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Everything posted by nocturna

  1. dedicated servers are crucial, not important, the game is unplayable like this, every single server is frozen due to crappy hosts + some major bug that causes servers to freeze, i guess testing games before releasing them its just too much work, especially when you can get free testers by releasing open betas should have used the "its weekend" card when i was charged for the game, would they let me pay it later ? usually im very tolerant when it comes to BIS or any small studio but releasing a paid product like this is just pathetic i'll stick around because i love ARMA and BIS but goodluck not losing most of the playerbase with this disaster was expecting a bumpy release but this was worse than arma 2 launch, thats saying alot :butbut:
  2. nocturna


    now im starting to feel like i just wasted my money :| on the other hand battleye never stopped people from killing servers, arma never had a decent anticheat.
  3. problem is that its not refreshing when every other game has it (just my opinion ofc) :p but yea, hopefully we'll get some good missions from the community :)
  4. It sounds great except game modes... deathmatch and capture the flag ? ...really ? just like every shooter out there ? :j: the only mode that seems decent is blitzkrieg but from the videos i've seen the map was tiny :butbut: i know we cant have everything but considering this will attract lots of arma players i dont understand why you guys didnt create something like CTI instead of tired game modes, will get boring fast :(
  5. Hi, im wondering if anyone else experienced this, i got a 5850 couple of weeks ago and sometimes all vegetation/trees turns white, like snowy trees :confused: It ONLY happens with vegetation and when im close to them, weird thing is that if i move a bit and look at them in another angle everything looks fine.. Here's an example: http://i49.tinypic.com/2qwj40h.jpg then when i move the mouse a bit everything looks fine http://i50.tinypic.com/15yvg3l.jpg :eek: Im sure that its not overheating, i've set the fan to 50% to be sure it wasnt and the card never gets hotter than 55ºC, flush doesnt work but restarting the game seems to work but sooner or later it will happen again :\ What could it be ? drivers ? the game ? faulty card ? I didnt notice any kind of graphic problems in other games so far :( Oh and im running win7 64bits, latest ati drivers, 4gb ram, e8400 3ghz oc'd to 3.6 and latest beta patch
  6. hi guyz, how is this mod going ? is there enough people playing online ? Can anyone recommend a good PvP server ? thanks =)
  7. I've played PR for BF2, i've been waiting for it ever since arma 2 came out and arma 2 PR rumours started, not since this thread was made :p good to know =) i didnt mean to disrespect anyone, its just been a very very long wait :p
  8. wow... seeing this thread bumped reminded me that i've been waiting for arma 2 PR for almost 2 years.. no offense but im starting to think this is vaporware :j:
  9. nocturna

    Feedback to E3 Interview and Ingame Scenes

    where can i watch it ? is it recorded somewhere ? i missed it :shock:
  10. nocturna

    E3 - Arma 3?

    Sigh... whats with the CGI crap ? what happened to trailers using ingame footage ? i cant believe people are actually impressed by a cinematic that has nothing to do with the game :(
  11. nocturna

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Im so happy i just hope it wont be as broken as arma 2 was when it was released :(
  12. nocturna

    WarFX : Blastcore

    im also having the same problem, need v2 sigs :(
  13. Many servers NEED ingame admins to set up missions/missions parameters etc... that cant be done with BE's rcon so thats not really a solution.. BIS needs to FIX exploits instead of sweeping them under the carpet
  14. Uh, Since today Kaspersky internet security 2011 started detecting HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic on all 3 versions of the rcon GUI. This is a false positive right ? If so, can the creator contact kaspersky and let them know about it ?
  15. nocturna

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73311

    dwarden please dont forget this ticket! http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13000 (sorry for the offtopic, just want your attention T_T) Keep up the great work!
  16. nocturna

    AI units stop moving in danger mode.

    Okay this is weird... i could repro it in the editor but i cant repro it in warfare BE online, somehow its working fine there :confused::confused: (and yes, im sure the server is 1.54)
  17. nocturna

    AI units stop moving in danger mode.

    It was very easy to repro for me... Running Combined Operation 1.54. Simply place yourself as a squad leader, send your squad to a waypoint, then set combat mode to danger while they're moving. They will just go prone and wont move anymore. Same thing happens for stealth mode.
  18. nocturna

    AI units stop moving in danger mode.

    Yea i can also repro it...
  19. I just joined several servers running 1.54 with Jennick's files and it works fine... no kick and no ban. Are you sure u patched the server properly ? Maybe you have to put Jennick's files on the server
  20. maybe its the server that has the wrong .bisign ? I dunno, just trying to find a logic explanation
  21. ern are you sure it was jennik's files ?
  22. nocturna

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Thank you! Official link is way too slow.
  23. nocturna

    New Beta 72863 up!

    Ah ok, just checked it myself, seems fixed =)