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Everything posted by Clayman

  1. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Mission has been updated to Version 1.1 Several big glitches and little bugs have been fixed. (Won't post a detailed changelog as it would contain too much spoilers. ;)) Special thanks goes to Onkel Bo for his great Feedback! DL link in first post. Have fun!
  2. And what the heck does kjhsdkjhsd mean? :D Not sure as I never used the SOM module, but I'd say you have to add the support request for each unit. [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL3] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
  3. Most animations don't work in the init line. Either use a waypoint, trigger or script. ;)
  4. {vehicle _x in [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8]} count thislist > 0 Should work in SP / Editor
  5. This is what I got so far: _dragger switchMove "AcinPknlMwlkSnonWnonDb"; _injured switchMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDb"; _injured attachTo [_dragger, [0, 1.2, 0]]; _injured setDir 180; It's not perfect, the units sometimes won't move. But it might be a start.
  6. How about BI vs. CM OFP TDM and the winner gets the rights for the Operation Flashpoint name. :D
  7. Just a wild guess, but there are several lnb.. (instead of lb..) commands. lnbSetPicture Have seen it somewhere in the UI scripts, but I don't know how it works exactly.
  8. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=95004 Most people said it's way to hard, or even impossible. So if you like stealth missions, it might be what you're looking for.
  9. Classname, Editorname, Duration "Ambient01_Cold_Wind", "Ambient: Cold Wind", 153 "Ambient02_Vague_Shapes", "Ambient: Vauge Shapes", 219 "Ambient03_Indian_Summer", "Ambient: Indian Summer", 102 "Ambient04_Electronic_Warfare", "Ambient: Electronic Warfare", 76 "Ambient05_Cobalt", "Ambient: Cobalt", 43 "Ambient06_Khe_Sanh_Riff", "Ambient: Khe Sanh Riff", 211 "Ambient07_Manhattan", "Ambient: Manhatten", 101 "Ambient08_Reforger", "Ambient: Reforger", 155 "Short01_Defcon_Three", "Defcon Three", 38 "Track01_Dead_Forest", "Dead Forest", 64 "Track02_Insertion", "Insertion", 105 "Track03_First_to_Fight", "First to Fight", 119 "Track04_Reinforcements", "Reinforcements", 88 "Track05_Warpath", "Warpath", 143 "Track06_Abandoned_Battlespace", "Abandoned Battlespace", 111 "Track07_Last_Men_Standing", "Last Man Standing", 63 "Track08_Harvest_Red", "Harvest Red", 78 "Track09_Movement_To_Contact", "Movement to Contact", 81 "Track10_Logistics", "Logistics", 148 "Track11_Large_Scale_Assault", "Large Scale Assault", 42 "Track12_The_Movement", "The Movement", 72 "Track13_Sharping_Knives", "Sharping Knives", 180 "Track14_Close_Quarter_Combat", "Close Quarter Combat", 188 "Track15_Morning_Sortie", "Morning Sortie", 55 "Track16_Valentine", "Valentine", 86 "Track17_Marauder_Song", "Marauder Song", 68 "Track18_Ghost_Waltz", "Ghost Waltz", 113 "Track19_Debriefing", "Debriefing", 104 "Track20_Badlands", "Badlands", 137 "Track21_Rise_Of_The_Fallen", "Rise of the Fallen", 89 "Track22_Chernarussian_Anthem", "Chernarussian Anthem", 129 "Track26_Organ_Works", "Organ Works", 69 "Track27_Killing_Machines", "Eastern Eggs - Killing Machines", 210 //Eagle Wing "ToWar", "To War", 160 "AllHelllBreaksLoose", "All Hell Breaks Loose", 150 "Fallout", "Fallout", 163 "Defcon", "Defcon", 145 "Wasteland", "Wasteland", 142 "SkyNet", "Sky Net", 175 "MAD", "Mutual Assured Destruction", 153 //Operation Arrowhead "EP1_Track01", "Arrowhead", 218 "EP1_Track01D", "Arrowhead Drums", 28 "EP1_Track02", "Good Morning T-Stan", 164 "EP1_Track03", "Airborne", 57 "EP1_Track03D", "Airborne Drums", 75 "EP1_Track04", "Arrival", 253 "EP1_Track05", "Zargabad Market", 103 "EP1_Track06", "Nightlife", 175 "EP1_Track07", "Coltan-Blues", 180 "EP1_Track07D", "Coltan-Drums", 75 "EP1_Track08", "Revolver-Jam", 136 "EP1_Track09", "Dancing Scimitar", 159 "EP1_Track10", "Death from Above", 176 "EP1_Track11", "Night-Visions", 124 "EP1_Track12", "Crude Oil", 238 "EP1_Track13", "Iron Mountain", 167 "EP1_Track13D1", "Mountain Drums 1", 73 "EP1_Track13D2", "Mountain Drums 2", 75 "EP1_Track13V", "Mountain Vocals", 40 "EP1_Track14", "Concrete Cell", 263 "EP1_Track15", "Warmongers", 140
  10. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Thank you very much, Joseph Troska. :) I really enjoy to read when people notice the small details. As you said, there is quite a lot to find in this mission. Some of it just being eyecandy, but there is also some usefull stuff hidden (evidence leading to the warlord for example ;) ). So it's always a good idea to keep your eyes open. I already started working on Long Day 2. It might take some time, but I will certainly make more missions like this in the future. And once again, thanks for all the comments. :)
  11. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Thanks for the comments. Glad to see you enjoy the mission. :) @gulag Sure. As long as you give credits, you are free to do anything you want with it. ;)
  12. Clayman

    Car Radio

    Thanks to Srgt_Foxhound over at Assault Mission Studio I made a new version for Operation Arrowhead. Included are both the missing tracks from Eagle Wing / Patch 1.05 aswell as all tracks from OA. DL Links and further info can be found in the first post. Have fun!
  13. Small update. Like mentioned above, I made two different versions for A2 and OA. First post updated with further info and DL links.
  14. At the moment it's not possible to use it with OA only. I'll make seperated versions for A2 and OA some time later.
  15. I've updated my Animation Viewer to Version 1.3: Highlights: Added missing animations for ARMA2 Added animations for A2:OA Added gestures Search function Note: Version 1.3 requires both Arma2 AND Operation Arrowhead, aswell as Community Base Addons! DL Links for the new Version 1.3 can be found in the first post, aswell as for the old V1.2 (for anyone not having OA (yet)).
  16. Clayman

    Easter-eggs in Arrowhead

    There is much better dancing in Operation Metalhead Arrowhead. :D BKANqnyWmUw
  17. Ever asked yourself what's the purpose of a dam that does..... nothing? Don't want to see dirty coal powerplants anymore and looking for nice, clean power? Then this might help a little bit: Topolka Dam with animated water effects, sound and funky lights! Description: Adds water and sound effects aswell as a small river with rapids to the Topolka Dam on Chernarus. Available as Addon Version or Script Version. Addon Version Required Addons: Comunity Base Addons Usage: The script automaticly checks if the player or a camera object is near the dam. So normally you don't have to do anything. However, there are several global variables to modify different parameters of the effects. Open / Close Gates: To open / close any of the gates at any time in your mission set these global variables to true (open) or false (closed): CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate1 CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate2 CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate3 Turn Nightlights On / Off: You can turn the nightlights on / off at any time during your mission by setting this global variable to true (lights on) or false (lights off): CLAY_TopolkaDam_lights Change Color / Brightness of the nightlights: The nightlight objects can be addressed via CLAY_TopolkaDam_light1 CLAY_TopolkaDam_light2 CLAY_TopolkaDam_light3 Use these with the setLightColor, setLightAmbient and setLightBrightness commands. e.g. CLAY_TopolkaDam_light1 setLightBrightness 0; CLAY_TopolkaDam_light2 setLightColor [0,0,1]; CLAY_TopolkaDam_light3 setLightAmbient [1,0,0]; To check if the script has initialized (for whatever you might need this) check the variable CLAY_TopolkaDam_initDone e.g. waitUntil {!(isNil "CLAY_TopolkaDam_initDone")}; waitUntil {CLAY_TopolkaDam_initDone}; Hint "WOW! Look at those awesome effects!"; Download (Addon Version): Armaholic.com Mirror ArmA2Base.de Mirror Script Version Required Addons: Mapfact Editor Upgrade V1.0 (MAP_EU.pbo) Usage: Copy the description.ext, CLAY_TopolkaDamEffects.sqf, CLAY_TopolkaDamSound.sqf and the folder sound to your mission folder. (NOTE: The included init.sqf is just an example. In this demo mission it does nothing. It's just to show you how to pass additional parameters to the script.) To use the script, simply place the following code into an unit's init line, a trigger or a script: nul = [] execVM "CLAY_TopolkaDamEffects.sqf"; To deactivate the script and remove all created objects (river, rocks etc.) use: CLAY_TopolkaDamFX = false; You can place a trigger around the Topolka Dam area, which starts the script whenever the player is near and quits the script once he leaves the area: Size a/b: 500 / 800 (or whatever you want!) Activation: Everybody OR side of player (e.g. BLUFOR) OR group the trigger to the player // Repeat On Activation: nul = [] execVM "CLAY_TopolkaDamEffects.sqf"; Deactivation: CLAY_TopolkaDamFX = false; (See included Demo mission!) Advanced: You can pass several parameters to the script: [<enable lights? | bool>, [<nightlight color gate 1 | Array - RGB>, <nightlight color gate 2 | Array - RGB>, <nightlight color gate 3 | Array - RGB>], <1st gate open? | bool>, <2nd gate open? | bool>, <3rd gate open? | bool>] execVM ... enable lights? - Is the dam illuminated at night (true / false) nightlight color gate 1 / 2 / 3 - Color of the lights can be set for each of the three gates. If lights are not enabled you must at least pass empty arrays! Format is [R, G, B]. 1st / 2nd / 3rd gate open? - Each of the three gates can be opend / closed independently. (true / false) examples: nul = [true, [[0,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,0]], true, true, true] execVM "CLAY_TopolkaDamEffects.sqf"; nul = [false, [[], [], []], true, false, false] execVM "CLAY_TopolkaDamEffects.sqf"; Open / Close Gates: To open / close any of the gates at any time in your mission set these global variables to true (open) or false (closed): CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate1 CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate2 CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate3 Turn Nightlights On / Off: You can turn the nightlights on / off at any time during your mission by setting this global variable to true (lights on) or false (lights off): CLAY_TopolkaDam_lights Change Color / Brightness of the nightlights: The nightlight objects can be addressed via CLAY_TopolkaDam_light1 CLAY_TopolkaDam_light2 CLAY_TopolkaDam_light3 Use these with the setLightColor, setLightAmbient and setLightBrightness commands. e.g. CLAY_TopolkaDam_light1 setLightBrightness 0; CLAY_TopolkaDam_light2 setLightColor [0,0,1]; CLAY_TopolkaDam_light3 setLightAmbient [1,0,0]; Download (Script Version): AssaultMissionStudio Mirror Armaholic Mirror ArmA2Base.de Mirror Known Bugs: Overlaping water tiles sometimes look weird The end of the river looks quite provisional (well, it IS provisional^^) because the terrain isn't suited for anything better NOTE: Make sure to either use only the Addon Version OR the Script Version. Using both at the same time will most likely cause problems. To do: Add waves moving away from the waterfall(s) Probably some other stuff I can't remember at the moment Change Log: Have fun! Greetz, Clayman
  18. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Pretty much the same as above: If (CLAY_TopolkaDam_lights) Then { CLAY_TopolkaDam_lights = false; } Else { CLAY_TopolkaDam_lights = true; };
  19. Clayman

    Topolka Dam and Beyond

    Sure that's possible. You could place a trigger at the house with player addAction ["Open/Close Dam","dam.sqf"]; and a small script dam.sqf: If (CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate1 || CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate2 || CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate3) Then { CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate1 = false; CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate2 = false; CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate3 = false; } Else { CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate1 = true; CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate2 = true; CLAY_TopolkaDam_gate3 = true; };
  20. should work with the _this select 1. Like Bon said you have to add the action to the unit, not the vehicle. For the script, you could use a switch do block: switch (seat1) do { case 0: { [_unit] exec "lav1\2.sqs"; _unit removeAction 0; sleep 0.5; _unit addAction ["Get Off","lav1\lav1out\seat2out.sqf",1]; }; case 1: { ... }; case 2: { ... }; };
  21. There are also some explosion effects which can be used with createVehicle. "HelicopterExploSmall" "HelicopterExploBig" "SmallSecondary"
  22. Don't know if this is obvious, but I couldn't find anything so I'll just post it here. I've spent quite some time trying to get the ALICE and SILVIE modules working on a custom island (FDF Podagorsk in this case) without any config editing. (The advantage being that mission makers don't have to create a config-fix-pbo to get the modules working.) Tried various suggestions I found on these and other forums, read through the wiki and looked over the location functions. And finally I think I have it working - to a certain degree at least. Vehicles will spawn, civilians will walk around and do stuff, chimneys smoke etc. In fact, while testing this, I actually noticed for the first time civilians driving from one town to the other. So, what to do: 1) Place a logic of type "City Center" in each town on the map and give it a name (e.g. the name of the town). 2) Place ALICE and SILVIE modules. In each init line put this setVariable ["townlist", [logicName1, logicName2, logicName3]] (replace logicName1 etc with the names of your logic you created in step 1) 3) In player's init line put: [[logicName1, logicName2, logicName3], [getpos player, 100000], true] call BIS_fnc_locations; nul = [] execVM "setNeighbors.sqf" (again replace logicName with the corresponding logic names) 4) In your mission folder, create a setNeighbors.sqf file. Now this is the tricky part. We have to define the neighbor connections for each town. The BIS_fnc_locations creates location names like BIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1 etc. When previewing the mission, these location names will be displayed on the map. Use these names to create the neighbor connections in the setNeighbors.sqf: BIS_loc_custom_0 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]]; BIS_loc_custom_1 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]]; BIS_loc_custom_2 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]]; BIS_loc_custom_3 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]]; BIS_loc_custom_4 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_5]]; BIS_loc_custom_5 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4]]; Here we have 5 locations, all connected to each other. It's totally up to you which locations you connect to each other. That's it. Preview the mission, wait a minute or two and civilians and vehicles should be spawned. To remove the location markers on the map, simply remove the true at the end of the function call in player's init line (step 3): [[logicName1, logicName2, logicName3], [getpos player, 100000]] call BIS_fnc_locations; nul = [] execVM "setNeighbors.sqf" I've made a small demo mission showing you how to set it up correctly: locationTest.FDF_Isle1_a.rar Apparently FDF Podagorsk is required for this. ;)
  23. Clayman

    ALICE respect

    This should return a list of all locations on a map: _list = "" call BIS_fnc_locations; _name = []; _class = []; _type = []; { _name = _name + [_x getVariable "name"]; _class = _class + [_x getVariable "class"]; _type = _type + [_x getVariable "type"]; } forEach _list; Hint format ["Names: %1\n\nClasses: %2\n\nTypes: %3", _name, _class, _type];