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Everything posted by santafee

  1. Hi there, im actually working on a Air Invasion Mission and got a issue here. 8 Groups of Infantry are jumping from C130 planes all over the place. I need a command to make them move to a location or object/marker if they are on the earth. In Mr.Murrays guide it says you can do it with: Gruppe1 move getPos Point1 but thats not working. Also i have to say im triggering the command allready as they are in the planes. If they landed they dont move;-( Maybe somebody can help.. Thanks!
  2. Awesome!!Thanks for the BW Guys.Hope to see more soon!
  3. santafee

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    wow...dont get me wrong but..its funny how people still think that ArmaII will be availible on consoles soon.Do you guys realize that BIS is actually a pretty small team and they definitly dont got the ressources, to work on a addon and a console version of armaII...?and again, consoles are ok for me,but,there is no chance you guys will play armaII on ps3 or xbox 360...trust me.maybe theres something like a gold edition with the new addon when microsoft or sony release a new console which can nearly handle it.
  4. like this thread,i also got a little problem with simulating mortar fire.. I want to simulate some rounds on a base.Tried it the easiest way. Making 15 markers,target1 - target15. bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getmarkerPos "target"; is in the onactivation,now i want a small delay like 5 secounds between the mortar impacts,sleep 5 or ~5 is not working..;-( is it possible to trigger all these impacts with a delay in one trigger. Also Mortar magazine class as impacts are nto working somehow,anybody knows why? Mortar impact not working..=: bomb = "ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14" createVehicle getmarkerPos "target";
  5. I know this was asked and stated some times allready,but i dont get the skripts to work which i found.Maybe somebody could be so nice just tellin me the thing step by step,thanks...!
  6. I want your machine TS.....:) well i have to say,for my system,ArmaII runs pretty smooth so far. E8400 3.00 Dualcore HD4850 4GigRam ArmaII runs best on a fresh installed XP 32 Bit,yes.And only Mods and ArmaII stuff going on my ArmaDrive now. u had a point for me talking about the popping up textures. this is a pretty annoying thing for me.. Is this caused of the only 512Mb in my graphics or more likly the CPU? Also i wonder if i could change the HD4850 with same model with 1024RAM.. Maybe i could do this without spending some money,but it would be some effort...
  7. Now i created the desc.ext with the tool. No Error no more,but now sounds are not playing also?! sounds are in "sounds",music in "music"....... what exactly are the "voice" and "anonym" sections in a trigger? the sounds are in there but they are not playing in both sections...;-(
  8. wow im near to go crazy.......heres the problem this is in my description.ext: // === Musik ================================================> class CfgMusic {tracks[]= { Credits }; class Credits { name = "Credits"; sound[] = {\music\Credits.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; }; // === Sounds ===============================================> class CfgSounds {sounds[]= { Ziel, Arti }; class Ziel { name = "Ziel"; sound[] = {\sounds\Ziel.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; class Arti { name = "Arti"; sound[] = {\sounds\Arti.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; }; Music working,allright,but!! if i play the sounds with trigger,theres allways the message "No entry...[soundpath] but the SOUND PLAYS?!? maybe someone can protect me on going insane......THANKS..! Before i forget...Is there a Example Description.ext or a tool like for the briefing.Its annoying everytime you do little mistakes and are fucked up cause the game shut down..
  9. Hi,i want to make a mission with an "bigger war". So,what i need is a script for a trigger or so,which can destroy all buildings in a area.Is there something like that?thanks..!
  10. santafee


    a friend of mine had the same problem.solved it with new nvidia drivers.his card is a 9800gtx
  11. Awesome Units!They fit perfect to the UK WeaponPack,keep up the good work!
  12. Hi,got a problem here.If i try to export things with Real Time Editor it says "RTE Capture" not active.But i monitored it and did the things from the tutorial.Can someone help plese?
  13. Placing Objects and Units inside building is a bit of torture everytime. I usually use : this setPos [(getPos this select 0),(getPos this select 1),10]; for all things,so you can get the unit exactly on the position you want it. You allways have to try till all works good,sometimes they die cause of wrong height,but if you work with this bit more,its get fast easier.;)
  14. Im sure everybody here which tried the 3d editor fall in love with it. Its so much easier and more fun creating scenarios with that thing. I know BI is doing a lot work atm,patching,working on Arrowhead and stuff. This russian guy who made the unofficial 3d=2d Converter,wich converts beidi in sqm format showed that it works. Im sure more then 50% of the people would work with the 3d editor if there was a way converting the 3d stuff so you can work with it in 2d also. Please BI,give us an Converter,the 3d Editor would be mostly done then..!
  15. Yep tried it.Its cool at all but you cant place objects...;-( Usually i want the 3D thing cause putting objects together and bulding bases is way! faster.
  16. Omw............this is sooo gay Is it a bug or whats the problem.Really need a solution for that,just frustrating
  17. this setPos [(getPos this select 0),(getPos this select 1),10]; for Objects in Houses and stuff.It works usually.But.............. If you start from a position far away or just outside the bulding, for example my chairs and tables just flying trough the roof?!?What is that please:rolleyes: I tried different positions and stuff,but its allways the same.If move your player and start from different positions the stuff is flying around like crazy..... Any solutions?
  18. Looks like there some more issues with the mod. I had ArmaII shut down twice now in a blizzard on beginning. selected dynamic weather with "heavy snow and blizzard".
  19. Cool thanks for the info! Guess i stick with ArmaII so solong,the not existing roads in Arma I killing me;) Well cant take too long till the community releases another great addon i hope.. Stuff like this is allways "the cherry on the cake"=)^
  20. This Addon is really awesome!-.- I saw snow covering the ground also in a video in arma2, is that possible somehow?
  21. If just the 3d editor would get an official converter.I mean, for my the 3d editor is heaven, all working so far and makes much more fun and its easier,but we need a converter from BI for 2d missions. the converter from the russian guy does not work correctly..
  22. Ok,il had trouble some time ago and thought i solved the problem,but its not.. Ive i place the steerable LHD empty on the sea and put units on it, the height on the deck and the whole carrier is different every time and units die, fall off. Isnt there a real STATIC LHD which the same icon as the steerable Lhd where u can see where u place ur units?The Tide is causing the units falling off and stuff,anybody got a solution. This is so frustrating...
  23. Hi, for a mission i made the LHD full with personal,planes and stuff,its should be the start of the mission.No i set a different daytime and weather and what happens-the guys are like 2 meters over the carrier now and dying and stuff flying around...huh?!whats the problem here?it definitly is caused of the daytime,cause if i keep it up 14.00,all is ok. Are these guys growing in the night or something?:confused: lol! now this is even stranger...the weather is doing the same......weather like on i started editing,all ok,bad when weather is bad they change height?!?
  24. Problem solved... I was using this setPosASL [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 16.3] which is for the Sealevel,so if you change the time the tide is really changing the sealevel,which is changing unit height. this setPos [(getPos this select 0),(getPos this select 1),10]; works fine now:)