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About benjellio

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Strategy Gaming
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  1. benjellio

    =BTC= Revive

    Human BLUFOR players have become 1 hit kill every time but OPFOR AI has become harder to kill, its hard to describe but the script seems to have created super AI. it may be due to another script we are running in conjunction with it but it only happens when running BTC revive.
  2. benjellio

    =BTC= Revive

    Me and my clan have been swapping between this revive script and another, finally deciding that atm this one suits us better, however we have found that with it running BLUFOR units have become a lot weaker with the AI being a lot more accurate and every single shot landed anywhere resulting in death. However OPFOR seem to have become stronger taking several shots before being killed. This only happens when running your script so was wondering if you had any insight into it.
  3. Im having problems actually using ace and patch 1.05 the sixupdater is not downloading the patch so i have downlaoded the patch and installed it but six wont load it :(
  4. benjellio

    air control

    The rudder loses its effectivness at higher speeds beacuse of momentum, in rl if the rudder is continuously applied the aircraft will yaw (techy word for turn) but beacuse of the air it takes longer, it gives a weathercock effect. However other control surfaces become more affective at high speed. so basically its just coz the air is hitting it and making it straighten (im an Air Cadet and have passed gs :P)
  5. benjellio

    Zooming and LOD switching

    How about we remove the low level eye zoom thing and then this problem wont occure, i love using zoom but find it sorta takes away some of the need for proper reccy and binos
  6. benjellio

    Aircraft Units of measure?

    Altimeters are done on feet
  7. benjellio

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    well im defo voting for dslyecxi and his Arma 2 bible
  8. benjellio

    Water usage in Arma, Why isn't there any?

    Yeah go Bushlurker i would love to play in the outer hebridies could do proper SAS training missions and could have a realy random invasion of Scotland by Ireland. A map or ireland or wales would be excellent lots of ambushes and renactments. (im good at coming up with things, but never follow through because i either cba or cant physically do it)
  9. benjellio

    Helicopter insertion Bug

    thx lou
  10. why whenever i tell starforce to move it goes there and is fine but when everyone gets out half manage to kill themselves from....what? :eek: Im telling starforce to land in non-contact zones but half of my team are still screaming on the ground, then i spend 5 mins healing them all before i can move on :(
  11. benjellio

    Secondary Monitor as Map

    what if you had one screen for game and another for objectives and chat thats not a big advantage
  12. benjellio

    The need for Afghan mountains

    Yeh im really up for playing against insurgents it is alot more tense patrolling and being ambushed than doing alot big battles (although they are fun)
  13. benjellio

    Air craft counter measures?

    In the real world people get scared, when they see massive apache helis destroying stuff they get really scared most people would get their heads down but in Arma ai dont get scared so they go crazily runing around in the open to drop an apache with aa, so i think that cm would be a good idea but would probably just be for show, but if your in a plane its different, you have a laser splash on the target and you go as fast as you can and a computer drops the bomb then you run away in arma this would be unfair so i think that aircraft should get cm but people should learn to fly arma style, ARMA IS NOT REAL LIFE SO MANY REAL LIFE THINGS DON'T APPLY so people should just learn how to play the game not how to do it in real life.
  14. benjellio

    Fully destructible environments

    The Buildings arnt full distructible Maps are about the size of an arma 2 town Mulitplayer only for 32 Ground just deforms doesnt get destroyed and most of the stuff in bf bc is in arma 2
  15. benjellio

    Foreign Armies DLC

    I'd have said i need the game more than the editor :p but yeh im not very good at that stuff cant do the scripting parts or briefings :(