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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. Fox '09

    Project RACS

    three questions, will there be desert units? with OA around the bend............ will any RACS units have silenced weapons? and is there any spec-ops units planned?
  2. I'll see what I can do about height. Thanks
  3. edited as soon as you posted :( anyway, allowdamage doesn't seem to keep it from exploding on contact with the water.. but it appears to keep it from exploding while it is in the water. I might want it to stay intact if speed is <50
  4. hehe, thanks :) I'll report back if I get it to work (the trigger..) edit: I am awful at triggers, no luck here :( I have checked these here, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPosASL http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/PositionASL but I can't really figure out how to activate the trigger if the height is 10/5 meters above sea level
  5. I guess it'll take some tuning. Also, False doesn't work, unless I'm doing something wrong.. It said "Type any, expected object" I tried with naming it heli1 and "heli1 setdamage false;" but got the same result. edit: it is in the init, is this the right place? same result for the trigger onactivation
  6. thanks! I'll give that a try. Perhaps I'll create a trigger or something that if the heli is less than 3 meters it will not take damage, as a temporary solution
  7. Fox '09

    CPU Xeon - not supported?

    Have you tried -cpucount=X command? also, I do ask why you are attempting to run ArmA 2 on a dual socket server board.. but if it works for other games, it should work for arma 2.
  8. this is the ArmA 2 addon request thread... I'm sure it is ArmA 2.
  9. I don't care about it, but I'm sure someone will and (obviously) will ruin it I think the game needs more urban maps... that aren't in the middle east. perhaps in the US.. it's always US attacks X and Y... i want to defend my country for a change. "Two, move to that 7-11"
  10. Fox '09

    US Infantry - 2005

    bisign? is this a type of virus?
  11. Fox '09

    Island Jade Groove

    ah, finally finished downloading. I've been downloading it since you posted.. the map is awesome. One thing that could be improved is the (big?) rocks, a bit more complexity is needed imo
  12. Fox '09

    US Infantry - 2005

    doh. submitted it to armaholic, quick quick fix the link! or ill look like a fool :(
  13. Fox '09

    US Infantry - 2005

    posting in a binkowski thread beautiful units. I think they're your best work yet... aside from the glowing clothes units (heheheheheh, just kidding)
  14. because the day after it is released there will be a multi-choice assassination mission.....
  15. Fox '09

    Project RACS

    i'd think they would release it when its "done" as in not riddled with issues to fix. ACE always has issues that need to be fixed and such, where I think this could manage with smaller updates like other faction addons
  16. -snip- hold on, let me grab a pic of what I wanted to do with it. basically, if I'm near a trench or something, I would want to roll on my back and wait, or if I'm on a hill (and being suppressed by MGs..) http://filesmelt.com/dl/arma2_2010-05-13_15-29-42-20.png like that. but yeah, kinda useless in most situations
  17. Fox '09

    Island Jade Groove

    great news :) you might of said already, but are the cars/units ready?
  18. I would love a way to crawl on your back, http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/3604/arma22010051302294639.png kinda like that, but stuck in that position. Q/E to roll halfway... WASD to do.. well.. yeah. probably gona be hard since you might need animations for that.
  19. Fox '09

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    light reflecting/emitting clothing is quite a breakthrough. I applaud him on that discovery edit: glad he fixed it though.. even my soldiers are happier now
  20. Fox '09

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    maybe the US army should learn a bit from bink.. :p
  21. you gona update the C130 to the new one?
  22. Fox '09

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    I'm sure there are still people out there (like me) who still love your work. as for myself on the OA guys, I'm not quite sure. I haven't seen a full body screen of them yet.. they seem empty.. not much on them (unlike your guys). we will see, we will see.
  23. Fox '09

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    it is Kristan from here I think and yes, that's me.. asking for a download.. edit: maybe he meant 09.. but I don't recall the 09 guys looking like that.
  24. Fox '09

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    woo! Also, you said you fixed the RVMAT issue for the 08 units... an update soon? Also, I saw a video on youtube with your '10 units. The dude said he got them from ACEX.. but... they were never on ACEX.. or...