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About thefoolio888

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. thefoolio888

    WTF is "LOOSING"?

    The odd problem with grammar and spelling I can accept, but the use of "loosing" instead of "losing" infuriates me. It's a mistake made so often now that it's becoming the norm. People who use it should be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
  2. thefoolio888

    FOR B.I. Please read

    As I seem to have stumbled upon the nickpicking thread...Can't remember which menu it was, but... FFS the spelling is loser NOT looser!!!!!
  3. thefoolio888

    E8500 cpu 100% usage

    I also have an e8500. I noticed the same thng when running Arma2. The only worry I have about it is that I reackon that's what's stopping me getting a decent fps.
  4. thefoolio888

    IFF for all squads!!!

    Holding <space> while point at a target shows exactly what/who it is. Obviously doesn't help if the person pointing at you is trigger happy or a shoot first, ask question later type.
  5. Seems to be an awful lot of people complaining that they can't aim quick enough, move quick enough or do something else quick enough because of the way the engine is designed. The fact that you can't react in an instant, and therefore play the game in a way which it encourages, is the very reason than many people (including me) play this game.
  6. thefoolio888

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    Another day gone...another thread going round in circles. Yes, there does seem to be a technical problem with a small percentage of people, which I believe BIS are looking at. That's it! End of thread. Other than that I do wonder why some of you are playing this game at all if it's so broken or unrealistic or you don't like it or whatever else is bugging you. There are a million and one games which have the gameplay you are after, why aren't you playing them instead?
  7. thefoolio888

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    There may be a problem with some users having mouse lag. That may be a technical issue, which is being looked into, that may be a percetion issue as many more other users don't have the problem. The fact that your character cannot react at the speed that you can move you mouse makes you play the game differently. If you can't react at the the blink of an eye and headshot someone, it makes you play the game differently. THAT is one of the main reasons I enjoy this game. There is nothing wrong with a game of that type. Just not in this game. Stop trying to make a game what you want it to be, accept it for what it, or don't and look somewhere else. I hear OPF2 is comeing out this year and that seems to be a large scale FPS, with a less hardcore bent. May be right up your street? Oh...and before you question my reactions...I've been playing FPS's since Wolfestein. So I know both sides of the fence. /edit: I should have added that twitch gameplay shouldn't even be within a mile of squad based milsim. If you were in a situation where you need to react that quickly to a situation to save your life, your squad mates should have already took the target out.
  8. thefoolio888

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    Amen to that. I've been waiting yonks for a game that favours team work and tactics over bunny hopping a lightning reactions...and now someone wants to take it away. Boooooo!!!
  9. Really? I always thought that the RAM and GPU were the most important when it comes to gaming. Surely, I shouldn't need to start overclocking the CPU just to get a decent graphics frame rate? Anywho...thanks for the tip. I'll take a look.
  10. thefoolio888

    Best servers to find mature/teamwork?

    *2 RIP is the best co-op server I have played on. The times I've been on it has had a real feel of playing as a co-ordinated team. It has the sort of team play I've only experienced in clan BF2 games before now. Obviously, there have been a couple of knobheads on there, but they've not lasted long before being kicked.
  11. thefoolio888

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I love the game. Couldn't care less about problems with the campaign, because I wasn't going to play it anyway. Once they work out the problems with performance so I can consistently get more than 30fps out of my GTX285 then I'll be more than happy.
  12. thefoolio888

    I think only BI can help us now.

    Your time is so valuable that you'd rather spend it moaning on a forum for a game that you're not going to bother sticking with. :icon_eek:
  13. Disabled Phyix on BFG GTX 285 OC"...made no difference at all. Still getting 30-40fps on normal/high settings.
  14. I'm really confused... My spec is the following... e8500 @ 3.14GHz BFG GTX 285 OC2 4GB DDR3 RAM Vista 32bit I'm running at 1240*1024 with most things on high or normal...and get an average of 35-40FPS. Sometimes as low as 25. To me that sounds like crap. Surely I should be getting more like 50-60fps with the res as low as that and the settings on normal. Now I've been reading the forum and there are people with a sorts of specs, running all sorts of configs and getting completely different results. None of it seems to add up. Am I just expecting too much?
  15. Nope. 20/20 vision here. I assume from your comment everything you look at, whether you head is stationary or moving, is in perfect focus at all times? When you are sitting reading this comment now, everything in your peripheral vision is also in perfect focus is it? The blurring adds realism. Maybe it is slightly overdone, so a slider to lower it (like the head bob) would be welcome to some, but for me it adds greatly to the immersion.