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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Do you actually need the artillery pieces in place and viewable, or can you just get by with the virtual artillery options of the module? If the players won't physically be AT the arty site, don't really need the objects to be there.
  2. kylania


    Umm.. in Vista I think it's under the Organize button? Then Folder Options? Or View? Pretty sure it's under Organize though. heh
  3. I finally got the mission I was working on to work as full AI, you as leader, you as member or even you as pilot (assuming you're a MUCH better Osprey pilot than I am...) You can download the sample mission from my website. Basically you start as pilot of an Osprey. Two SMAW Fireteams have already boarded your plane and are ready to head to Strelka to take out two disabled Tunguskas reported in the area. You take off, fly over towards the town and land. This triggers the AI squads to disembark. Each head towards their own Destroy waypoints. When each of the targets is destroyed the current leader of the fireteam assigned to that target will report it destroyed. Meanwhile you are sent to a MOVE waypoint on the other side of the island where you'll orbit until the next stage of the operation. Once their target is destroyed the AI squad will head towards the beach. Once both squads are in place at the beach they'll meet up and run to the extraction site slightly down the beach. The team leader for fire team 1 will call for extraction, and you'll respond. It's at this point that you, as the pilot, are told to stop holding station and come pick them up at your LOAD waypoint. For some reason once you're in range the AI start some strange Benny Hill dance and start to follow you around till you land. Then they board and you're given a waypoint in the sea to the south. There's a trigger there that, if both objectives are complete, ends the mission. It's all done with waypoints and synchronized waypoints. The call for extraction is actually an On Act for Fire Team 1's last MOVE waypoint. The call outs for the kills are separate triggers.
  4. Can this program do Dialog Control Map? As in: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dialog_Control_Map I've tried to manually add the class to class.madd file in the MADD format, but I'm unsure how to add the "embedded" map item classes found in that example. Also, the lines: stickX = {0.20, {"Gamma", 1.00, 1.50} }; stickY = {0.20, {"Gamma", 1.00, 1.50} }; Failed, even when this example was added normally to the desc. ent. file. Tried with () and [] instead of the inside {} and that didn't work either. The wiki page was sadly barren of any information about this control. :)
  5. What exactly are you trying to do? What is the trigger? What is it on? Who's supposed to use it?
  6. It's possible they'd started replying before you did Big, but finished later. :) For one I thank you for your pointing out that addaction has a condition parameter to it, didn't know that. :)
  7. Gunn's come a long way :) I'm eagerly awaiting to see what mission he's making. Some of the features he's asking about sound neat.
  8. Exactly! If you wanted to use a different style ammo box, just pick a Class from here: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/Objects/ammobox/
  9. You're welcome, check the edit too, I added how to change what's in the box.
  10. ammo = "USBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle (position player); If you wanted to change the ammo IN the box, say only have flares available for some reason, something like this: ammo = "USBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle (position player); null = [ammo] execVM "ammo.sqf"; and ammo.sqf would be: // Get the crate parameter given _crate = _this select 0; // Remove the stock items from the crate clearMagazineCargo _crate; clearWeaponCargo _crate; // Add the items to the crate _crate addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203", 25]; _crate addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203", 25]; _crate addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203", 25]; _crate addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203", 25];
  11. kylania

    Radio Message Help

    Use this in the OnAct of the trigger: PAPABEAR=[West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR SideChat "Base under attack, return to assist!"; It'll appear to come from "CROSSROAD".
  12. Hurrah!! Was it using the Razor 1 models? The next day I discovered the camo doesn't work for them.
  13. I got my AI to complete the mission you're describing perfectly. :) However, I as pilot seemed to screw things up.
  14. Yup, read my edits above. :)
  15. Access to them is still turned on or off from the description.ent (a file you create like init.sqf or other files) with the following flags: // 1 = available, 0 = not available ShowGPS = 0; showCompass = 0; showMap = 0; showWatch = 0; Radio is available if you have Radio options set. Those are enabled via Radio Alpha - Radio Juliet Triggers. If you say, turn off GPS via Description.Ent, even if someone has a GPS, they won't be able to use it. Turning off the map makes the 'm' screen all black. The actual inventory item names are: ItemGPS, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemRadio and ItemWatch. They can be removed via removeAllItems player; command. You can list the items via the _itemArray = items player; command. They seem to be granted via Unit Class. Squad Leader had a GPS while Rifleman didn't. To add any that are missing use player addWeapon ItemGPS;
  16. I was gonna make a mission that showed this, but my moron AI won't stay in the Osprey. But callaway has the right idea, you should be able to do it all with waypoints synchronized with each other. Transporting non-grouped AI as a player however is giving me a headache however, so either I'm misunderstanding what you're wanting to do or I need more sleep.
  17. Set up an End1 or End2 trigger depending on how you want the mission to end.
  18. kylania

    Looking at mission PBOs in Editor ?

    It's quite easy. Download Kegetys' ArmA Tools, run cpbo once, then from that point on just double click a pbo file to extract it to a folder you can open in the Editor. You'll want to move cpbo.exe to a folder where you don't move it though.
  19. kylania

    New Player or about to be questions.

    If you're going to have more than a few players on dedicated is the way to go. In ArmA memory was the main bottleneck for machine specs though. Now, perhaps CPU enters into it as well (AI on separate core and all that).
  20. kylania

    New players need a detailed manual!

    Shhh.. he asked about tow cables again, no one say a word... There's a script from ArmA, Mando Hitching, that replicates that. Even in ArmA2 it's seeming to be the best method of transporting vehicles via heli so far. As far as no manual, it's 70 pages. Read it. As for teaching someone to control AI, do the Boot Camps there's one on Team Leader and one on High Command. There's plenty of information out there, because it's not force fed to people when they log in doesn't mean you can just discount it. Use all the tools available to learn about the game, not just the "in box manual". If that's not good enough for someone, perhaps they'd be happier with a game that isn't complex, like Call of Duty or LEGO Star Wars.
  21. Ahh, right, you'll want to trick them. First in their init fields put the following to strip them of their weapons: this setCaptive true; removeAllWeapons this; Then place a Russian Colonel-Rank unit grouped with them, but put the Colonel-Rank unit's Probability of Presence to 0%. That will make them weaponless and they won't run away. The Russian won't actually appear on the map, but since they will be grouped with a higher rank NPC, they'll be docile.
  22. Use: this addWeapon "LaserDesignator"; this addMagazine "LaserBatteries"; If they start with Binoculars you'll want to remove those: this removeWeapon "Binocular";
  23. this setCaptive true; to make them unattackable. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive I posted an example mission for stealing documents on my website.
  24. You could use _rNumber = random 1 to get a random number of which one to reset. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/random By the way, how did you fix your problem? Posting the resolution could be helpful to others!
  25. As an aside, you don't need to close out of ArmA to make script changes. Just suspend the Preview, alt-tab out, make your changes, then Preview again. Some files, like description.ent do require you to save the mission before viewing with changes, but none need you to quit the program. :) Of course, alt-tabbing out a lot will utterly destroy your framerate, but still. :)