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Everything posted by kylania

  1. I've asked them several times in several places for updated documentation about this and those requests have been drowned out by complaints about whatever seemingly. Hopefully someone with knowledge of how it all works will update the biki.
  2. It's backwards compatible, so umm... magic? :)
  3. kylania

    Revive Feedback

    Drag/carry would be part of the battlefield clearance system. While we think of drag and revive as being one system, BIS views them as two. They hope to get it working, but so far it's just hopes. AI support was stated from the beginning to come after release. The different timers based on injuries certainly would be useful.
  4. That was a much better way of stating what you meant instead of "co-op = playing with unknowns" :)
  5. kylania

    where is the 2d editor?

    What response did you get after you properly reported your crashes via the feedback system while you were testing Eden on the Dev Branch?
  6. You'll want to add this to your server.cfg as well: difficulty = "Custom"; In the same file: class Missions { class COOP_Enemy_Assault_Tanoa_Nato { template = "enemy_assault_co36_v3n.Tanoa"; // omit the .pbo suffix difficulty = "Custom"; // difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran or mercenary (see CfgDifficulties in the main game config) }; };
  7. Doh, totally forgot you could do that. Great tip!
  8. kylania

    Tanoa Assets included in 1.62 patch?

    What happened when you tried?
  9. I believe it can only be added via a mod. Here's the documentation we have.
  10. You'd place your initial task module on the map. But not the others. The others you'd create on the fly via scripts, specifically the one I linked. What tasks are you creating?
  11. Don't make them until you want them or set them to not always visible. You can use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskCreate to create a task on the fly.
  12. I'll check it out once I get home, which should have been 30 minutes ago. :)
  13. I did that once in Linux. Didn't realize the folder I was moving ALL my stuff to was a link so I copied it all over, make sure I could see everything in both places.. and deleted the originals. Ouch.
  14. Change this: fnc_addHoldAction = { to this: fnc_addHoldAction = { params ["_object"];
  15. Any chance for updated documentation of the new Revive system? How to change the settings via scripts and all that jazz pretty please? The current wiki page is still for the 1.42 version.
  16. Is it on a map you don't have loaded perhaps? I know the editor won't show missions that are on islands that aren't loaded.
  17. My code in this post is designed as a function. So save that as function. (Wrap it all in fnc_addStuff = { }; and add it above below your private command in your code. Then just: [_objectLaptop] call fnc_addStuff; along with your allowDamage lines.
  18. kylania

    3d editor woes

    > How can you utilize full screen for zooming in on 2d map to precisely place markers? When you enter Marker Mode you should get the 2D view. I'm not sure if that doesn't zoom in as much as it did before though. You could always script markers into specific places if you needed to with setMarkerPos. > How do you copy to clipboard classname of the object you placed in editor? Take one down, pass it around, right click on it and choose Log -> Log classes to clipboard.
  19. In today's dev branch the default timer was adjusted from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.
  20. From today's dev branch changelong:
  21. for "_x" from 0 to 1440 step 30 do{ This is a simple for loop. _x will be the current value during the following do code block. It's saying "Starting at 0, count by 30 till you reach 1440 and let _x be the current value each time". Basically do this 48 times and add 30 to the value of _x each time. If you wanted to run a loop 10 times you could do: for "_i" from 1 to 10 do { They added in the step 30 in order to get larger numbers for the distance adjust they are about to do. _distance = (_x/100)*2; This takes the current value of _x (so, 0 first loop, 30 second loop, 60 third loop and so on), divides it by 100 then doubles it. Giving you a distance from the player for the flares of: First loop (_x = 0): 0 Second loop (_x = 30): 0.6 Third loop (_x = 60): 1.2 So basically adding 0.6 meters each time to the distance. If they just did for 1 to 48 those values would be much smaller: Second: 0.02 Third: 0.04 So all that math is basically just saying "Pop 48 flares and each one should be 0.6m farther away than the last." _targetPos = [(getPos player), _distance, _x] call BIS_fnc_relPos; This line selects a point that is _distance away from the player in the direction of _x. So first loop it's right on the player, second loop it's 0.6m away at 30 degrees, third loop it's 1.2m away at 60 degrees and so on. _targetPos set [2,0]; This might be a little confusing, but it's setting the 3rd value of the _targetPos array to 0. Basically "change the height to be on the ground"
  22. The mission we play switches up the faction you fight each mission, so we weren't getting revives at all when fighting Viper squads, but switching to fighting AAF with 5.56 rounds we were almost always getting the revive option.
  23. Whatever for? Everything in that trigger is hardcoded, just put it on the map and be done with it. If you want to learn something waypoint/trigger related try preplacing the waypoints on the map, deleting that unit after preparing to copy it's waypoints, then have the trigger spawn the units you really wanted and apply the waypoints to the newly spawned units. group, deleteVehicle and copyWaypoints are commands to look into.
  24. kylania

    Hostage Pickup

    More details on your Reddit cross post, but here's a little demo mission of a quick and dirty way of doing this.
  25. kylania

    Hostage Pickup

    Rescue the hostage, run towards the approaching helicopter, fade to black. Mission success! Synchronizing all of that is not simple, just ending after the meat of the mission is much less stress. :)