You can be left learning and not be a democrat you know. Besides if you actually read my post , I said the democrats aren't even left wing. Perhaps St_dux isn't the one creating the false equivalency - it's you. I'm not going to pretend the two parties are positioned equally on the spectrum, I don't agree with that premise and it's precisely what has been misleading the american people.
  14. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You don't think that the republicans are even remotely fascist? In the abstract the definition of fascism seems to fit them quite well. Again, you say both are the same, but in an abstract way. The democrats are doing the same as far as the economy, civil liberties and foreign policy, but when it comes to equality and social programs they have notable differences. They also do not have multiple television stations broadcasting their talking points and pushing an authoritarian anti-minority message. We seem to be on a similar page, I just don't think their differences are that small. Both parties represent business interests, it's just one tries to create competition by squeezing through some popular ideas, and doesn't put forth a dangerous, fear mongering message strongly endorsing ideas such as patriotism. I would also dispute the idea that removing money from politics and setting up a proper incentive structure for representatives wouldn't help.. I'm interested to hear what your reasoning is, as I hear this often from libertarians etc. Limiting goverment is such an abstract idea. I'd like to limit the federal goverment to education, health, justice, and a defensive military.. and you'd like to limit it to what? I'm not an ideologue, I don't care for absolute solutions. I take what works and discard what doesn't. I don't like the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, but I also want a single payer system. The two are expansions of goverment, yes, but I prefer to argue policy on their merits. Sometimes goverment works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't subscribe to the idea that goverment is the solution for everything or the inverse. I mean not to suggest you do, I just don't understand what you're trying to get at, and I want to let you know where I'm coming from.
  15. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Nowhere did I post a news article, nor did I label my post straight news. I can trust you made a mistake, this level of hostility and disdain for opposing views doesn't seem to be very welcome here.
  16. Fox '09

    US Soldier Template

    the "examples/data/...." files have nothing to do with the soldiers bink put up. You have to move those files to your data folder and edit the paths accordingly in the p3d & rvmats. Anyway, us_sabot.rvmat etc are not present in ArmA 2 I think.. so you should find the file and do the same as I said above. Copy the proxies off the example model for arma 2 if these are broken (they shouldn't be).
  17. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Except one party is promoting christian fascism, and the other is promoting a weaker, more friendly version. They aren't the same. You can find plenty of principled members on the democratic side, on the republican side you've got only tools of big business and power. Even if you are a principled person like ron paul, you're still a tool, where as folks like Feingold & Grayson get kicked out by outside money from corporations. Ron Paul may not vote for goverment subsidies, but whenever they need a tax cut passed for the wealthy, Ron Paul will vote for it... Grayson & Feingold are actively fighting corporate America by asking for higher taxes on corporations and clamping down on wall street , on top of the things that ron paul is concerned about such as the fed & what have you. in 2009 we had a filibuster proof majority, yet we didn't get ANYTHING done. Yes, the senate wasn't as progressive as the house, but that doesn't mean we couldn't of passed the house's healthcare bill through. It's the leadership that didn't want it.. Obama didn't want it either. The public option was a HUGE step towards convincing the american people that the most wealthy country in the world can't provide healthcare to itself and not just the gitmo prisoners. The health insurance industry just wouldn't let it happen. There's a lot more gray to the democratic party as you and others seem to portray. I'd vote for Grayson any old day given his accomplishments with the fed and what have you. The presidential elections are a whole different thing though.. both candidates always support the corporations & wealthy interests, and in that case I'll never vote for Ron Paul or Obama for that matter. I'd love to see Ron Paul win the republican ticket but become president? never. He'll be another tool.. only a movement can stop the permanent stranglehold on foreign policy, and the american people just aren't ready for it.
  18. Oh absolutely. There won't be too many (if at all) high profile chest rigs for the light units, which generally means not too many mags. I'm still debating if I should make the light units somewhat undercover, so I'd like to hear from you folks if you want more undercover units vs ballcap units (with lighter loadouts) or what have you. Last photos for the night, nearly done with the CVC armor. No AO shadow on the T shirt. Shirt is still WIP so it's not attached to the trousers yet.
  19. Perhaps the point behind your question was that it isn't enough ammo - I assure you it will be made up in buttpacks , backpacks & other gear. That aside, the vest will be also on a light setup with the royal robbins vest, for security detail or what have you. The body armor will be concealed in the ingame version, this is just for brain storming. The vest is in a rather sad condition right now as it isn't textured yet. The royal robbins vest will obviously carry 2+ mags or so on top of the mags in the chest rig. There will be plenty of vests, I want each unit to have a different setup, though the high intensity units will be provided with a similar line of gear as opposed to the light units which will have a more free setup as far as chest rigs etc. Now this doesn't mean that each unit is necessarily self sustaining with 10+ mags in his ruck, I plan to have the gear distributed among the units, especially with the ACEX & ACRE configs.. from wire/fence cutters to explosives. As you noted I'd like to also take a note that it has been nearly one year since I embarked on this project, and I'd like to thank everyone who contributed and supported it. It's still a ways away from being done, but as I said, it will magically all pull together. By the time I've released these units, I will have enough gear modeled to make all sorts of addons.
  20. Thank you foxhound. Come on guys, it was literally last page I talked about it. No mas, there will be no announcements about the release date here until ArmA 3 is released. Also my alpha testing team is complete and I am done taking in members. They will continue to test the latest revisions. While I'm at it ill let you all know what's on the agenda: Royal Robbins security "fishing vest" - model & uv complete AWSIN Medic trauma vest Blackhawk Rack & variants LBT 0372A holster knee pads (updated) Gloves & forearm gear (GPS, map band, watch, etc) (some models done, screens to come) Paraclete CVC & BALCS personal body armor ANVIS-9 NVG to go with the mount
  21. Great stuff, do you plan to have it as a set of scripts or as a module?
  22. As Pufu mentioned, the "same site" is the same one where plenty of Activision game models have been made illegally distributed, and used by J Guid himself (hence why he was suspended for a little). Just because they appear free and have an open liscence doesn't mean they come from the user who uploaded it. Let's wait and see how this turns out, I wouldn't ditch the project unless you know for certain.
  23. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I hear you. I'm all for civil dialogue, I think Tonci went a bit over the edge. I haven't actually read walker's post yet, but I assume what he's driving at is , even if they are a minority, they are on the side of the majority (the majority is somewhat progressive and untrustworthy of the goverment as noted by polls). Their tactics and motives may be different, but if you ask me they're technically on the side of the 99 percent, even if their tactics undermine the 99 percent's efforts. A part of me wants to cheer the anarchists when they terrorize bankers. Government should be afraid of the people. However, I think nonviolence is the only way true, long-term change can happen (if at all).
  24. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    If you don't think anything will ever happen, then why bother? This country has been sliding down ever since McCarthy and Ronald Reagan's ilk have been suppressing dissent of corporate control. It's merely a show now if you ask me, so kick back, relax and watch the empire crumble. Didn't start with them, but boy did they even push this country off the edge. Next up: commercial real estate bubble. @PELHAM Walker took his time to write up his post, don't you think he at least deserves to have all (if not most) of his points refuted one by one instead of responding to one point?