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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. maybe remove server keys in betas to discourage using beta builds in multiplayer? It would really increase the user-friendliness of ACE mod at the moment, but it probably will also make the public betas less efficient
  2. Fox '09

    Island Jade Groove

    cool, downloading. edit: is there a changelog?
  3. Fox '09

    Sharpe's Rifles Mod

    while that is usually true, think about the other mods where they don't bump it to tell they've stopped working on it. This guy hasn't logged in in a while, so.. I mean what if we waited an entire year and he didn't say anything about canceling it? Would be very disappointing.
  4. I have no experience with configs. So talk to me like I'm 5 years old :p Basically, I am creating the M-29 Davy Crockett Weapon System (tactical nuclear recoilless gun) for ArmA 2. My freind has got the models done (will post pics ASAP). I think I can handle the O2 stuff (maybe not proxies, but they seem easy.. I'll give it a try). I think I will contact whoever made the ACE nuke and talk to them about how to implement their system in my weapon system. As for particles, I am not sure how to start with them. I have a feeling this is the hardest part of my project.. Model names / Class names So I'll start with the "class names" and such i will be using. Don't know how classnames work, I have a feeling they're just for units and ammo etc. Either way, the models will be named after these. Pack and Unpacked mean what goes on the units back, and what goes on the ground Name (what it is) Ammo DC_M388 (projectile (ammo...)) DC_M388_pack (obviously too big to fit in the regular weapon slots. It'll be cheesy, but hey - it's a game. Will go on back and might/will be smaller. Legs pack is for on the unit's back, ground is for on the ground (see the CSWs in ACE mod. you place separate parts.. DC_LegsPack DC_LegsGround Launchers (body, you place on top of legs) will be two of them since it's probably big. DC_LauncherPack1 DC_LauncherUnpack1 DC_LauncherPack2 DC_LauncherUnpack2 Complete DC_Loaded DC_Unloaded Scripts Targeting I was thinking along the lines of the artillery style targeting system (move around the weapon and you find where it lands on a small map) OR just a simple chart saying with every 100 meters, this is what you need to do. Damage Damage will be similar to an ACE nuke, with modified blast/damage radius so it fits the M388. I believe this is a simple edit of their system configs. Of course, I need to talk to the guy who made the ACE nuke about this. On the ACE nukes, radiation lands within 30 mins.. perhaps a reasonable 15 minutes or less for this? Thoughts? CSW I want this to work like other ACE mod CSWs. Going to need lots of help with this one. Will use standard USMC units, as well as Vilas Project 85 units for the carriers. Firing Should be simple, make the projectile fly as the real one did. I will use real world data for this from various sources. Particles As for particles, this is what I want it to look like http://arstechnica.com/civis/download/file.php?id=7810 along with the ACE nuke shockwave.. (it is going to probably use their system, so it shouldn't be hard.. right?) So i guess basically a messy looking mushroom cloud. Sound I just need to know how to implement sound. I can do the rest. I know it is a lot. I probably won't need help with most things, as I will be reading some tutorials and such. Progress: Model - 80 percent (need to port and do LODs) Configs - 0 percent Scripts - 0 percent Textures - 0 percent thanks guys. Going to sleep soon (as of posting) so i will read your comments in the morning if I miss them
  5. updated my post. I haven't checked that ticket in a while, I was just told they're going to be in ACEX. 37 votes is reasonable enough, and your team likes it. I can understand that.
  6. Not sure if this is the right place, but why do people want every single mod to be integrated in ACE? Like TF86 units etc. I mean, yeah, they're good, but i think they should be separate. Doesn't ACEX already have special forces? it's not like they're filling in any gap, they're just adding on to it. I don't want ACEX bloated with stuff quite a few people won't use.
  7. It is moving. Check his other videos.
  8. would be great to have. I do wonder though, do the devs actually check that?
  9. cool. The whole concept of a CSW seems to be quite an undocumented thing, since it is basically a deploy-able static weapon.. scripts do this, and I don't think I am able to create such scripts at my level. So I was thinking about using the configs from the ACE mod and giving full credit for them (as well as the scripts etc). Who should I PM about this?
  10. Some dude was working on a script. I pm'd him and he said he would release it eventually.. but... still nothing :( here is it from a C130. Perhaps someone could shed light on how this is done
  11. A lot of things were changed from ArmA and ArmA 2 regarding shooting the weapons themselves. I really miss these things.. especially recoil.
  12. I think he means like this. I saw something similar in ArmA 2, but I can't find the video.
  13. Vilas has some polish police guys, along with SWAT and I think a SWAT van too. Just throwing that out there if you might want to reskin/edit them. looking forward to your future releases :)
  14. Hi all, I was wondering if it was possible to disable water damage within the editor. A quick search didn't find anything... any ideas? thanks
  15. awesome! an airline livery would be cool.. Like chernarus air? :p For radar jamming, are you going to use default & (or) mandoble's system?
  16. thanks, I'll give it a shot. I make make it dependent on both speed and altitude, because I'm sure if a helicopter hit water at a high enough velocity it would kill the crew/get smashed up
  17. Last version was rather framerate unfriendly. I think it was due to all of the AI.. although it was in singleplayer. I'll check this out, I love templates
  18. Fox '09

    CPU Xeon - not supported?

    both actually. As for PVP, I am not sure if any default missions for ArmA 2 are PVP, but as I linked to Advance and Secure, it's Person Vs Person. Another one to check out is Warfare. It's a combination of Person vs Person and AI vs person. you control your squads (of AI) and capture cities. There are other missions out there which are player vs 'bots', or a combination. I don't play multiplayer often myself, so I can't really tell you all of the PVP game modes but Advance and Secure seems to be the most popular aside from "Warfare"
  19. Cool, I'll give it a shot As for the riot shield, does it destroy itself after a few shots? or do larger calibers penetrate it, where smaller don't?
  20. Fox '09

    CPU Xeon - not supported?

    it can be a mix. And as far as i know, upgrades ranks etc depend on the multiplayer mission/mission pack. That has to be scripted and whatnot. Try this pack when you get the game, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7489 Judging by screenshots of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, there might be some cool PVP game modes.. It's fun, addicting, and makes you think. You care more about getting shot than other games. (since there isn't "auto-heal", and it's hard to shoot while you are injured). It's worth it. and the community makes it even more worth it. You will never run out of new things to play with.. every day an addon is released.
  21. I noticed that too. well last pic of it for a while, need to fix the scale of certain parts. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2769/buldozer201005162334247.png
  22. My freind is making a model of the M29 recoiless nuclear weapon he needs to fix it, as it looks too thin and whatnot compared to the real thing http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/4469/nukething03.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8516/nukething01.jpg I will finish this one, unlike my failed trenches :p going to work on the config tonight
  23. thanks, I'll take a look into that stuff as I wait for the models :) edit: since I don't think any tut clearly shows how to make a CSW/Static weapon config, I was thinking I should check out existing CSWs (from ace??) and static weapons (possibly from Vilas's p85 pack)
  24. what happened to the M-47 dragon that was in ArmA? (ACE??) someone bring that back!