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Posts posted by Nixo

  1. Hello.

    Once again I have started working on a new project. Currently I am working on the DCU 3 colour desert units. based once again on Johannes SF guys. But this time I have added the EAGLE H harness to the units. I might add more carriers/vests. The pack will contain 3-7 different camo versions of the units. Each camo has about 4-7 units. Screens to come very soon. (Fraps did not co-operate and I am in a hurry right now) What camos do you wanna see? 3colour desert will be included. The most wanted camos will be included :)


    Multiupload: http://www.multiupload.com/8F53L6YZYM

    Why do I release this?

    - I messed up this addon. I created too much work for me to handle. I have hyped everyone with this addon and promised alot of things. But I just can't work on these anymore.

    I am sorry.

    Don't expect any HQ stuff.


    DaSquade, for the only HQ stuff on the units. Helmet light& IR strobe

    Johannes for awsome models.

  2. Yup. Once again hello.

    Now I am working on some SF dudes. Once again. Johannes sf models have been used. But this time. I have reshaped the vest a little and changed it to a PACA Low vis thingy.

    I have modeled a MLCS EAGLE H-Harness and textured it but it looks crap. Could someone please help me with this. Otherwise I will use my crappy model. PM me if you want to help. I could really use a partner in crime.




    Hey hey. Here is my multicam units spiced with a little bit of crye gear and made with Johannes Sf guys as base. I have tried to sign the files and make a key. I have no idea what I have done but I really hope it works. Have fun.


    Screenshots by Enad

    Download Link: http://www.multiupload.com/Y6EO88LGXV

    P.S. You most likely need to have Combined Operations in order to play with these.


    NiXos Crye Multicam units





    -Put the .pbo files in your ArmA2 AddOns folder. It is recommended that you use separate addon folders.



    Bohemia Interactive, Fantastic game & Sample models

    Johannes, Generic SF models

    ardvarkdb, Crye vest textures

    Enad, Screenshots & beta testing

    Fox '09, beta testing

    ryguy, Beta testing

    Max225[PL}, Beta testing

    ebanks129, Beta testing

    Sorry if I forgot someone.


  4. In my oppinnion big cities that you reconstruct are more fun to play with if you can play the game without major lag. Even tough the poly count is low, the quality of the building does not need to be low. You can make it look very good with a small amount of polys :)

    Those people in the video are crazy.... Like I would just stand there and talk with my friends when you can hear gunfire everywhere. Nope, I would run until I could not run anymore.

  5. More WIP images :)

    Do you think the camo is too dark? Sometimes it looks just right and sometimes too dark... Depends on the lightning

    Legbags are attached properly to the legt ingame. OTK animations messing up the model :)


    as you can see, legbag, canteen and shovel has allready been added. Textures still need some work tough

  6. Out of the box thinking ;) out of the ordinary :D Great stuff with that mg.... Your leopard is broken and enemies coming from all derictions, the tank commander and driver are jumping out with their RK-95s or whatever they have, You jump up and grab the MG3 and start spreying bullets into the woods :)

    @Kristian: I hope so too...^^

  7. Hello!

    We have long been waiting for FDF mod :) And so I have slowly been working on these units to try to ease the wait for the mod. Since I am a swedish talking Finn I wanted to make this addon as a tribute to the only swedish speaking unit in finland. Nylands Brigade. So these represents the Coastal Jeagers of the Finnish defence forces. They can be compared to the USMC. They do almost the same thing. I have tried for many hours make the vest as authentic as possible. My conscription time will start in January 2011. So I have no idea what they look like, so I have only used reference pictures.

    To add, Backpack, legbag, pouches, canteen, shovel, equipment, radios, helmet camo net and so on.




    They wear the old m/91 camo, with a vest that I have only seen in pictures with coastal jaegers, so I have no idea what the name of it is.


    Version 1.0

    Finnish Coastal Jaegers

    Addon is not signed

    Requires Robert Hammers AK pack

    File is about 39mb packed with 7z.


    Multiupload: http://www.multiupload.com/V8MZ8KTQDA

    Armaholic: Finnish Coastal Jaegers v1.0

    ArmedAssault.info Armed Assault.info

    ArmA2Base.de Finnish Coastal Jaegers v1.0 by Nixo

    Required Addon

    Robert Hammers AK pack

    RH Ak's Pack[/

  8. Helicopter crews don't need oxygen unless they're operating above 10,000 ft for an extended period, and Army ....

    The stream has a bunch of other stuff in there as well, included a few images of armor crew.

    Great refs. :) and thats the mask that I have tried to model :) For heli crews. Not pilots
