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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    liberal conspiracies? tell me all about them.
  2. Fox '09

    The End of Conventional Secret Intelligence

    for a guy that can't read? is that governor bush?
  3. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I don't think the court decision is necessarily war propaganda. I strongly believe that there needs to be another 9/11 commission , given the commissions head ties to the bush administration, and how the commission had to fight to get pieces put in the report. And there's a paper trail to saudi arabia that nobody wants to touch. Whether we should act on it is a different question, but one the neocons will answer for us.
  4. Lennard has been helping me out, and finished up his PVS-15 for me: [/url] and for that I am very thankful. Bobman, the gent who made the pvs-15s in the other photo didn't do too well on the tubes, so this model is definitely more accurate and improved.
  5. Fox '09

    Passangers firing from vehicle.

    better yet, a physics system like VBS2 that allows avatars to enter helicopters such as the ch-47 and not have to sit down for the flight. That would make rooftop extractions and insertion much easier.
  6. Never realized you were a FPer (and for so long), good to see some company. thanks everyone, I'll see about having something out for you guys later this week, maybe a set of 1993 units including desert rangers, desert CAG, and PJs
  7. Unfortunately I didn't get around to more modern PJs in time, but I have plans for old school PJs with progressive tech vests and the protec seen above. I'm working on some mich 2000 helmet models to replace the protec in the pic (I don't have a decent one at the moment) Happy holidays
  8. congrats on the release! I'm grateful to be able to help with the process. Arguably among the best of maps that size in my opinion.
  9. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I think on The Young Turks current show one of the panelists made a good point. Even if he didn't write it, he needs to donate the million dollars he made off of those letters to the NAACP or something. That , or try his best to find who wrote it and make it public. I don't think he wrote them, I don't care, but a presidential candidate needs to take responsibility and action, no matter who they are.
  10. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I think i was misunderstood, I don't dispute what peter was saying, I just think cenk is used to talking to republicans and people from the establishment who always love to yell out SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM as buzzwords.
  11. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    t31ZOlj9Hk4 also from the young turks. I don't think the audio feed was working, I don't think peter was trying to talk over cenk. People are going nuts over this though, I don't see why though. He said he will have an independent source check into what they said, and I think peter should of left it at that. As far as "socialist economy", I think peter does buy into all the establishment talking points, hence why cenk was a bit knee-jerkish about that statement. I don't think cenk should of cut him off, maybe just leave it at that end then talk about having it fact checked. Either way, I don't see why people are going nuts about it , especially on youtube. I suppose a lot of the people watching that are ron paul supporters , but they're very close minded. They jump on cenk for bringing up the race issue on his panel, which is very unreasonable in my opinion. It will come up eventually, it has, and even in an uncorrupted media it should come up. I think overall cenk isn't bringing up the racist letters because he wants to "silence" ron paul. His audience is largely progressive, and I doubt many of them are republican voters, so even if he wanted to silence him it would have a minimal impact. Regardless, Cenk still likes Ron Paul as seen on the debate with his panel, and obviously throughout his regular show (as the gent above posted). He has always been anti establishment, so the idea that suddenly he's 'part' of the establishment after praising ron paul for days is absurd. I'm trying to refute arguments from youtube on a small, barely political forum, so I should probably stop :(
  12. Hell yeah! thanks for the release, lovely as always
  13. Fox '09

    After Kim Jong-il: The Future of North Korea

    -snip- nevermind
  14. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    My guess is the "racist" letters. Thing about those is , even if he did write them, which will never be known as far as I'm concerned, and I take his word, it doesn't reflect his policy, and it's the least of the country's concern in my opinion.
  15. Fox '09

    ZOG mod

    HAH this is going to get interesting. Nice spotting there. None of my business though, don't care what people call an addon. Looking forward to hearing about the weapon slings if this is legitimate.
  16. looks good but your DCU looks a bit funky, some weird shapes
  17. Fox '09

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I think ron paul is going to place 1st or second in Iowa, I'd be surprised if he didn't.
  18. Fox '09

    ZOG mod

    shirt needs to be tucked in, and you should switch out the head for the arma 2 head as soon as you can. Good luck on your project, always happy to see more old US stuff.
  19. Fox '09

    ASR AI Skills

    If I assign my addon's base class for the "SF" skill set, does it work for all of the units? I inherit the same base class for all of the units.
  20. cow branding AND dyeing? poor thing :D
  21. Are dimmed tracers possible? tracers only visible using NVG or IR devices.