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Everything posted by Clayman

  1. Clayman

    Car Radio

    Just checked it and it seems like I uploaded the wrong file..... six month ago. :p Wonder why noone has reported this earlier.^^ Have put up a fixed version: CLAY_CarRadioV231.rar Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience. :)
  2. Hi (again) Loki. :) You have to execute the Color Settings script each time you open the / a new dialog. In the script where you call the dialog put something like this: LOKI_GUI_Key_Color = LOKI_GUI_Key_Color - 1; ["TextColor"] execVM "Color_Settings.sqf";
  3. To be honest, I really don't know. Never done anything multiplayer related so far. I think currently it won't work in MP at all. I've read some topics about MP scripting the last days and I'll try to get a new version ready this week. But I can't promise anything as, like I said, it's the first time for me. ;)
  4. Thanks for the comments. :) Nice idea. I'll keep it in mind, maybe some time in the future. At the moment I'm only using the sheapard. But I'll most likely rework the whole Dog Handler system and then I'll add an option to use the other dog, too. I'm already thinking about a way to add the Dog Handler function to any unit. Feedback on MP compatibility is very much appreciated. While I had the MP part in mind while working on this, I don't have much experience when it comes to MP scripting.
  5. Clayman

    AMS Roter Stern [Campaign]

    As a lot of the problems you had are caused by mods, you might want to consider playing the campaign without these mods. ;) That NIL Variable Error is a "feature" of CBA, I think.
  6. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Thanks subtee. 1. 2.
  7. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Type: SP Mission Side: BLUFOR (USMC) / Teamleader Version: 1.2 ArmAII Version: CO 1.62 Mission Description: Six weeks ago, paramilitary Chedaki troops have occupied the province of Podagorsk. Many members of the government were kidnapped or killed. The military was disbanded, much of the troops have fled or have joined the Chedaki. Occasionally, guerrillas have formed to try to fend off the Chedakis again. So far without success. According to reports the Chedaki proceed with extreme brutality. Everyone who is suspected to resist them, is immediately arrested or killed. Executions even of civilians are a daily occurrence. From reliable sources, we know that the paramilitary Chedaki are cited by Pavel Soleveychik. Soleveychik is sought for years by our intelligence agencies because of numerous war crimes. But so far he has never stayed in one place long enough to be captured. This time we will not stand back and wait. Pavel Soleveychik needs to be caught... Your task will be to take three important strategic objectives in the inland to prepare a large-scale invasion. Required Addons: FDF Podagorsk RH M4/M16 Pack Rearmed Features: Somewhat-dynamic mission: Some of your actions and decisions will affect the forthcome of the mission Optional objectives Some random stuff Average playing time: 3-5 hours (maybe more) Intro & five different Outros Weapon selection in briefing Selectable difficulty setting and other options Guard dog that attack any intruders First Aid Module Reinforcements and air support available later in mission Random weather Other stuff I have forgot to mention Hints and Tips: Known Bugs: The attack-dog script might cause some errors in the .rpt AI pilots crash into trees (even more than usually) :rolleyes: Download: Long Day [1.2] Armaholic Mirror
  8. SideCenter is created in the very first line of the script. ;) But you're right about the setFriend part.
  9. You can make a sound coming directly from an object using say.
  10. My fault.^^ I should have mentioned you need to place the Function Manager Module, too. The spawnVehicle function returns an array, where the first element is the vehicle: wildcatcrew = createGroup West; _vehicle = [getMarkerPos "marker7", 125, "AW159_Lynx_BAF", wildcatcrew] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; wildcat = _vehicle select 0; Now your spawned vehicle would be called wildcat.
  11. @ziiip You need to place the Function Manager Module for it to work. @Topic Not sure why the UAZ doesn't react. I use pretty much the same code quite often. Have you tried using a different WP type, e.g. Move?
  12. ;) The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
  13. Clayman

    defending a city

    Place a trigger covering the city and select Type: Guarded by... Give the defending groups a guard waypoint.
  14. Havn't done this since OFP, but if I remember correctly, it should be something like this. exit.sqf (Mission 1): _weap = weapons player; _mags = magazines player; for "_i" from 0 to (count _weap - 1) do { _w = _weap select _i; addWeaponPool [_w, 1]; }; for "_i" from 0 to (count _mags - 1) do { _m = _mags select _i; addMagazinePool [_m, 1]; }; xx = player saveStatus "01Player"; init.sqf (Mission 2): xx = player loadStatus "01Player"; fillWeaponsFromPool player;
  15. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    I don't use ACE Mod. For the M4 Pack you only need to install rh_m4.pbo and rh_m4_cfg.pbo and not the rh_m4_ace_cfg.pbo. Also CBA shouldn't require ACE. Well I like the normal units better than the FR guys. I chose the weapons I like to use. But as you said, there is a wide selection of weapons in the briefing, so everyone can pick the ones he wants. Saving isn't disabled in this mission, so I don't know what might have caused this. I don't think it has anything to do with CBA. Thanks. :) Well I don't have the intention to create the most realistic missions ever. Other people are much better in doing that. ;) Not sure what you mean with playablility tho. The discussion if addons should be used or not is pretty old and imo quite boring. Everyone has to know for himself if he wants to use addons or not. But I ask myself what all those great addons are there for, if they aren't used in any missions?!
  16. Clayman

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    How long have I been waiting for this... Thank you so much! :notworthy:
  17. You could try unit switchMove ""; but it doesn't work for all anims.
  18. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    LOL! However, you are of course free to open the mission in editor and remove the first aid module.
  19. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Thank you maxipad, and congratulations for finding Soleveychik. :) About the outro not showing, that's pretty odd. Normally it's not possible to have five different outros, and I know my workaround is far away from being foolproof. (e.g. taking a screenshot from debriefing might cause problems.) I might have to look for another solution. Did anyone else have this problem so far?
  20. If it's just the explosion effect you're looking for, there are such effects which can be used via createVehicle. "HelicopterExploSmall" "HelicopterExploBig" "SmallSecondary"
  21. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1625271#post1625271 No idea about OA tho.
  22. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    @Joseph Troska Hmmm, the briefing already gives you a hint where to find the information. ;) There are two other ways to get the information, but those are even harder to find. @Medic113 No, this mission was made for Arma2, so it will not work with OA standalone. It should however work with Combined Operations, but I never tested it.
  23. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    There's a ammo crate at the container next to the artillery radar, with everything you need. ;)
  24. Clayman

    [SP] Long Day

    Hmm, I've been working on this mission for about six months. Making a campaign with ~20 missions like this would take..... 10 years. :eek: Probably just in time for Arma3. :D Thanks for the comments. :)