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Posts posted by jblack9

  1. Hi Jblack9

    A single Guard waypoint should be sufficient for each group.

    Each side will move toward their guarded by (side) trigger.

    Guard waypoints are never completed except by script. So any Waypoints's after a guard waypoint unless you have some form of script, will not be used.

    Since you only wish the units to fight over a location you do not need anymore waypoints.

    You can if you wish have a single group such as a scout unit from each side with no guard wayponts just ordinary move way points intiaite the contact.

    Kind Regards walker


    But how far is the range of the trigger for it to be effective....because the units were just standing there even if i didn't give them another waypoint other than the guard on their leader. Should I expand the size of the trigger to make sure the groups are included? Can the trigger be large enough for towns and even cities?

  2. Okay so I set this up like a meeting engagement

    I put the guard waypoint on the group leader then give him another guard wp in the town I want him to move too...

    But the groups just sit there...nobody moves?

    Do i even need to put down more way points? If they are already in the Trigger's range will units automatically move to defend them?


  3. Great Walker,

    I found this really useful....

    One thing you didn't explain....If I'm ordering OPFOR to assault BLUFOR positions....which waypoints are the best to use for what? Should I give another guard command to move them... or is their a guide I can find to use them?

  4. Hey All,

    So i've been trying to make first aid game logics work. I put three down, attach them all using F2 to to my group leader and it DOESN'T WORK.

    I noticed how they were attached, and if u compare the color of the lines when you attach using F2 to units, you get a light blue, compared to the dark blue when attached CORRECTLY to units where the game logics function properly.

    My question is how do I correctly attach game logics to units?

    Thanks in advance

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    Does this mean there is a problem with my card? or does this mean I should just wait?

    Thanks in advance....
