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Everything posted by Clayman

  1. Not sure if this works, but maybe worth a try. Place the new unit next to the old one. Make sure that the new unit has a higher rank and group it to the old one. Then you should be able to delete the old unit with the new one keeping the WP's.
  2. Well, that would require an addition button (one for playMove and one for switchMove), just to save you from typing one command. And you still have to add the name of the unit manuelly. So I don't really see the point in changing this. That's a very good idea. Don't know if it's possible, but if I'll make an update, I'll try to come up with something. Also a good idea. Would require some work, but when I'm bored I'll include that, too. ;) Yeah, already noticed the same thing while making cutscenes.^^ Shouldn't be that much of an problem to change this. Not sure about that one. But tbh, I don't think that it would be possible. At least not without writing a whole new config (read: make a new addon). Yes, I know of this problem. Probably read the same threads as you without finding a solution. ;) Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this.
  3. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    @miller Thanks. Links added to first post. Just adding the water effect itself would be no problem, but it would look pretty weird without any river below the dam. ;) @zGuba Thanks for the input. Will keep it in mind for the next update. :) The link you posted asks me for username and password. I suppose it's time for me to register over at devheaven.^^
  4. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Actually the script version is updated, too. Are you sure it's not the sound of the small waterfall you're hearing? Or just another thought, do you have the addon version active while testing the script version? This might cause problems, as the global variables of both versions are the same. Never tested it tbh. (Note to myself: Maybe I should change that in next version...)
  5. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Oops. I forgot to remove the icon entry I used for testing from the config. It's fixed now. Please re-download. Good to know it works in MP. :)
  6. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    First of all, many thanks to all the feedback and the good suggestions (especially to Deadfast, armatech and zGuba). I tried to add as many of the ideas as possible. In detail the new version 1.1 of the Topolka Dam FX contains the following new / changed features: - Addon version doesn't require MAP_EU anymore as requested by several people. Instead CBA is required now. - Addons version will self-initialise (will add the effects to any existing mission) - New sound for main waterfall - Added sound to the small waterfall / rapids - Main waterfall sound only played when at least one gate is open - Added vertical movement to the river to simulate waves - Randomised particles from small waterfall / rapids - Light parameters can be changed at any time - Fixed placement of some rocks - Lights will be removed when script ends Despite my non-existant knowledge of MP editing I've included .bisign and key files. However, I have no idea if this works in MP at all. Any feedback on this is appreciated. Further information and DL links can be found in first post.
  7. Clayman

    Animation Viewer 1.3 why not ingame?;-(

    There is nothing magic about the animation viewer. All animations working there will work anywhere in the editor / the game. Be aware that there is a difference between playMove and switchMove commands. If a animation doesn't work with one of them, try the other one. ;) Edit: Btw. some animations might require a certain behaviour of the unit to work correctly.
  8. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Dam(n), it just took me about two hours to find out that it's positionCameraToWorld and not cameraPositionToWorld. LOL! :p :D Would like to do so, but the problem is that the terrain below the Pobeda Dam isn't suited for anything like a river or lake. It would require a lot of terrain editing. On the other hand, it would be cool if there would be a river from the Pobeda Dam to the Guba Bay / ocean. ;) But that's far beyond my skills.^^
  9. When dragging an listbox element, is there any way to find out what index the dragged element has? WIKI says onLBDrag should return the index, but it seems to only return the control of the listbox and the text/data/value array of the item. Also, when dragging, the element is not selected, so lbCurSel doesn't work either. Second question: onLBDrop returns x & y coordinates. Is there a way to convert them to an index, so that the droped element is added in the same position where it is droped? Hmm, maybe I should explain what I'm trying to do.^^ I have two listboxes. When dragging an element from LB 1 to LB 2, I want the element to be added to LB 2. (works) When dragging an element from LB 2 to LB 1, I want to remove that element from LB2. For this I need to know the index of the dragged element. And finally I want to be able to sort the elements in LB 2 by dragging them to another position inside LB 2. Hope there is someone out there who can understand my problem(s) :D and point me in the right direction.
  10. Add this to your control: style = ST_MULTI; lineSpacing = 1;
  11. Mitsubishi FTW!!!!! :D Dude I love you for this! Lancer EVO is the best car in the world! (although the EVO X looks better.) Can't wait to drive around Cheranrus with it. But for the next video, please for the love of god, take other music. That must be the worst song in history. :p
  12. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Oops. Thanks Deadfast. Never understood the meaning of this scope part, but now I think I get it. :D Well, If someone makes a destroyable dam then I'll try to make a flood wave. ;) Been trying to add something like that, but couldn't get it to look right yet. But I'll keep it in mind.
  13. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Early WiP video. I'll make a new one later (if noone else does^^). N0jMpsX6QSc
  14. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Thanks for all the comments. Glad you like it. :) Yes, you're right. Why didn't I come up with that myself?^^ Going to add it in the next version. Good idea. Will give it a try. Thanks. Already tried that, but it doesn't work. Edit: Thanks armatech. Looks interesting. Will tank a closer look later when I get home from work.
  15. Still WIP. Will post the script once it's finished. ;)
  16. Now this is interesting. Can't remember anyone asking me permission for including my animation viewer on the disc. Well, it's fine for me, don't see any problem with it. But it's a strange feeling none the less. If I didn't look in this topic, I would have probably never found out about it. keep it up +1
  17. Clayman

    [SP Mission] The Hunt

    Tanks for the mirror, Sudden Death. Added it to first post. Seeing this thread has more than 300 hits but none feedback so far makes me think something is wrong with the mission. If it doesn't work for some reason, please let me know so I can fix it. Otherwise any kind of feedback is welcome. This is my first mission I released and I would really like to know what others think about my work. ;)
  18. In mission.sqm position format is [X,Z,Y]. In a script you need [X,Y,Z]. Also posmark* already is a position, so you don't need the position / getPos command. It should be: _grp = creategroup east; posmark1=[3492.5684,4517.2529,33.443855]; posmark2=[3372.3352,4395.9561,16.982912]; "RU_Soldier_MG" createunit [posmark1, _grp]; "RU_Soldier_Marskman" createunit [posmark2, _grp]; Btw. createUnit doesn't return anything. ;)
  19. Clayman

    Car Radio

    Thanks Los18z for the hint. But the hulk player has the problem I described above: It only plays one song and then stopps. That's not the way I want my radio to work. But I'll think about including this feature in a future version. But until then... back to business.....^^ Version 2.2 of the Car Radio is now available. What's new? Drag & Drop Function for Playlist Editor Create your own pre-defined Playlist (in userconfig .hpp) No additional variables have to be used if not needed Define vehicle types which don't have the radio available Optional tooltips for most buttons I've also updated the example mission. DL link(s) and further information about the new (and changes) features in the first post. Have fun! Greetz, Clayman
  20. Clayman

    Car Radio

    The track length is needed, so that the radio knows when the track is over and when to play the next song. And that's the problem with reading music from inside an .pbo. There is no way (I know of) to say if the track is over. So after every song the user has to select the next song manuelly.
  21. @d3nn16 With a button it all works without problems. But I wanted to do it the nicer way via drag & drop. @i0n0s Thanks for the suggestion. The problem is I'm already using text, data and value for other things. But maybe I can compare the data of the dragged element with the ones in the listbox, and select the matching one. Will try it out later. @AliMag class RscLB_C { style = ST_LEFT; idc = -1; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorSelect[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorSelectBackground[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorText[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorScrollbar[] = {0,0,0,1}; period = 1; font = DEFAULTFONT; sizeEx = 0.029; rowHeight = 0.04; soundSelect[] = {"",0.1,1}; soundExpand[] = {"",0.1,1}; soundCollapse[] = {"",0.1,1}; maxHistoryDelay = 10; autoScrollSpeed = -1; autoScrollDelay = 5; autoScrollRewind = 0; }; class RscListBox: RscLB_C { type = CT_LISTBOX; class ScrollBar { color[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorActive[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorDisabled[] = {0.35,0.35,0.35,1}; thumb = "\ca\ui\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa"; arrowEmpty = "\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa"; border = "\ca\ui\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa"; }; };
  22. Clayman

    Car Radio

    To be honest, I don't know much about how MP scripting works. I also don't know if the radio works in MP at all. (don't think so) From what I've heard, dialogs are client side. So that shouldn't be a problem. But playMusic however is executed globally, making any player on the map hear the music. A workaround could be to check if the player is in the car, and only if he is, play the music. Then again, it would probably cause problems when different players are in different car at the same time. However, these are just some thoughts. Like I said above, I don't know how it all works in MP. Maybe I'm completely wrong. Any advise / help would be welcome.
  23. I don't know for sure if there isn't another way. But I've spent quite some time serching these and other forums and trying all kinds of stuff. This is the only way I got it working till now. But you can use a forEach loop for all your controls. From my animation viewer: { _control = (findDisplay 200) displayCtrl _x; _control ctrlSetPosition [((ctrlPosition _control select 0) * safeZoneW) + safeZoneX, ((ctrlPosition _control select 1) * safeZoneH) + safeZoneY, (ctrlPosition _control select 2) * safeZoneW, (ctrlPosition _control select 3) * safeZoneH]; //_control ctrlSetFontHeight (0.025 * safeZoneH); _control ctrlCommit 0 } forEach [201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227]; Of course any other solution would be appreciated by me, too. :)
  24. Found this somewhere on these forums: _visibleScreenCoordinatesRectangle = [safeZoneX, safeZoneY, safeZoneW, safeZoneH]; To fit a dialog to any interface size I use this: _control ctrlSetPosition [((ctrlPosition _control select 0) * safeZoneW) + safeZoneX, ((ctrlPosition _control select 1) * safeZoneH) + safeZoneY, (ctrlPosition _control select 2) * safeZoneW, (ctrlPosition _control select 3) * safeZoneH]; _control ctrlCommit 0; Hope this helps. :)
  25. Clayman

    Car Radio

    To add multiple songs to the radio, you have to place them all in one array: CLAY_RadioAddMusic = [["ClassName1","Song Name 1",Length1], ["ClassName2","Song Name 2",Length2], ["ClassName3","Song Name 3",Length3],...] To listen to your added music, you have to click on the "/\" or "\/" buttons, to switch the the "User Music" playlist (as stated in the lower left corner of the display).