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About Quagmire

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, I looked around a bit and I can't find anyone else having the same specific problem as me (even though CRC errors on the whole seem common). First of all, I have the BAF DLC and have installed it without any issues and it runs fine. However I'm having trouble installing the PMC DLC. When I try to run it in steam, I get this window which is all well and good... ...however about two thirds of the way through the installation I get this error... ...or "File copy error (CRC does not match). c:\program files (x86)\valve\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\PMC\Addons\structures_pmc.pbo" in text to help people who also have this problem find this thread. I've tried running "datacachepreprocessor.exe" directly but it has the exact same result. I find when I actually play the game, I have some PMC content but not all, for one thing my AA-12 shotgun still has its "lite" appearance. Any ideas?
  2. this script is really awesome. However, is it possible to restrict which players can use the artillery? I.e., make it so only players who are actually an artillery observer unit can bring up the artillery interface?
  3. what's new in version 1.1 ? edit: and what will happen to missions which used the older version, now that there is a new argument and units using the old version wont have a value for that argument?
  4. ok cool. Another thing, will this script work if I use a trigger to initiate it on a unit during the course of a mission, or does it have to be initiated on the unit at the start of the mission only?
  5. Quagmire


    sorry, which exact part of the script do I need to delete in order to "remove the JIP check"? Is it just ?Sorry, my scripting knowledge is limited. btw, I've made enough changes that I think a patch is justified. I'll update the original post.
  6. I used this script in a mission I'm working on and noticed that the AI seems to be straying significantly beyond the radius that I'm setting for them. The radius I'm setting is 50 metres, is this lower than the script is intended for? Also, I don't quite understand the difference between the functions of the "centerMarker" and the "patrolMarker" from their descriptions in the readme.
  7. Quagmire


    i find that using this script, units revert to their actual kit (as defined in the briefing) after dying and respawning. Is there a way to force units to respawn with the kit defined in assigngear.sqf after every respawn? ---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ---------- never mind, problem solved by using the Universal Weapons Respawn Script.
  8. Quagmire


    thanks for the help, but does that mean that any players joining in progress will just have the default kit for their unit type? Also, is there a way to disable kit selection in the briefing, so players don't get the false impression that which ever weapons they choose actually matters? In my mission in particular, players might be confused seeing themselves equipped with ak74GLs in the briefing, but then starting the mission with 98ks. None the less, the starting kit issue is resolved, thanks.
  9. This is my first mission. I'll just copy the description I used on armaholic. DOWNLOAD LINK This mission is loosely based on the Cuban revolution, more specifically the landing of the yacht "Granma" in south eastern Cuba and the consequent guerilla war. Roughly 2 - 3 hours playtime. Balanced emphasis on offensive and defensive. Future versions may include a currently work in progress m1 carbine addon and a smith and wesson handgun addon by Harry in the authentic version. Two variants of the mission are included: the authentic version which uses the weapon addons by gms, and the lite version which doesn't. Readme: So far, the known issues are an error at mission start up about 1911 magazines which seems to have no consequence, and the fact that by default players will have modern weapons equipped in the authentic version (but can manually choose appropriate weapons in the briefing). If anyone knows how to modify player's starting kits in multiplayer, it would be helpful. Red text = issue resolved edit: updated to 0.91 (download link updated). changes: 0.91 - startup kits changed in authentic version so that only "authentic" weapons can be used. - now uses Ultra Simple Patrol Script v1.0 by JW Custom, standard cyclic waypointed patrol paths removed. - error referring to 1911 magazines no longer exists. - the area around each village which must be clear of enemy for it to be considered liberated has been extended - ambient animals module used - medic modules used Known issues: - weapons chosen in the briefing in the authentic version will not correspond to the weapons which players will actually start with - some strange behaviour in the movement of the respawn point and spontaneous repetition of triggered text displays
  10. Quagmire

    Isla Duala

    great map, the pathfinding could use some work though, especially over bridges.
  11. Quagmire

    VopSound 2.1

    Great mod, but does anyone else notice that technicals are now silent while driving along at the steady speed? Just thought I'd report this issue I've had (using 2.1).
  12. This doesn't work for me, even with caa1...it just hangs on "loading" when I try to load the map in the editor. Perhaps it needs to be patched for the 1.05 update? Has anyone been able to get this to work in 1.05?
  13. Quagmire

    co08 Avgani Showdown

    Hey, for anyone interested I made a lite version of this mission...uploaded here... http://rapidshare.com/files/329497089/Avgani_Showdown_lite.avgani.pbo.html and here... http://www.filefront.com/15276591/Avgani_Showdown_lite.avgani.pbo/ It just removes the requirement for... - US Vehicle Texture Pack - Desert USMC Units- Desert Marpat Backpack - Desert Mercenaries and BlackOps while still requiring caa1 and avgani / afghan village. It just replaces the units with stuff from vanilla. All credit for this obvious goes to JW Custom.