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Everything posted by nocturna

  1. Edit: Nevermind, seems like the volume thing is a known issue.
  2. When i run the game with this addon i get a warning saying addon 'AiA_BaseConfig_F' requires 'CASounds' before the game launches, any idea whats the problem ?
  3. nocturna

    Can't host P2P server anymore

    Have you tried using Tunngle ?
  4. nocturna

    What is BECTI?

    This was a great mission in arma 2 but Benny gave up on it since arma 3 multiplayer is so broken.
  5. Uh... its still cheap, according to that screenshot EVGA GTX 770 ACX is $405... thats like 280 euros, its more than $300 but its cheaper than in europe. Imo save a bit more money and get a 770 or r9 280x, 750 isnt really worth it.
  6. nocturna

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Yep, no point spending money on new hardware unless you really need to upgrade. I get 25 FPS in towns during multiplayer with i7 3770k and GTX 770, low or ultra settings doesnt matter, the performance is the same and low CPU/GPU usage. Keep selling karts, BIS!
  7. nocturna

    Easter Egg: Females

    I hope its not just anothr half assed civilian like in a2 :rolleyes:
  8. nocturna

    Is This a Joke?

    The game has almost no assets so keep waiting :rolleyes:
  9. nocturna

    Scopes bugged ?

    Hai, sorry if theres a thread about this issue but i couldnt find anything and im just wondering if its a known beta glitch or is it just me http://i.imgur.com/A0Bdget.jpg (200 kB) :butbut:
  10. nocturna

    Scopes bugged ?

    6870 with 13.4 drivers, win 7 64 bit
  11. nocturna

    Scopes bugged ?

    Not sure if its the same glitch but it looks related http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10131
  12. Doesnt seem to affect my FPS at all.
  13. nocturna

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive!

    Yep, great job BIS :459: <3
  14. if the server has 32 players and you are able to fight other people without seeing them running without moving and everything is working as it should then, yes, please, i'd even pay see that protip: just joining a server and walking around doenst count, try engaging the enemy, once you see them running without moving or you get killed without hearing a shot, or you shoot someone, see the blood splash but nothing happens, you'll understand the issue.
  15. i have passworded servers filtered so thats why i dont see as many, but really, please tell me a server with lots of people that you find playable, i really cant find a single one, the only playable servers have 3/4 players which is a boring. i've been playing arma 2 for 3 years on servers with 40-50 ppl so dont tell me this is "working", i dont see a single full server.
  16. i think i tried that server and it was just as broken, also had a friend in that server that had the same problem, it must be my pc or my internet, i've been playing arma 2 for 3 years but somehow iron front is special, that must be it! right now im in some server and i see 2 enemy players standing in the same place for 10 minutes, shooting them nothing happens, thats considered "working" ? lol. i see 13 servers and all are either empty or have 1 player, i wonder why.
  17. yea, nevermind everyone saying the same and disconnect / connect spam oh well, cant do much about fanboys, im out
  18. im calm ;) except... it does NOT work, please go join a server and see the permanent red chain with people running without moving, how is that working exactly ? if hosting a server for myself and play against bots is considered working then i'd like a refund. really ? please tell me which server and how many players... must be some kind of miracle i wanna witness
  19. ...seriously ? can you be any more clueless ? 100% of the servers that are up atm are using that method, go join one and see what happens. why even bother posting when you dont even play the game ? because if you did you'd know its completely unplayable, unless you are the one hosting it.
  20. you must be new around here, its not about having a server, servers run like crap without dedicated files, especially with the bug that causes the server to freeze when a player disconnects your server is holding up quite well ? must have 2 slots or be a miracle of nature cus every other server is lagged to death, congratulations!
  21. im not a man but i forgive you! oh well, waiting for my new pc to arrive anyways, please fix this freaking mess, i seriously hope devs are not taking the weekend off, this isnt a free mod that you can treat as a hobby, people paid for a game they cant play, its your responsibility, hopefully asking you guys to do your job isnt asking too much, if you want the community to take you seriously you have to show dedication and passion for your game, that includes working during the weekend after releasing a broken mess.