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f2k sel

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Posts posted by f2k sel

  1. On 20/12/2016 at 2:43 AM, fn_Quiksilver said:

    what can we expect for 1.68? Driving in 1.66 is pretty shocking.


    - Vehicles get stuck randomly for no reason

    - forceFollowRoad TRUE drivers still drive around off road

    - Vehicles don't know how to share the road with other vehicles

    - Zig-zagging at high speed (often leads to crash in faster vehicles)

    - Very fast when approaching corners

    - They slow to almost a halt when approaching their waypoint.

    - ... 


    I am more than happy to lend a hand but after 6 months of tweaking to vehicle driving we don't have much gain to show for it.


    Merry christmas team!


    Sadly I'd have to agree with most of this, I hadn't tested them for a while and they still seem extremely poor.

    First test run the first vehicle couldn't negotiated the first turn so had to move the waypoints around.

    Next when the lead vehicle gets to a junction he wants to turn left before turning right sometimes driving 10-20 meters down the wrong road before trying to do a u-turn.

    They also seem to have gone back to stopping at every waypoint, I'm sure they were much smoother several months ago.

  2. I'd been relying on this for a while to keep ai in place. But a week or so ago i had a fire team positioned behind a VCP with the group leader in a building nearby. The VCP lot stayed in place initially, but on contact with enemy most of the time they'd start moving again. Not sure why that was happening.


    I always used this in the past A2 onwards, other people said they would still move but not for me.

    But like you a few  weeks ago I had some start moving when engaged.


    I just checked again by placing around twenty units in and out of buildings at it seems fine again.


    there is also  this disableAI "path"

    • Like 1

  3. :blink: does that mean we dont need to edit configs to change animation speeds anymore?  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:


    holy f***, this would be tremendously helpful  :)



    Works great for slowing the bargate although sound stops early.

    I wanted to slow the death animation of the static gunner  but couldn't see a way to do it as right now it's instant.

  4. If you using a marker for the WP location as you know it only works in two dimensions so you'll have to add the the third (Z)

    You'll  first need to get the X,Y of the marker, this can be seen below 12=Z height.

    wp1 = group player addWaypoint [[getmarkerpos "mkr1" select 0,getmarkerpos "mkr1" select 1,12],1];  
    wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";

  5. This seems to point forward at least

    //Create and hide objects used for livefeed
    _source = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicleLocal position player;
    _target = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicleLocal position player;
    hideObject _target;
    hideObject _source;
     // Vehicle objects needs to be attached to
    _veh = vehicle player;
     //attach objects to vehicle
    _source attachTo [_veh,[0,2,1.5], "driverview"];
     _target attachTo [_veh,[0,3,-0.9], "driverview"];  
      [_source,_target,player,0] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed;

    Not sure about the perspective though.

  6. for removing weapons your syntax is incorrect x should be _x


    I haven't tested to see how it works removing weapons as it can be a hassle putting them back later if you need to.

    Edit:- just ran a quick test and the chopper still seems to try and engage even though it can't fire.


    Yes setvectordir may work, I've done it before with the pitchbank function and then add velocity but it always looks a little fake.



    Sometimes it's better to have the pilot and gunners in different groups so you can set the pilot to careless at the start of the mission.

    The gunners can then be set to combat so they will still fire from their positions.

  7. That is tricky the problem is once the AI know about the enemy there's no specific command that will override their knowledge and so they keep engaging.


    For DisableAI to work it needs to be applied before they see the enemy which isn't much use in this situation.


    That leaves one option you will need to set all the enemy to captive then use the disableAI  then restet the enemy  again.


    Try placing this

    grp1 = group cobra1;
    grp2 = group cobra2;
    grp3 = group cobra3;
    deleteWaypoint [grp1, 2];
    deleteWaypoint [grp2, 2];
    deleteWaypoint [grp3, 2];
    deleteWaypoint [grp1, 3];
    deleteWaypoint [grp2, 3];
    deleteWaypoint [grp3, 3];
    {_x setcaptive true} foreach allunits ;
    _x  setBehaviour "CARELESS";
    _x disableAI "TARGET";
    _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    _x setcombatmode "BLUE";
    } foreach [grp1,grp2,grp3];
    {_x setcaptive false} foreach allunits;

    allunits is a bit of a hammer as it's working on everything, this could be made more efficient by creating an array of the enemy units close to the choppers, ie creating a trigger set to detect OPFOR and use  LIST triggernamegoeshere   instead of allunits


    Also try and avoid allowFleeing 1; as when they are fleeing I think they ignore commands and waypoints for a while and fly in any direction.

  8. It should be quite simple just make sure the first waypoint (move) it close to the chopper and in the condition place a variable eg helihold1

    Do the same for all three choppers and change the condition to match helihold2,helihold3

    No need for sych's


    The in a trigger place this in the on act box

    null=[] spawn {helihold1=true;sleep 30;helihold2=true;sleep 30;helihold3=true};


    When you want the heli's to start to launch you will need to trigger the trigger, you can set that how you want using the triggers various methods.

    You can also place the code in a waypoint on act, so it activates when a unit reaches that waypoint.

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  9. I'd be happy with using the ID'S  as a default position but it would also be handy to have a simple command that could look at an array and use that order for the convoy, even better if it would allow you to change the positions on the fly if needed ie more vehicles could join without messing things up although I haven't checked to see what happens now if you try that.
