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Posts posted by jblack9

  1. Good news about Sprocket. Will it be ok for us here in America to download from there? Or should we wait for the NA version... I wonder if the NA version will be any different.

    I'd say go ahead and sprocket up...I'm gonna try and get the German version on Friday if we can dl from Morphicon.

  2. In 2007 I bought ArmA from Sprocket. Immediately backed it up with my purchase/auth codes. Other than a little error message while applying the QG expansion, I really didn't have any problems- mind you I didn't get into the Evolution/CTI stuff until about a year later so compatability wasn't an issue for me.

    I think I'll wait for the UK version and order it when it comes out, seeing as my squadmates are in Canada and Aus anyway.

    I'll buy from Sprocket, but I don't know if or when they will be releasing it.

  3. how can a fluent German read a blank page?

    anyway - i'm with you on purchasing from morphicon - there's a union jack at the bottom of the page that turns the text into english.

    i bought arma from them and was very happy with how easy it was to install and lack of unnecessary DRM restrictions etc and will look to doing business with them again for sure.

    I'm just saying when the game is available for dl, it would be nice if somebody who speaks German could write it out for us.

  4. I don't mind playing with the German version...on the 29th. Will we be able to download from Morphicon the world over? The download link still sends you to a blank page?

    If a someone who is fluent in German could walk us through the purchasing process it would be much appreciated.

  5. Be careful Jblack, it's been posted that BI has said that the German release will not be patchable to English like ArmA was... On the other hand if enough people buy it (keeping in mind the release dates aren't as separated as ArmA's were so that may not happen) some motivated soul might take on the chore eventually. I'm not trying to discourage you, just help you avoid what could be an uninformed and frustrating personal enrichment experience...

    Thanks Von, but If i remember the quote correctly. They said it won't ship with the English language switch. Meaning somebody can make a patch and edit it like with the Czech version which occurred quite quickly.

    So can anyone confirm that we can dled from Morphicon?

  6. problem with morphicon/petergames is that the only purchase option currently avaioable is from amazon.de

    which leads to up to a 3 week shipping time to NA.

    if they had a direct download option we could have it faster - it was available with arma and i would like to repeat the good experience i had with morphicon again.

    however direct to drive also looks good - wonder if any date has been set for that.

    I thought Amazon.de didn't ship to the US?
